Chapter 1786 Nanli tribe shakes!

“Hurry up and stop her, this old thing is going to explode!”

Huangfu Lin’s expression changed slightly, and he quickly said to Jiang Chen.

The self-detonation of the sixth-order Tianshen powerhouse can be described as extremely terrifying. Even if it can’t match the blow of the world god Venerable, it’s not inferior.

Under the world god Venerable, few people can resist it.

If they were affected by Yanfeng’s self-detonation energy, they would have to peel off their skin if they didn’t die.

Huangfu Lin took a deep breath and directly activated his whole body’s strength, once again condensing a purple thunder space, and covering the past with the blasting Yanfeng.

at the same time.

His figure is also stepping on the void, retreating like lightning.

Jiang Chen’s toes were a little bit in the void, and he drew a thousand feet away.

He looked at Yan Feng, whose aura was swelling sharply, and a solemn expression also appeared in his eyes.

The self-detonation of the sixth-order Tianshen powerhouse can turn everything in a radius of hundreds of miles into nothingness.

If they don’t stop them, all of them will be affected by Yanfeng’s self-destruction.

In particular, Xu Yuankui and Huangfu’s two gods of Tier 5, Elder, are even likely to fall into Yanfeng’s self-detonation.

more importantly.

The direction from which Yanfeng bursts is exactly the direction where the entrance to the Huoyun Venerable remains.

Once Yan Feng is allowed to explode, the entrance to the Huoyun Venerable’s remains is bound to be baptized by the energy of Yan Feng’s explosion.

Although the Huoyun Venerable heritage is located in an independent world created by Huoyun Venerable, after tens of millions of years, the stability may not be as good as before, and may not be able to withstand the energy of the flames and phoenix exploding.


The purpose of Yanfeng’s self-detonation was mainly for the remains of Huoyun Venerable.

She wanted to force them to destroy the entrance and prevent them from getting the remains of Huoyun Venerable.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and on the palm of his hand, a piece of colorful energy containing majestic spatial fluctuations also quickly condensed.

“Space is blocked!”

With a soft drink, Jiang Chen directly volleyed and slapped the space where Yan Feng was.


The space around Yan Feng’s body suddenly fluctuated sharply.

The next moment.

The invisible space seems to have become a substance, transformed into a colorful space prison, covering the purple thunder space and the flames of the phoenix. !

The colorful space prison has just taken shape, and Yan Feng’s body has also swelled to an extremely terrifying point.

Immediately afterwards.

A shocking explosion spread across the sky in an instant!


The terrible energy wave, like a tsunami, swept across all directions frantically.

The first to bear the brunt is the Purple Thunder Space of Huangfu Lin.

I saw that the purple thunder space burst open after being slightly resisted for a while.

After the purple thunder space burst, the terrifying energy spread again, rushing towards the surrounding colorful space prison.


Even if it was Jiang Chen’s colorful space prison, he still couldn’t withstand the terrifying energy of the sixth-order self-detonation of the gods.

After holding on to the colorful space prison for a while, it was constantly changing and twisting under the impact of that terrifying energy.

To the end.

The Colorful Space Prison crashed in the void directly under the energy of Yanfeng’s self-detonation.


Although the energy of Yan Feng’s self-detonation broke through the blockade of the two Jiang Chen, it was also canceled for the most part. In the end, it only swept through a hundred miles of space, and then slowly dissipated in the void.

“Fortunately, we didn’t let this old woman succeed, otherwise we would be in vain.”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

“Brother Jiang Chen, what happened in the Huoyun Mountain Range will soon be known to the Nanli Clan.”

Huangfu Lin took a deep breath and said, “It shouldn’t be too late, let’s go in and look for the Huoyun Venerable’s remains.”

The young master of the Nanli Clan and the others all have Soul Jade Cards in the Nanli Clan.

Now Nanli Clan might have received the news of the fall of Yan Jin and others, and it must be furious.

In this battle, even though they had killed the Nanli Clan’s young master Yan Jian and three powerhouses of the sixth order of the gods, the Nanli Clan was the only realm god power in Nanlizhou after all, and his background was extremely profound.

In the Nanli Clan, there are still three powerhouses of the sixth rank of the gods, and the fifth rank of the gods is countless!

Especially the patriarch of Nanli Clan, Yan Wuji, is infinitely close to the existence of the world god Venerable, and his strength can be described as unfathomable.

If the patriarch of the Nanli clan makes a comeback with the powerful Nanli clan, it will not be easy for them to take away the Huoyun Venerable’s remains safe and sound.


They must obtain the Huo Yuan Venerable remains before the Nanli clan makes a comeback.

As long as they get the Huoyun Venerable’s remains and return to Huangfu’s house, they won’t have too much fear of the Nanli Clan.

after all.

As a pseudo-world god family, Huangfu’s family is also not weak, but also has the card of the world god’s decree.

As long as the ancestor of the Nanli Clan Realm God is not there, the Nanli Clan may not help their Huangfu family.

“Okay, let’s go!”

Jiang Chen nodded, and no longer hesitated at the moment, he immediately rushed towards the entrance in front of him.

At the same time Jiang Chen and the others entered the Huoyun Venerable legacy.

Nanli Shencheng, Nanli Clan.

A rapid bell ringing also spread quickly from Nanli Clan.

The sound of this bell ringing quickly and loudly, almost in a moment, spread throughout the huge Nanli Shencheng.

“Whhhhhhhh-trough! What’s the situation, the alarm of Nan Lizu actually thought about it!”

“I remember the alarm bell of the Nanli clan, only when something shocking happens to the Nanli clan will it be sounded.”

“Yes, the last time the Nanli clan sounded the alarm, it seemed that it was time to fight another world god power 16 million years ago.”


In Nanli God City, everyone heard the bell from the Nanli clan, and there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed in their eyes.

The Nanlizu alarm bell spread throughout the city, it seems that something big is about to happen.

When everyone in the Nanli tribe was shaken by the alarm bell of the Nanli tribe.

Nanlizu Center, a quaint and magnificent Great Hall.

Dozens of impressive figures gathered here, and the atmosphere in the Great Hall was solemn.

Right above the Great Hall, a burly middle-aged man exuding endless majesty sits high.

This burly middle-aged man is no one else, but the patriarch of the Nanli clan, Yan Wuji.

“Everyone, today we are ringing in Jingzhou of the Nanli tribe, and we urgently summon everyone to come here because of a tremendous change in our Nanli tribe.”

The burly middle-aged gaze swept a little in the Great Hall, and the cold voice slowly resounded.

“Not long ago, my Nanli Clan Young Master, Liekong Elder, and Phoenix’s soul jade cards were all shattered!”

Following Yan Wuji’s words, everyone in the Great Hall was shocked, and an unbelievable look of horror appeared in their eyes.

The young master of the Nanli clan and the three rank six powerhouses of the gods have all fallen!

This… how is this possible?

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