Chapter 1779 World God’s Decree Reappears!

“Boy, don’t be too arrogant.”

Yan Jin burst into an angry shout, the dazzling red light, with a hot breath, suddenly burst out of his body.

The blazing red light instantly condensed a huge flame bird on the top of Yanjin’s head.


The flame bird made a sharp sound, then inflamed its huge wings, brought up flames that burned the space, and slaughtered Jiang Chen.

The Nanli Clan is a realm god family that has been passed down for tens of millions of years.

Yan Jin is a descendant of the Nanli Clan, and he has the blood of the world god Venerable. The condensed vision of the god body is naturally extremely powerful.

This divine body vision is condensed, even if it is an ordinary fifth-order strong man, it can easily be killed!

Facing the divine body vision condensed by Yan Jin, Jiang Chen’s expression did not change at all.

He rose up into the sky with golden light all over his body, and turned into a golden sword phantom directly behind him.

Under Jiang Chen’s control, the Golden Sword Phantom was like an ancient Divine Armament that split the heavens and the earth, slashing down at the flame bird.


The golden sword phantom collided with the flame bird.

I saw the flame bird tremble suddenly, and a miserable wailing in its mouth could not help.

The next moment.

The huge body of the flame bird was directly divided into two by the golden sword phantom, and finally exploded in mid-air.

Yan Jin snorted, and the whole person once again exploded and withdrew from a distance of hundreds of meters.

He looked up at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and finally there was an incredible horror in his eyes.

“How could this kid’s combat power be so strong?”

Yan Jin was hailed as the first genius in Nanlizhou that no one could match him for nearly ten thousand years, and his talent was naturally extraordinary.


As the young master of the Nanli Clan, Yan Jin, whether it is his own blood, the cultivation technique or the resources he possesses, almost no one can match in the entire Nanli State.

For so many years.

Yan Jin overwhelmed all the geniuses in Nanlizhou, almost invincible of his generation. No one has ever been able to completely suppress him in the same Realm situation like Jiang Chen.

“Unexpectedly, this man not only has extremely high attainments in the formation, but Martial Dao is also extremely talented, and even the young master of the Nanli clan can suppress it.”

Xu Yuankui looked at the scene before him, and a look of shock also appeared in his old eyes.

Yan Jin, the young master of Nanli Clan, was the first genius of Nanlizhou.

Although Nanlizhou ranks relatively low in strength among the thirteen states in the Great Wilderness. However, with Yanjin’s talent, he could be regarded as one of the top-ranked existences in the entire Wilderness Realm.

But Jiang Chen was able to suppress Yan Jin, so he might be able to make it to the Great Desolate Heaven’s Journey!

The Great Wilderness Tianjiao List is an authoritative list published by Tianjilou, a list of all the geniuses in the Great Wilderness who have a bone age of no more than ten thousand years.

There are only 36 people in the entire Great Desolate Tianjiao list.

These 36 people are almost the 36 most powerful enchanting geniuses in the Great Wilderness Realm.

If Jiang Chen could defeat Yan Jin today, he would really have the strength to compete with the 36 top geniuses on the Dahuang Tianjiao list.


Huangfu Lin, who were fighting between the two elders of the Nanli Clan Phoenix, saw Jiang Chen suppressing Yan Jin, and their faces also showed ecstasy.

Although they knew that Jiang Chen was very strong, they were facing the young master of the Nanli clan this time.

As the so-called name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

The young master of the Nanli clan, Yan Jin, shook Nanlizhou, an invincible existence of his generation.

Huangfu Lin didn’t know whether Jiang Chen could compete with Yan Jin.

Now that Jiang Chen has the upper hand, their hanging hearts are slightly relaxed.

“As expected to be the young master of the Nanli Clan, your divine body vision is good, but it’s a bit worse than mine.”

Jiang Chen suppressed Yan Jin’s divine body vision with his divine body vision, and he couldn’t help but lifted up a playful smile at the corner of his mouth: “Give you a chance, if you have any means, just use it.”

“No… it’s impossible!”

“I am the dignified young master of Nanlizu, the first genius in Nanlizhou, how could I lose to this hairy boy in front of me.”

Yan Jin looked at Jiang Chen’s abusive look, and a crazy look appeared in his eyes.

He fully urges the inheritance of the Nanli Clan to Cultivation Technique Vermillion Bird.


A roar of Ruo Ruo Wu instantly resounded in mid-air.

The next moment.


An extremely terrifying flame divine light erupted from Yan Jin, and the world in a radius of hundreds of miles was instantly filled with a domineering hot breath.

Yan Jin was in the flame divine light, like a flame king.

“Vermillion Bird, show it to me!”

Yan Jin stared at Jiang Chen indifferently, and pillars of fire rose from his body ascending, and finally condensed into a huge Vermillion Bird phantom.

Inheritance of the Nanli Race Cultivation Technique Vermillion Bird Forbidden God Record, is a top world god Cultivation Technique, can condense into the Cultivation Technique vision Vermillion Bird phantom.

Vermillion Bird is one of the famous ancient beasts in God’s Domain.

Vermillion Bird Forbidden God Record can condense a Vermillion Bird phantom, which is naturally extremely powerful.

The Nanli tribe can inherit tens of millions of years in Nanlizhou, and this Vermillion Bird banned god record is one of their biggest reliance.

“Haha…is it better than the Cultivation Technique vision?”

“I can crush you on the divine body vision, and the Cultivation Technique vision can also crush you.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and directly urged the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture to evolve the First Stage Phenomenon Qianlong Town Sky Picture, and suppressed the Vermillion Bird phantom of Yanjin.

Flame Cinder Vermillion Bird The Condensed Vermillion Bird phantom is strong, but after all, it is only the Cultivation Technique vision of the world god, how can it be comparable to the vision condensed by the King Jiang Chen Cultivation Technique?


The sky map of Qianlong Town and the phantom Vermillion Bird collided in mid-air.

I saw the phantom Vermillion Bird, which burst directly into the sky for less than a moment after only persisting under the sky map of Qianlong Town.

With the Vermillion Bird phantom burst.

The terrifying power of Qianlong Town Tiantu also tilted down towards the flames below.


Under the impact of Qianlong Town’s sky map, Yan Jin’s complexion instantly turned pale, blood spurted out like a fountain, and his figure flew out of a distance of hundreds of meters.

“Good! Good! Good!”

Yan Jin wiped a handful of blood from the corner of his mouth, and an extremely hideous expression appeared in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.

“Jiang Chen, for so many years, you are still the first person who can push me to this point. No matter how enchanting you are today, I will kill you!”

Yan Jin stared at Jiang Chen indifferently, as if looking at a dead person.


With a move of his palm, a scroll of flames overwhelming the world also instantly emerged from his palm.

Feeling the power of the flame scroll in Yan Jin’s palm, Jiang Chen’s pupils suddenly shrank: “This is… the decree of the world god!”

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