Chapter 1778 Young Master of Nanli Clan, but that’s it!


As Yan Jin’s order fell, the aura of the three rank six powerhouses beside him also exploded!

“Huangfu Lin, let me Yanhuang to learn about the methods of your Huangfu Patriarch.”

One of them was wearing a red robe with a Phoenix pattern embroidered on his robe with white hair. The monstrous aura was directly locked on Huangfulin’s body.

“Huangfusong, come up and fight with me. A hundred years ago, you had a chance to defeat me, and today I will take back all the things I lost to you!”

Another white-haired old woman dressed similarly to the white-haired old man’s stern look directly fixed on Huang Fusong’s body.

“Brother Jiang Chen, these two are the well-known Phoenix elders of the Nanli clan, both of whom are strong at the sixth-order peak of the gods. Let me and Elder Song to deal with them.”

“There is one person left, and I will let the two gods of the Huangfu family’s fifth-order Elder contain them.”

“As for the Young Master Nanli Clan, you need to deal with it. I wonder if you have any problems?”

Looking at the situation in front of him, Huangfu couldn’t help but spread the voice to Jiang Chen quickly.

“no problem.”

Jiang Chen nodded and responded directly.

Although Yanjin is the young master of the Nanli Clan and is known as the number one genius of the Nanli Clan, he is only the Cultivation Base of the fourth-order Celestial God.

With Realm, Jiang Chen has never been afraid of anyone.

With the power he currently has, as long as it is not the real world god Venerable, there are almost a handful of people who can pose a threat to him.

At least the young master of the Nanli clan in front of him is far from qualified!

Seeing Jiang Chen’s consent, Huangfu Lin directly greeted the second elder Phoenix from the Nanli clan with Huangfusong.

The figures of the four of them appeared above a thousand feet in the sky almost in the blink of an eye, and the surging weather exuding from each other’s body was tightly locked on each other’s body.

this moment.

The emptiness of thousands of miles has become turbulent.

As the four rank six powerhouses confronted each other in the void, the two Elders of the fifth rank of the Huangfu family also quickly besieged and killed in the Yan Liekong.

“Boy, don’t think that if you join hands with Huangfu’s family, you can really compete with my Nanli clan.”

“For your good talent, I will give you another chance to survive.”

“I still lack a swordsman beside me. As long as you obediently submit to me, I will spare you not to die, how about?”

When the three Nanli tribe’s six-tier powerhouses and the Huangfu family were doing their work, Yan Jin looked down at Jiang Chen condescendingly, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but lifted up a playful smile.

Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at Yan Jin, his eyes filled with disdain: “If you want me to surrender, do you deserve it?”

“act recklessly!”

Yan Jin burst into anger and shouted, his monstrous killing intent also spread from his body in an instant!


Just as Yan Jin was about to start his hands, a faint voice suddenly came from his ears.

“Yan Jin, stop me!”

The sudden sound also caused Yan Jin’s expression to change.

He couldn’t help but suddenly looked at Xu Yuankui who came up, his face was a little unsightly and said: “Master Xu, this matter has nothing to do with you, and I hope you don’t be nosy.”

This Xu Yuankui is naturally no stranger to Yan Jin.

This person is a well-known Ninth Stage God Formation Master in the Great Wilderness Realm, and has a close relationship with the Tianji Tower.

Even as the young master of the Nanli Clan, Yan Jin didn’t want to offend Xu Yuankui easily.

Xu Yuankui said indifferently: “You Nanli tribe are fighting for the Huoyun Venerable legacy, and I won’t care. But Jiang Chen is my Xu Yuankui’s teacher. If you dare to move him, then you will have trouble with me, Xu Yuankui.”

“Okay, Master Xu, I will give you a face today.”

Yan Jin’s eyes flickered slightly, and then he said in a deep voice, “As long as you take him away now, I won’t be embarrassed by him.”

When he came to Huoyun Mountain Range today, his main purpose was to come for the Huoyun Venerable legacy.

If Xu Yuankui can take Jiang Chen away, he will take care of the Huangfu family, and it will be easier to seize the Huoyun Venerable remains.

For Huoyun Venerable’s legacy, it’s okay to temporarily release Jiang Chen.

Xu Yuankui frowned slightly.

Naturally, he knew very well that Jiang Chen and the others couldn’t just give up the Huoyun Venerable legacy. When they were about to speak, Jiang Chen interrupted him directly.

“Okay, old guy, step aside, I understand your kindness. But I don’t need you to help me.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “It’s nothing more than a young master of the Nanli clan, I haven’t put it in my eyes.”

Xu Yuankui hesitated slightly, but finally stepped aside.

He stood up to speak for Jiang Chen, only because he saw the hope of a breakthrough tenth-grade divine formation master from Jiang Chen.

Since Jiang Chen didn’t appreciate him, he didn’t say much.

If Jiang Chen really loses in Yan Jin’s hands for a while, he will find a way to save Jiang Chen.

“Huh! Don’t be ashamed!”

“Jiang Chen, don’t think that you can kill Song Yulong, the Patriarch of the Song Family, with the fourth-order Cultivation Base of the Celestial God. You really think that you are amazing.”

“Today I will let you know what a real genius is!”

Yan Jin sneered disdainfully, and a fiery, domineering crimson sword light rose up into the sky, and then, like a long rainbow piercing through the sky, instantly smashed Jiang Chen’s entire 100-square-meter space.

The terrifying kendo power seemed to crush Jiang Chen’s body.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were calm.

He raised his hand and waved lightly, and the strength of the swordsmanship that shattered the void around him seemed to be frozen there, but disappeared without a trace in an instant.

It understates Yanjin’s attack.

Jiang Chen flipped his palm, and a huge black square seal, like a meteorite, with a breathtaking pressure, smashed down against the flames.

“Leaving Vulcan Flame!”

Yan Jin’s pupils shrank, and a strange crimson flame in his palm quickly enlarged, burning the black square seal that fell into nothingness.

Jiang Chen’s complexion was indifferent, and he didn’t give Yan Jin any chance to breathe, and the Second Seal of the Human Emperor’s Seal whistled away.

Yan Jin looked at the divine punishable seal that came down again, and once again urged the flame in his palm to meet Jiang Chen’s divine punishable seal.


The power of Jiang Chen’s seal was stronger than the one just now.

Even Yan Jin’s Lihuo Shenyan had not been able to destroy Zhu Shen’s seal for a while.

And just when the Zhu Shenyin and Lihuoshenyan were in a stalemate, another golden light of Kaitian Shenyin on Jiang Chen’s palm fell again suddenly.

The God Seal of Kaitian and the Seal of Zhu God were superimposed, and the terrifying power made Yan Jin’s Lihuo God Flame unstoppable, and it directly turned into a sky full of sparks, floating in the air.

Yan Jin’s figure trembled, and the whole person stepped on the ground and retreated more than ten steps away.

Jiang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, looking down at Yan Jin from a high level, his disdainful sneer also instantly resounded through the world.

“Yan Jin, it seems that you, the young master of the Nanli Clan, are nothing more than that.”

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