Chapter 1771 The origin of Ice Dao is complete!

“What the young master meant… that the person bidding for Xuanbing Daoguo would be from the three major families of the gods in Nanli City?”

Yan Liekong frowned and said: “The ancestors of the Chinese Fang family of the three major families have already appeared, and I also felt the breath of the sixth-order gods from the other two rooms. How could the people in that room be from the three major families of the gods? ?”

“Ninety thousand high-grade god crystals, but equivalent to 900 million low-grade god crystals. In the entire Nanli City, apart from our Nanli Clan, only those three can get it.”

“Of course, it is not ruled out that there are hidden world powerhouses outside Nanli Shencheng, but the chances are not high.”

Yan Jin’s eyes flashed with a sharp light: “The people in that room, maybe they are in doubt, paralyzing our sight.”


“The people of the three major families have become more and more courageous, and they dare to calculate on our heads.”

Yan Liekong’s expression was cold, and he said in a deep voice: “The young master thinks that this big show of competition for Xuanbing Dao fruit might be planned by which party?”

“Xuanbing Daoguo can create a powerhouse of the sixth rank of the heavenly gods for the three major heavenly god families, and it is possible for any of them.”

“Let people keep a close eye on the movements of the three major families. If the three major families really get the fruit of the Xuanbing Dao, someone will surely provoke the Celestial Tribulation and break through the sixth stage of the Celestial God recently.”

“Also… by the way, pay attention to whether there has been any mysterious powerhouse in Nanli Shencheng recently.”

When Yan Jin spoke, his whole person also instantly became murderous.

The young master of Tangtang Nanlizu, now on the own site, was cut off by Xuanbing Dao Guo when he revealed his identity. How could Yan Jin not be angry?

When the person who cut the Hu was found, he must let him know how miserable it would be to go against his Yanjin!

At the end of the auction, Jiang Chen did not show up directly.

He asked the master auctioneer to send Xuanbing Daoguo directly to the VIP room on the second floor, paying 900 million lower grade Shenjing, and then taking the Xuanbing Daoguo directly back to the residence from the back door of the VIP room.

After returning to his residence, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at all, and went directly into the Closed Door Training state, ready to swallow the strength of Xuanbing Dao Guo Ascension.

“This Profound Ice Dao Fruit is an extremely Dao divine object that can quickly condense the power of the Ice Dao World from the Heavenly God Realm. I have a system with a hundredfold multiplier, and I should be able to bring the Ice Dao origin to Realm in an instant.”

Seeing the crystal clear Xuanbing Dao Guo in his palm, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but murmured.


Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly sent Xuanbing Dao Guo into his mouth.

The entrance of Xuanbing Daoguo melted, and instantly turned into a majestic energy with a faint coolness, pouring into Jiang Chen’s body.

Immediately afterwards.

Three melodious reminders also sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind instantly.

“Ding! You swallow the Xuan Bing Dao Fruit, the god of the extreme Dao, triggering a hundredfold comprehension, and the comprehension of the ice Dao power by a large amount of Ascension!”

“Ding! The Third Stage of your ice road law is perfect, and you can understand the origin of ice road!”

“Ding! You master the origin of the ice road of Consummation Realm!”

Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but raised a faint smile.

Xuanbing Dao Guo is indeed one of the rare extreme Dao gods in the world, and it really allowed him to instantly grasp the origin of the Ice Dao of Consummation Realm.


Jiang Chen also clearly felt that after Xuanbing Dao Fruit had completed his ice Dao origin, the power contained in it had not been fully absorbed by Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen directly condenses the power of the ice world to break through the fifth stage of the gods at this moment, he can even make the power of the ice world exceed the realm, and directly break through the great achievement and even the pinnacle!


Even so, Jiang Chen did not choose to breakthrough now.

He is now in the Heavenly Secret Tower, so naturally he does not intend to provoke the Heavenly God Tribulation on the territory of the Heavenly Secret Tower at will.

not to mention……

The Heavenly Tribulation triggered by Jiang Chen’s breakthrough is one of the biggest cards he has now.

He offended the Nanli clan for this Xuanbing Dao Fruit.

Although he was in the VIP room of Tianji Building before, it should be impossible for the Nanli people to discover his identity. But after all, Nanli Clan was the world god power in charge of Nanli God City, and he might not be able to find him through clues.

For the sake of safety, Jiang Chen obviously didn’t plan to waste the fifth-order Celestial Tribulation of Celestial God.

If this matter is really noticed by the Nanli clan, he can use the power of the gods to deal with the strong Nanli clan at a critical time.

At the beginning, he induced the fourth-order devas of the heavenly gods, and severely damaged the existence of the sixth-level peaks of the gods like Youshan Ghost.

With the strength of his celestial calamity, even if the world god Venerable of the Nanli clan is involved, it might cause some trouble for him!

After swallowing Xuanbing Daoguo.

Jiang Chen didn’t go out either, and continued to cultivate in the Tianji Tower, while waiting for news from the black-clothed old man in Tianji Tower.

About a few days later.

Tianji Building finally sent a maid to find Jiang Chen.

“Is there any news at all.”

Jiang Chen’s spirit was shaken, and then under the leadership of the maid, he came to a quiet room.

Walking into the room, Jiang Chen saw the black-clothed old man in the Tianji Building, already sitting in his seat waiting for him.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, you are here.”

The black-clothed old man glanced at Jiang Chen, and then he couldn’t help but smile and said: “My little friend has gained a lot of Ascension recently. I’m afraid I will be able to break through the fifth stage of the gods soon.”

“Thanks to your Xuanbing Dao fruit at the Tianji Building auction.”

Jiang Chen faintly smiled and said, “Your Heavenly Secret House, surely you won’t leak my news to Nanlizu, right?”

The old guy in front of him doesn’t need a position in the Tianji Tower, he obviously already knows that he has bid for the Xuanbing Dao Guo.

“Although Tianjilou is engaged in intelligence transactions, it never reveals the information of Tianjilou’s customers. You can rest assured of this.”

“And… as long as you are still in the Tianji Building, even if Nanli Clan knows that you have bid for the Xuanbing Dao Guo, you will never want to move your hair in the Tianji Building.”

The black-clothed old man said vowedly.

The strength of the Tianji Tower is mysterious and unpredictable. Compared with any realm god power in the Great Desolate Realm, it is even worse.

Even the Great Desolate Divine Sect, the only god king force in the Great Desolate Realm, had to give the Tianji Tower a little bit of face.

A mere Nanli clan, but he doesn’t have the qualifications to go wild in the Tianji Tower.

Jiang Chen didn’t get too entangled in this issue either, and directly changed the subject and said: “The old man called me to come today, should there be any news?”

The black-clothed old man groaned slightly: “The four people you asked us to look for, we only have news of Ji Wushuang in Tianji Building. As for the other three, they should no longer be in the Great Wilderness.”

“How can this be?”

Jiang Chen was startled slightly, and immediately there was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and said solemnly to the black-clothed old man: “Old sir, are you sure that the other three are not in the Great Wilderness?

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