Chapter 1770 Why should I give you Face!

In the auction hall, everyone’s gazes also glanced towards the place where the sound was coming from.

They also want to know.

Who is this person who dares not to openly bid for the Fang family ancestor Face?

“Old man Fang, haven’t seen him for a long time, don’t come here unharmed?”

The door of the opposite room was pushed open, and an old man in a red robe walked out.

As soon as he appeared, it seemed that the temperature of the entire auction hall had become a bit hot in an instant.

“Yan Liekong, it’s you!”

Fang Yubo looked at the red-robed old man in his sight, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Yan Liekong, a member of the Yan Family of the Nanli Clan, although not well-known in Nanlizhou, he is a real powerhouse of the sixth-order Heavenly God, and his strength is not below him.

What shocked Fang Yubo even more.

Yan Liekong is the protector of Yan Jin, the Young Master of the Yan Family, and is always by the side of Yan Jin, the Young Master of the Yan Family.

Now that Yan Liekong is here, doesn’t it mean that the young master of the Yan family is also here?

“Old man Fang, my son is also very interested in this Xuanbing Dao fruit, you shouldn’t take love from my son?”

Yan Lie stood with his hand in hand, and looked at Fang Yubo lightly.

“How dare Fang Mou.”

Fang Yubo was suddenly scared into cold sweat.

Even though he is a powerhouse of the sixth-order deity, in front of the Nanli Clan and other realm gods, he is still no different from the ants.

at the same time.

In two of the rooms on the second floor of the auction, the people who had been competing with Fang Yubo for the Xuanbing Dao Guo were also completely silent at this moment.

“Hi…Who is this person, even the elders of the Fang family bow their heads.”

“Does this still have to be guessed? In this Nanli God City, the Yan surnamed person can make the ancestors of the Fang family so jealous, who else besides the Nanli clan?”

“Unexpectedly, even the Nanli Clan would have shot it. It seems that this Xuanbing Dao Fruit is already in the bag of the Nanli Clan.”


In the auction hall, everyone was amazed.

Nanlizu, the only realm god in Nanlizhou, has dominated Nanlizhou for tens of millions of years.

Now that someone from the Nanli Clan has taken a fancy to Xuanbing Daoguo, who else in this Nanli God City would dare to compete with the Nanli Clan?

“I have 80,000 top grade god crystals!”


Just when everyone thought that Xuanbing Daoguo’s auction was a foregone conclusion, a faint voice suddenly came from a room on the second floor.


There are people who dare to compete with the Nanli clan for the Xuanbing Dao fruit!

Everyone heard the sudden scream, and even thought they had auditory hallucinations.

Even the master auctioneer who was preparing to announce the results of the auction on the auction stage was stunned.

No one can think of it.

In this auction hall, there are people who dare to openly bid in front of Nan Lizu.

Who is it that dare not give Nanlizu’s face so much?

On the second floor of the auction hall, inside a VIP room.

After Jiang Chen bid the bid price of 80,000 Shenjing, his expression was unusually calm.

Xuanbing Daoguo, since he has encountered such a god of extreme Taoism, why would Jiang Chen easily give up?

He is now in the VIP room. As long as he doesn’t take the initiative to show his face, it is impossible for the Nanli people outside to know his specific identity.

“Eight-Five Thousand High-Quality Divine Crystals!”

After seeing that he revealed his identity, there was even someone bidding, Yan Liekong’s expression was cold, and his gloomy eyes followed the direction of the sound.


The room on the second floor of the auction is blessed with phantom arrays. Even with the Cultivation Base of the 6th-order Flame Sky God, Divine Sense cannot penetrate the room to see the situation inside.

He just vaguely felt that there was an aura of Tier 4 deity in the room.

“Ninety thousand!”

Yan Liekong’s bid had just fallen, and the voice opposite directly and unceremoniously added five thousand.

Yan Liekong’s eyes sank and coldly said: “This friend, the old man from the Yan Family Yan Liekong, my son is very interested in this Xuanbing Dao fruit. You have to think carefully, and you really want to bid for this Xuan Bing Dao fruit. Bingdao fruit?”

“The bidding items in the auction are naturally the highest price. I bid for this Xuanbing Dao fruit. Is there any problem?”

A faint voice came from the room again.

“Good! Good! Good!”

Yan Liekong smiled angrily: “Your Excellency really doesn’t plan to give me Nanlizu a Face?”

“Ha ha……”

The person in the opposite room smiled faintly: “I am not familiar with you Nanli Clan, so why should I give you a Face?”

“Very well, I remember you!”

Yan Liekong glanced at the opposite room gloomily, without further bidding, and turned around and entered the room directly.

“Young master, his subordinates are not doing things well, please be punished by the young master.”

Yan Liekong returned to the room and couldn’t help but said to a purple-clothed youth in the room with a sullen expression.

The purple-clothed youth is tall and straight, fit and slender, full of explosive power, as vigorous as a leopard, with a purple waterfall-length hair reaching his waist, his pupils in deep purple, and a vague purple flame flickering.

This purple-clothed youth is the young master Yan Jian of the Nanli Clan, the first genius of Nanlizhou’s famous reputation.

As members of the Nanli Clan, Yan Jin and the others had known for a long time that there would be a Xuanbing Dao Fruit in the Tianji Tower auction.

Originally they thought.

As long as the identity of Nanli Clan is revealed, no one in Nanli God City should dare to compete with Xuanbing Dao Guo.


Yan Jin came this time without bringing too many god crystals.

No one thought of it.

This time at the auction, there was actually a guy who didn’t know how to live or die. After knowing their identities, he still didn’t.

The Tianji Tower is mysterious and unpredictable, spreading throughout the Great Wilderness, and its strength is not inferior to any realm god power in the Great Wilderness.

Even the Nanli Clan did not dare to stray wildly in the Tianji Tower.

Now that they don’t have enough financial resources, they can only allow the bidder to bid Xuanbing Dao Guo away from them.

“It’s okay, it’s not your fault.”

Yan Jin looked up to the opposite room, and a strange look appeared in those purple light flashing eyes: “This son really wants to know, who is the person who bids for Xuanbing Dao Guo on the opposite side? ?”

“The VIP room at the Tianji Building auction is extraordinary, and I can’t find out the specific situation. I can only vaguely feel that the person in it should have a Cultivation Base of the fourth-order Celestial God.”

A cold light flashed in the old Yan Liekong’s eyes, and he said in a deep voice, “Young Master, should we go to the person in the Tianji Building and ask about that person’s information?”

“Although Tianjilou trades and sells information, it never reveals the information of its customers, and it is useless to find them.”

Yan Jin shook his head, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “The person who can enter the VIP room of the Tianji Building auction and take out so many crystals is definitely not an ordinary fourth-order god.”

No matter who it is, dare to intercept Xuanbing Dao Guo in front of him, he will make the other party pay a heavy price!

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