Chapter 1763 The Rise of the Ancient Dragon Chamber of Commerce!

“Yu Jian, hurry… Hurry up and prepare a big gift. Let’s visit the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.”

Yu Yuanhua came back to his senses and quickly said to Jian.

Originally based on the relationship between the Yu family and the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, if the Gulong Chamber of Commerce was not given up this time, it would definitely gain huge benefits.

Because they were afraid of the Song family, they decisively abandoned the Gulong Chamber of Commerce!

But no one thought of it.

However, the Gulonghui suddenly appeared a monster, and easily suppressed the Song family, one of the three major forces in the south of the city!


Not only can they not get any benefits from the Yu family, they might even be hated by the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.

With the ability of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, if they really want to deal with Yujia, they will have no resistance at all!

The only way now is to come to the door to make amends.

Only in this way, maybe we can win a ray of life for the Yu family.

“Yes, father.”

Yu Jian also knew the importance of this matter to the family, and hurriedly turned around to prepare.

And when Yujia was terrified about Jiang Chen, many forces in Nanli Shencheng also received this shocking news.

Including the other two powers of the gods in the south of the city of Nanli, both of them shook violently.

after all.

The Song family is in the south of the city, and it is a family with the same fame as them, and there is a strong man of the fifth-order peak of the gods in the family.

The three major families have been deadlocked in the south of the city for millions of years.

But in this way, Jiang Chen descended into the world and easily suppressed the Song family with one person.

This also means.

Jiang Chen also has a terrorist force that easily suppresses their two big families.

The Zhao family is the first heavenly god-level family in the south of the city of Nanli.

After receiving the news, Zhao Tiancheng, the head of the Zhao family, called a dozen high-level officials from the Zhao family to discuss in the lobby almost immediately.

“Everyone, you all know about the Song family. I wonder what you think about it?”

Zhao Tiancheng took a deep breath and swept his eyes slightly on everyone, directly breaking the silence in the hall.

“Patriarch, the Gulong Chamber of Commerce is such a young Tianjiao who sits in town, and the rise of Nanli Shencheng is overwhelming. Our Zhao family should not be an enemy.”

An Elder from the Zhao family with a childish face, said solemnly.

As soon as this Elder said this, many senior Zhao family members quickly agreed.

Zhao Tiancheng nodded and said, “Since everyone agrees, Elder, please go to the Gulong Chamber of Commerce for me.”

In Zhao Tiancheng’s heart, he didn’t even want to be an enemy of Gulong Merchant Guild.

As the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, Zhao Tiancheng is naturally very clear about the strength of Song Yulong, the Patriarch of the Song Family, as an old opponent.

But the young Tianjiao named Jiang Chen from the Gulong Chamber of Commerce easily killed Song Yulong.

From this point of view, Jiang Chen definitely already has the terrifying power of the sixth-order Celestial God!

Although the Zhao family is the first family in the south of the city, and its strength is much deeper than that of the Song family, they dare not easily become enemies of the sixth-order powerhouse of the gods.

At the same time that the Zhao family responded.

Many forces, including the Ning Family, one of the three major deity forces in the south of the city, quickly sent people to the Gulong Chamber of Commerce to show their favor.

Everyone is very clear.

The existence of the Gulong Chamber of Commerce Jiang Chen has become unstoppable.

There has been a situation in the south of Nanli Shencheng that has not changed for millions of years. From then on, I am afraid it will be completely rewritten.

When all the forces in the south of the city were shaken by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen returned to the Gulong Chamber of Commerce with Gu Minghe.

“Guild President, how much do you know about Huangfu’s house in the north of the city?”

Back to Gulong Chamber of Commerce, Jiang Chen asked Gu Minghe about the situation of Huangfu’s house.

According to the information provided by the Song family, another part of the map in the Huoyun Venerable’s remains is most likely in the hands of the Huangfu family.

If possible, Jiang Chen would naturally go to Huangfu’s house to get another part of the map.

“Jiang Elder, the strength of the Huangfu family is very strong.”

Gu Minghe smiled bitterly: “If the other part of the map is in the hands of Huangfu’s family, I am afraid we won’t have any chance.”


The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth made a slight arc: “Tell me about the situation at Huangfu’s house.”

Since the Huangfu family asked the Song family to look for a map in the south of the city, they obviously knew very well about the map’s wandering south of the city.

This time the Song family failed, and the Huangfu family might get news soon, and then they found the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.


Unless they take the initiative to surrender the map of Huoyun Venerable’s legacy, confrontation with Huangfu’s house is inevitable.

“The Huangfu family can be said to be the biggest force in Nanli God City except for the Nanli Clan.”

“The inheritance history of the Huangfu family in Nanli Shencheng has exceeded tens of millions of years. The ancestor of the Huangfu family was also a world god Venerable.”

“It’s just that the ancestor of the Huangfu family fell behind, and the new world god Venerable was not born in the Huangfu family, and this has fallen.”

“So… the Huangfu family is also called the pseudo-world god family.”

Gu Minghe said slowly, his tone also seemed extremely solemn.

Jiang Chen raised his brows: “Pseudo-world god family?”

“In God’s Domain, the family that has the Realm God Venerable is the Realm God Family. And like the Huangfu family who has born the Realm God Venerable but does not have the Realm God Venerable, it is the pseudo realm God family.”

Gu Minghe said in a deep voice: “As the so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse, the pseudo-world god family does not have the world god Venerable, but it is also stronger than the general gods. It is said that there is more than one quasi world god of the sixth order of the Huangfu family. !”

“Are there more than one Tianshen Tier 6 powerhouse? The strength of this Huangfu family is indeed a bit troublesome.”

When Jiang Chen heard Gu Minghe’s introduction, his brows couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly.

With his current strength, if he were to deal with a sixth-order god of the Great Wilderness one-on-one, there shouldn’t be much problem.

But if one enemy is two, he may not be able to survive.

Gu Minghe took a deep breath and said solemnly, “Jiang Elder, although I know you are strong, it is better not to be an enemy of Huangfu’s in Nanli Shencheng.”

Although Jiang Chen could easily kill Song Yulong, he already had a terrifying combat power comparable to the sixth-order deity.

But with his own strength, I am afraid it would be difficult for a behemoth like the Huangfu family to contend.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered, and then he smiled faintly and said, “Don’t worry, I have my own measure of this matter.”

Now that they have a map of Huoyun Venerable’s legacy, the Huangfu family will definitely come to it.

If the Huangfu family is willing to cooperate and share the Huoyun Venerable heritage together, Jiang Chen does not intend to be an enemy of the Huangfu family.

after all.

He is indeed a little reluctant to deal with forces like the Huangfu family.


If the Huangfu family insisted on forcibly taking the map in their hands as their own, he would not give up the cupped hands of the map in their hands.

Although Huangfu’s family is strong, Jiang Chen is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead.

If you really want to work together, he promises that the Huangfu family will pay a heavy price for it!

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