Chapter 1762 The terrified Yu Family Patriarch!

South from the city of God, Yujia.

The head of the Yu family, Yu Yuanhua, sat cross-legged in a secret room with his eyes closed, and there was a sky blue crystal exuding a terrifying chill in front of him.

Yu Yuanhua pinched a mysterious magic trick with both hands, absorbing the power in the sky blue crystal frantically.

I saw the sky-blue crystal, which was also visible at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and gradually became smaller in front of Yuanhua.

First, it changed from the size of a fist to the size of an egg, then the size of an egg became the size of a thumb, and finally disappeared without a trace in front of Yuanhua.

“Yes, the Ice Soul Chalcedony I got from Gu Minghe at the beginning has finally made my Ice Dao origin 90%, and it’s only a little bit short of completion.”

As the sky blue crystal disappeared, Yu Yuanhua suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes also flashed with extremely excited expression.

In his current state, within ten years, he will surely be able to complete the origin of the Ice Dao, thus motivating the Celestial Tribulation and breaking through the fifth stage of the Celestial God.

By the time.

If they are at home, they will truly have the strength to contend with the forces of the three major gods in the south of the city!

“Closed Door Training has been so long, and it’s time to go out and get some breath. I went to the Gulong Chamber of Commerce by the way. It seems that Gu Minghe has obtained other treasures that can be the origin of the Ascension Ice Road.”

Yu Yuanhua muttered to himself, and immediately got up and strode towards the secret room.


When Yu Yuanhua walked out of the secret room, he saw his son Yu Jian greet him with strides.

When Yu Yuanhua saw this, his face couldn’t help but sink slightly: “Jian’er, what are you doing here, did something happen to Yu’s family?”

Yu Jian hurriedly said: “Father, nothing happened to the Yu family, it was the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.”


Yu Yuanhua narrowed his eyes slightly: “Which person moved the hand?”

As the saying goes, hitting a dog depends on the owner.

The relationship between the Yu family and the Gulong Chamber of Commerce is no secret in the south of the city. Someone acts against Gulong Chamber of Commerce, which is equivalent to having trouble with them at home.

“It’s from the Song family!”

“Not long ago, the Song family had sent someone to come home to warn me not to help the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.”

Yu Jian’s face solemnly said: “Half a day ago, I received a distress message from Gu Minghe, but out of fear of the Song family, I never let the Yu family act.”

“Are you from the Song family? When did the Gulong Chamber of Commerce provoke the Song family?”

Yu Yuanhua’s complexion changed slightly, and he took a deep breath and said, “Athlete, you are doing a good job. We are in the family, and it is not suitable for us to confront the Song family as an enemy. The Gulong Chamber of Commerce in a district, since they have committed the crime by themselves. If you are in the Song family, then give up.”

In the eyes of Yuanhua.

The Gulong Chamber of Commerce only has some value for him.

With the strength of the Yu family, losing an ancient dragon chamber of commerce can quickly support another chamber of commerce to replace the ancient dragon chamber of commerce.

How could he go against the Song family, one of the three major families in the south of the city, for the sake of the Gulong Merchant Association?

Yu Jian was silent for a while and said, “Father, the relationship between the Song family and our Yu family has not been very good. I am worried that the real purpose of the Song family may not be the Gulong Chamber of Commerce.”

When Yu Yuanhua heard this, he couldn’t help but be shocked.

The Gulong Chamber of Commerce only has the second-order god of Guminghe, and it is almost a non-current force in Nanli Shencheng.

The Song Family is one of the three major powers of the Heavenly Gods in the south of the city, and their strength is stronger than that of the Yu Family.

It seems that the existence of Gulong Chamber of Commerce can’t get into the eyes of the Song family, so how can it provoke the upper Song family?


The Song family’s move really deliberately tried to test their Yu family, and came to them.

“Immediately send someone to the Gulong Chamber of Commerce to investigate and see what the Song family wants to do.”

Yu Yuanhua suppressed the horror in his heart and hurriedly shouted to Jian.

If the Song family is really coming towards Yu’s family, he must make preparations early.

Yu Jian said solemnly: “Father, don’t worry, I have sent a hidden guard to investigate. I think there should be news soon.”

When the words fell, a stream of light from outside the sky shot extremely fast, which was Yu’s messenger talisman.

“It seems that the news from the Hidden Guard is here.”

Yu Jian’s eyes lit up slightly, and he quickly caught the messenger.

When he learned the information in the talisman, the whole person was like a ghost, and he froze there directly.

“Athlete, what’s the matter?”

Yu Yuanhua frowned slightly, with a bad feeling in his heart.

“Father…Father, it’s the news from Yinwei…”

Yu Jian looked horrified, and his voice also revealed an unconcealable tremor.

“Gulong Chamber of Commerce… a young Tianjiao named Jiang Chen appeared… killed Hong Qinghuo, the chairman of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce, and Song Jiasan, Elder Song Zhong!”

“And…and, this one brought Gu Minghe directly to the Song family!”

“Now Song Yulong, the Patriarch of the Song Family, has fallen into the hands of Jiang Chen, and the Song Family has moved out of Nanli Shencheng!”

As soon as this statement came out, it was Yu Yuanhua, the head of the Yu family, and his eyes were dull, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

The Song Family, this is one of the three most famous deity forces in the south of the city.

The Gulong Chamber of Commerce is just an influential force in the south of the city.

But now the Gulong Chamber of Commerce suddenly appeared an evildoer, killing Song Yulong, the Patriarch of the Song Family, and causing the Song Family to flee from the South Lishen City.

This… this f*ck is too wild to talk about.

“Jian’er, are you sure that the information is correct? The Ancient Dragon Chamber of Commerce is nothing more than a stronghold established by other small realms in the Great Wilderness. Even the forces behind it can never have such a peerless evildoer, right?”

Yu Yuanhua returned to his senses, his eyes still filled with unbelievable expressions.

“The news is true. The hidden guard is already on his way back. If you don’t believe it, you can ask him in person.”

“It is said that this matter has spread in Nanli Shencheng. I am afraid it will not be long before the entire Nanli Shencheng will know Jiang Chen’s name.”

Yu Jian took a deep breath and said with a solemn expression: “Father, this time we are afraid that our Yu family is in trouble.”

Yu Yuanhua’s complexion was hard to see the extreme.

Back then, Gu Minghe brought ten pieces of ice chalcedony to his home and sought refuge. For the sake of Ice Soul Chalcedony, he promised to protect the Ancient Dragon Chamber of Commerce.


This time the Song family took action against the Gulong Chamber of Commerce, but the Yu family decisively abandoned the Gulong Chamber of Commerce!

after all.

It is by no means a wise choice to offend the Song family, which is stronger than the Yu family, for an influential Gulong Chamber of Commerce.


They never expected that the Gulong Chamber of Commerce suddenly popped out of a man like Jiang Chen and directly crippled the Song family.

If Jiang Chen were to know what they did at home, I’m afraid they would never be too much of home.

Even the Song family was easily maimed by that Jiang Chen. If Jiang Chen really wanted to destroy the Yu family, wouldn’t it be easy?

Thinking of this, Yu Yuanhua’s expression also became extremely frightened…

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