Chapter 1750 Killing the sixth rank of the gods!

Youshan Ghost’s pupils shrank, and another terrifying black palm print appeared.

The huge black palm prints abruptly collided with the remaining silver thunder, and finally both were annihilated in a shocking sound.


After two consecutive thunder tribulations were easily blocked by Youshan Ghost, the thunderclouds in the void seemed to become even more angry.

I saw countless silver lights tumbling in the thundercloud, and lightning bolts through the clouds like a silver python, and then gathered into a silver thunder beam that penetrates the sky and the earth, slamming down at the ghost of the mountain.

The strength of the sixth rank of Youshan Ghost Tianshen broke out with all its strength, and with its tyrannical strength, he was able to resist this thunder robbery.

After resisting three thunder tribulations one after another, Youshan Ghost’s complexion also became a little pale.

The Four Tribulations of the Celestial Gods have six ways in all.

Every subsequent thunder calamity is more powerful than the previous thunder calamity.

And Jiang Chen’s fourth-order heavenly robbery was originally stronger than the general fifth-order heavenly robbery.

Coupled with his intervention, this time the Celestial Tribulation became even more terrifying.

It can be said.

The Heavenly God Tribulation that Youshan Ghost faces today is even more powerful than the Heavenly God Tribulation that he blocked the breakthrough Heaven God Sixth Tier.

Fighting against the next three thunder tribulations one after another, even the ghosts of the mountains whose Cultivation Base has reached the sixth-order peak of the gods, are somewhat overwhelmed at this moment.


The thunder tribulation in the void seemed to feel that Youshan Ghost was very expensive, and he didn’t give Youshan Ghost any chance to breathe.

The fourth thunder tribulation that had been brewing for a long time came down directly.

Feeling the palpable power of the fourth thunder tribulation, Youshan Ghost did not dare to be negligent.

The Cultivation Technique vision, the divine body vision, the power of the six powers and other means were exhausted, and the fourth thunder tribulation arrived in embarrassment.

Next, the fifth divine calamity came.

With the power of the sixth-order peak of the gods, the ghosts of the mountains evolved their own gods world.


The terrible silver thunder blasted on the world of Youshan Ghost in the blink of an eye.

I saw Youshan Ghost trembled all over, and couldn’t help but let out a slight muffled groan in his mouth. Even his Heavenly God World was constantly changing and twisting under the bombardment of the silver thunder.


In the end, the ghost of the mountain relied on the world of the gods to withstand the fifth thunder catastrophe.

“Tsk tusk… the power of this heavenly calamity is much more terrifying than I thought. It seems that this old guy may not be able to withstand the last thunder calamity.”

Jiang Chen looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn’t help but exclaim in his heart.

Now that Youshan Ghost has exhausted all its methods, the amount of Internal Energy has also been consumed by more than half, and it has barely blocked the five thunder tribulations in front.

The last thunder tribulation left was also the most powerful thunder tribulation in this time.

With the current state of Youshan Ghost, facing this last thunder tribulation, I am afraid that even if he does not die, he will have to peel off his skin.

“It seems that in the future, after Martial Dao’s origin is completed, he can also use this Heavenly Tribulation as a trump card.”

Jiang Chen said to himself.

The next time Martial Dao’s origin is complete, Jiang Chen will break through the fifth stage of the Celestial God, and the Celestial Tribulation will be even more powerful.

By the time.

Even if a strong man like Youshangui was implicated in his celestial calamity, he would definitely die.


As Jiang Chen’s thoughts flashed, the thunderclouds in the void rolled again, and the roar of rolling thunder resounded through the world.

Among the thunderclouds, a majestic thunder force also gathered quickly. The huge silver pike slammed open the black thundercloud in the void.

That moment.

The dazzling silver light made the dim world of thousands of miles around suddenly become like daylight.


The silver horseman, with the power of destroying everything, crashed down.

Wherever he went, it seemed that even the space was annihilated into a continuous void.


The silver pistol once again landed on the world of Youshan Ghost.

At this moment, the whole world is frozen for it.

After a while.

A shocking explosion that shook the void for thousands of miles also exploded in the void…

I saw the crumbling world of the heavenly gods of Youshan Ghost, and it was impossible to resist the terrifying power of this thunder calamity.

Just a few breathing worlds.

The ghost world of Youshan Ghost has been slowly collapsing under the bombardment of the sixth thunder tribulation for a long time.

And at the moment when the world of the gods collapsed.

Youshan Ghost trembled greatly, and the blood in his mouth surged wildly. Under the bombardment of this thunderous force, the whole person quickly fell from the void.


The ghost of the mountain fell from a height of thousands of feet, slammed into the forest below, and suddenly made a loud noise like the shaking of the mountain.

I saw that the mountains below were all smashed into a huge rift valley by the ghosts of Youshan!

Jiang Chen condescendingly looked down at the rift valley below, and said lightly: “Old guy, I know you are not dead yet, do you get out by yourself, or do you want me to invite you out.”


Following Jiang Chen’s words, an embarrassed blood shadow smashed out of the rift, and it was a ghost of Youshan.

At this moment.

The ghost of Youshan was covered in white hair, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and the black robe on his body had been dyed into a dark red color with Yin Hong’s blood, and the aura all over his body seemed extremely sluggish.


Although Youshan Ghost finally resisted the last celestial calamity, but also suffered heavy losses under this thunder tribulation, leaving less than half his life.

Now he not only consumed his internal energy, but also suffered severe damage under the thunder catastrophe, and even his own heavenly body was on the verge of collapse.

You Shangui took out two healing magic pills from the storage ring and threw them into his mouth.

He didn’t even look at Jiang Chen, turned around and burst out toward Nanli Shencheng.

Now he has almost lost all his combat power, but Jiang Chen has broken through the fourth-order of the gods, and his combat power is probably not the slightest inferior to the sixth-order of the ordinary gods.

If he continues to stay here, I am afraid he will really fall into Jiang Chen’s hands.

“Old thing, can you escape? Since you dare to kill me, be prepared to be killed.”

Jiang Chen sneered, and his figure appeared on the top of Youshan Ghost’s head in a flash, directly condensing the world of the heavenly gods, and enshrouding the emptiness of Baili.

“Boy, I am Elder of the Ghost Sect. If you dare to kill me, my Ghost Sect will not let you go.”

Youshan Gui saw the scene before him, and his expression suddenly changed: “As long as you let me go, I promise that I won’t come to you for trouble in the future.”

“Sorry, I can’t believe you.”

Jiang Chen grinned: “I still understand the truth of letting the tiger go back to the mountain. So… I must kill you better.”


Jiang Chen didn’t give Youshan Ghost any chance to breathe. The horrible seven-color sword lights in the world of the gods instantly intertwined into a seven-color sword net, covering Youshan Ghost.

“Do not……”

You Shangui looked desperate and horrified, and quickly urged the last force in his body to resist.


Jiang Chen’s breakthrough from the fourth-order deity’s full blow was enough to contend with the ghost of the mountain in the peak state.

With Youshan Gui’s current state, there was no resistance at all.

Just blink of an eye.

Seven-color sword net broke through the final defense of Youshan Ghost, strangling Youshan Ghost completely into nothingness…

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