Chapter 1749 I’m Cheating You!

“Mad, this kid is really fucking crazy!”

Youshangui suppressed the horror in his heart.

At this point, Youshan Ghost has no choice at all, and can only resist this coming Celestial Tribulation with all its strength.

At this moment.

Youshan Gui didn’t even bother with Jiang Chen, a lunatic, and his eyes were directly locked on the terrifying thunder calamity that was brewing in the void.

Jiang Chen is a talented evildoer, and the fourth-tier Celestial Tribulation of the Celestial God is much stronger than the fourth-tier ordinary Celestial God.

Now that he, the sixth-order god of heaven, is involved, this heavenly calamity will undoubtedly become an unprecedented horror.

If he is a little careless, even if he has the Cultivation Base, the sixth-order peak of the gods, I am afraid he will have to fall under this god’s calamity.


The black thundercloud kept rolling, and the sky-shaking thunder resounded constantly in the void.

Jiang Chen’s gaze was also staring tightly at the Heavenly Tribulation in the void.

after all.

He has a system in his body that can directly block the Celestial Tribulation, and he is not sure whether Youshan Ghost will be attacked by the Celestial Tribulation.

If you can’t use the Heavenly God to Jie Keng Youshan Ghost, then you have to fight with all your strength!

Under the gaze of the two, the Thunder Tribulation in the void quickly reached a critical point.


A silver thunder full of hundreds of feet, brought a rumbling noise, like a huge silver python, burst out from the black cloud in the void.

The target of Yin Lei’s attack was the Youshan Ghost.

But Jiang Chen, the righteous master, was not affected at all, as if he had been ignored by the thunder robbery in the void.

“It’s really possible!”

Seeing this scene before him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He just tried it with a fluke, but he didn’t expect it to be a real success.

Now he incited the Heavenly Tribulation, and involved Youshan Ghost, the system blocked the Heavenly Tribulation for him, but he did not give up attacking Youshan Ghost.

The strength of the Celestial Tribulation of the strong of the Celestial Realm is linked to the talents of the Transcends Tribulation.

Jiang Chen has extraordinary talent and unparalleled combat power. The Tier 4 Celestial Tribulation of the Celestial God is much stronger than the average Tier 4 Celestial God.

Now that Youshan Gui, an old fellow of the sixth rank of the Heavenly God is involved, the power of the Heavenly God Tribulation must be more than twice as powerful.

With this divine calamity, even if you can’t solve the ghost of Youshan, I’m afraid it will hurt its vitality.

By the time.

It is undoubtedly much easier for him to clean up this old guy.

“Wandering Soul Palm!”

Looking at the silver thunder python that landed, Youshan Ghost’s pupils shrank.

He saw his whole body explode, and a dark shadow of mystery palm directly faced Thunder Tribulation.


The silver giant python arrived with a thunderous, carrying a mighty power of heaven and earth, and slammed it fiercely on the mysterious palm of Youshan Ghost.

The loud noise that shook the sky spread across thousands of miles in an instant.

The ghost of Youshan walked on the ground and retreated two or three steps in the void, and his complexion became more and more difficult to look.

Jiang Chen broke through the thunder tribulation of the four tribulations of the gods, because he contained it, the strength of the thunder tribulation has completely exceeded the imagination of the ghosts of the mountains.

From the first stage to the sixth stage of the Celestial God Realm, every breakthrough needs to pass the Celestial Tribulation.


The strength of the Celestial Tribulation is different for different Realm’s Celestial Order.

True God Tribulation Breaks through the first level of the Celestial Tribulation, and generally only needs to face three thunder Tribulation.


With the Ascension of the Cultivation Base, each breakthrough of the Celestial Realm will not only be more powerful, but will also have one more thunder tribulation.

When the third-order devas breakthrough the fourth-order devas, the thunder catastrophe faced will reach as many as six ways.

With six thunder tribulations, the power of each one will gradually increase.

Now that the power of the first thunder tribulation has reached such a level, how terrifying will the power of the next five?


The divine calamity on this day is powerful, and it does no harm to Youshan Ghost.

With his strength, it was not easy to deal with this first Heavenly God Tribulation, and the guy on the opposite side would definitely be more difficult to deal with.

As long as the kid on the opposite side falls under the gods’ robbery, the gods’ robbery will automatically dissipate.

Youshangui believes.

With his strength, even if he couldn’t stop this terrifying God Tribulation, there was no problem if he persisted longer than Jiang Chen.

Thought of this.

Youshan Ghost couldn’t help taking a deep breath, and looked at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, wanting to see what happened after Jiang Chen blocked this divine calamity.


When he looked at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, his whole person was as if he had just seen a ghost, and he stood there directly.

Seeing a place thousands of feet away from him, Jiang Chen didn’t seem to be affected by the divine calamity. He stood with his chest folded like a walk in the courtyard, smiling and watching Youshan ghost resisting the divine calamity.

“How… how is it possible? You… why haven’t you been attacked by the Celestial Tribulation?”

Youshan Ghost suddenly let out an unbelievable scream.

To know.

This celestial calamity, but Jiang Chen broke through the fourth-order celestial calamity of the gods.

Now Tianshen Jie does not attack Jiang Chen, the righteous master, but only attacks him who was implicated in it. What is it?

“Old man, nothing is impossible.”

Jiang Chen put his hands on his chest and smiled and said, “I am more friendly to the Heavenly Dao Law. I have never been attacked by Heavenly Tribulation. Is there any problem?”

“Ignore the laws of heaven and earth, you… you are actually the supreme divine body of the ancient times!”

Youshan Ghost’s pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression instantly became frightened: “Bad son, you…you dare to cheat me!”

this moment.

Youshan Ghost finally understood why Jiang Chen dared to lead him out of the city.

This kid is a legendary ancient divine body, who can ignore the Heavenly Dao law and make Heavenly Tribulation retreat.

From the very beginning, this kid probably had plans to involve him in the Celestial Tribulation and use the Celestial Tribulation to deal with him.

This time, he was miserable by Jiang Chen.

Thinking of facing Jiang Chen’s enhanced version of the Heavenly Tribulation on his own, Youshan Ghost almost didn’t spray a mouthful of old blood.

“I’m cheating you, so what can you do?”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised a cold arc: “This is what you asked for. Enjoy the Heavenly Tribulation I prepared for you.”

“Ah… I’m going to kill you.”

You Shangui roared angrily.

Just as he was about to take action against Jiang Chen, the sky thunderclouds rolled, and the second thunder calamity was also with a shocking power, and fell from above the void towards the ghost of the mountain.

“damn it!”

Youshan Ghost’s complexion changed drastically, and he could only gather the amount of Internal Energy with all his strength, turning it into an energy fingerprint, colliding with the second thunder calamity.


The energy handprint collided with the giant thunder, and the brilliant energy ripples exploded like fireworks.

very quickly.

I saw Youshangui’s energy handprints, which quickly faded under the second thunder catastrophe.

And the power of the thunder that had diminished a lot of it, but still carrying a sacred power of heaven and earth, crashed down towards the ghost of the mountain!

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