Chapter 1740 A genius from the great wilderness!

Temple Arena.

Jiang Chen’s ten-game winning streak challenge is still going on.

Not long.

A young man with a fluttering white coat and extraordinary temperament stepped onto the arena and said to Jiang Chen cupped fist: “Meng Rui, Tianyuanzong of the Great Desolation Realm, please enlighten me!”

This young man in white is Jiang Chen’s opponent in the sixth game.

“This young man in white turned out to be a genius from the Tianyuanzong of the Great Desolation Realm!”

“As far as I know, Tianyuanzong is a well-known Realm God-level power in the Great Desolation Realm, and its strength is very powerful.”

“The Great Desolate Realm God’s power is a genius. Now that kid is afraid that he will be in trouble.”


Many onlookers all around couldn’t help but exclaim.

Jiang Chen looked calm and said lightly: “Let’s make a move.”


With a good word spit out from his mouth, Meng Rui’s right hand flicked in the air, and a strange black chess piece appeared directly between his fingers.


Seeing Meng Rui’s finger, the black chess piece directly brought a terrifying storm of thunder and destruction and shot towards Jiang Chen.

“The geniuses of the Great Wilderness Realm are indeed much stronger than the geniuses of other realms.”

Seeing Meng Rui’s oncoming blow, Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Meng Rui’s Cultivation Base is also in the early stage of the third stage of the Celestial God, which is not much different from the bloody embankment he first encountered.


In terms of the strength of strength, this guy is obviously one level higher than Xue Yin.


Jiang Chen’s thoughts flickered, but he didn’t neglect the movements of his hands. He raised his hand to the black chess piece and volleyed a little, and a void Sword Qi directly smashed the black chess piece into powder.

“It’s kind of interesting that you actually made a move with Insight.”

One move shattered Meng Rui’s attack, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but said lightly while looking at the opposite Meng Rui.

Meng Rui smiled and said: “My Tianyuanzong, what I am best at is entering the Tao with chess.”

There are countless cultivating schools in the vast divine realm.

Any power in the world and everything can evolve into Martial Dao as long as it is comprehended to a certain extent.

Although a strong person in the Heavenly God Realm needs to cultivate the six realms, they will also focus on one of them, so that the six realms can be unified into a realm god.

The Tianyuanzong of the Great Wilderness Realm is a realm god who specializes in chess.

The six methods in their Sect are to transform the world with chess, and the world gods Venerable who practice chess are eventually born.

Jiang Chen stood with his hand in his hand and said lightly: “Don’t waste time, let me see your power.”

“So wishful!”

As Meng Rui said, a strange divine light burst out all over his body.

The next moment…

The two chess pieces, one white and one black, are directly intertwined in the void to form a huge Tai Chi picture, with the majesty of the sky, and come towards Jiang Chen’s suppression.

With a wave of Jiang Chen’s palm, a seven-color flame instantly filled the entire arena, burning the Tai Chi diagram that exuded mysterious light into nothingness.

Seeing that this strike was crushed by Jiang Chen’s understatement again, Meng Rui’s eyes became a lot more solemn in an instant.

“Heaven and earth are chess, kill!”

Meng Rui screamed, his hands were constantly changing, and quickly outlined a cyan dotted line in the void.

These dotted lines are intertwined vertically and horizontally, and finally turned into an extremely large cyan chessboard.

After a while.

Black chess pieces spooked out of the cyan chessboard, and finally gathered around Jiang Chen, turning into a black prison, tying Jiang Chen into it.

“As expected to be a genius of the gods of the Great Wilderness Realm, really amazing!”

When everyone looked at the situation on the arena, they couldn’t help but exclaim.

The five Tier 3 powerhouses who just appeared on the scene were all killed in a flash by Jiang Chen’s understatement.

Now Meng Rui’s move has not only broken Jiang Chen’s record of defeating the enemy with one move, but even vaguely gained the upper hand.

The genius of the Great Wilderness is really not comparable to the genius of other places.

“Your way is really interesting. But if you want to deal with me by this, it is far from enough. If you don’t play with you, let’s end here.”

Jiang Chen shook his head, the thousands of colorful Sword Qi also burst out of his body in an instant.

“Not good…”

Feeling the seven-color Sword Qi condensed from Jiang Chen’s body, Meng Rui’s expression suddenly changed.


Meng Rui discovered to his horror that the world chessboards and chess pieces that he had gathered with his whole body’s strength were like paper, shattered dry and quiet by the thousands of colorful Sword Qi!

“Do you want to fight?”

Jiang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, looking calmly at Meng Rui.

This Meng Rui is not only strong, but also good at mysterious and unpredictable chess power. The combat power is much stronger than the original Xue Yin.

But now he is no longer what he used to be.

Such existence seemed to pose no threat to him.

“do not fight.”

Meng Rui shook his head and smiled bitterly: “Your Excellency is powerful, Meng Rui is convinced to lose!”

This move is chess, and it is already the strongest move he has made in Insight. Since even this trick can’t shake a single hair of Jiang Chen, it doesn’t make any sense to hit it.

Even though he still had some hole cards that he didn’t show, but today he was itchy for a while. He just came to the stage to compete with Jiang Chen, and he couldn’t fight desperately.

not to mention……

Facing Jiang Chen in front of him, Meng Rui seemed to be facing the evildoer of their Tianyuan Sect.


Meng Rui even had a feeling that even if he had all the cards in his hole today, he might not be able to shake Jiang Chen at all.

“I’m going, why did Meng Rui give up?”

“Isn’t this releasing water?”


Seeing Meng Rui suddenly took the initiative to meet, many people around could not help but talk.


Some people with extraordinary vision shook their heads secretly when they heard the discussion around them.

In this battle, Meng Rui had exhausted his means and displayed his strongest attack, but Jiang Chen took it so lightly.

Although Meng Rui did not seem to be at a disadvantage, he actually lost.

Continue to fight, Meng Rui is destined to lose.

“Jiang Chen, six consecutive victories, and then the seventh round of ten consecutive victories challenge!”

The referee took a deep breath and continued to announce.

This son even easily defeated the disciples of Tianyuanzong in the Great Wilderness Realm, but his combat power was very terrifying.


Today, the temple arena is about to give birth to a genius with ten consecutive victories.

After the referee announced the start of the seventh challenge, the arena suddenly fell into silence, and no one took the stage to challenge Jiang Chen.

after all.

Jiang Chen even defeated Meng Rui of Tianyuanzong in the Great Wilderness Realm.

Although there are a lot of Tier 3 gods present, most of them are almost inferior to Meng Rui, so how dare they take the stage to challenge Jiang Chen?

“Since no one dares to challenge on stage, let me do it.”

In the crowd, a faint voice suddenly broke the tranquility of the arena.

The next moment…

I saw a cruel young man with silver hair and silver eyes, who directly landed on the arena.

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