Chapter 1739 All are killed in one move!

“Hi! One move to kill the opponent of the same rank in a second, this kid’s strength is really terrifying.”

“At this kid’s age, how can he be an ordinary person who can become a powerhouse of the third rank of the gods?”

“This sub’s combat power is far superior to the same rank, and there should be no problem with winning six or seven consecutive victories.”


In the arena, everyone came back to their senses, and they also had judgments in their hearts, and many people began to bet one after another.

“Five hundred thousand lower grade Shenjing, bet Jiang Chen for five consecutive victories.”

“One million lower grade god crystals, bet Jiang Chen for six consecutive victories!”


However, most people bet on less than seven consecutive victories.

after all.

After the seven-game winning streak, the opponents generally appearing are the geniuses of the Eternal Temple.

Even if Jiang Chen is strong, it is difficult to defeat the third-tier genius of the Eternal Temple Heavenly God after seven consecutive games.

Although Jiang Chen bet 10 million on his ten-game winning streak very confidently, they still didn’t quite believe that Jiang Chen could challenge and succeed.

“The first game, Jiang Chen wins.”

Over the arena, the referee announced with a blank face: “Next, the gods will challenge the second game with ten consecutive victories in Tier 3, who is willing to come to the stage for a battle?”

call out!

As the referee’s voice fell, another thin man flew onto the arena.

Although this man was wearing a thin and thin body, his whole body was exuding a fierce blood-killing aura, as if he had crawled out of the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses.

Also in the early stage of Tier 3, this thin man was obviously better than the aggressive middle-aged man before.

“Blood to kill the Eight Desolations!”

The thin man held a long black sword that exuded a murderous intent. The power of the three worlds of the third rank of the gods also burst to the extreme in an instant, and then turned into a bloody sword with a murderous intent, and slashed at Jiang Chen. .

The three powers that this skinny man mastered were killing, blood, and sword.

The three Martial Dao powers are extremely domineering and violent.

And the bloody killing of the eight wastes is the strongest blow created by the thin man’s fusion of the three powers.

In the face of Jiang Chen, a powerful opponent who could kill the same rank in seconds, the thin man showed his full strength almost unreservedly.

“An attack of this level can’t help me, let me lose.”

Jiang Chen stood still on the spot, his figure didn’t mean to evade in the slightest, raising his hand just volleyed out.

This understatement contained a suffocating force of terrifying swordsmanship, and instantly defeated the skinny man’s strong blow.


The thin man’s chest exploded, blood in his mouth vomited wildly, and the whole person flew out of the arena in a panic.

Another seckill!

In the arena, everyone couldn’t help taking another breath.

There are no gorgeous tricks, no terrifying power, but this one-shot method of killing the same rank is undoubtedly even more shocking.

“The third scene…”

With the referee again, Jiang Chen soon ushered in the third battle of own.


Jiang Chen still took a casual blow and easily killed his opponent in seconds.

Three consecutive victories…four consecutive victories…five consecutive victories, all of which were easily won by Jiang Chen.


In these five battles, none of them was a single shot!

Most of these five Tier 3 opponents are only slightly stronger than ordinary Tier 3 deities.

Even the opponent he faced in the fifth game was inferior to the blood moon world bloodyin.

With his current strength, how could such a third-tier Heavenly God pose the slightest threat to him?

“Strong, it’s too strong!”

In the arena, everyone stared blankly at the shadow on the Ao Li Arena, their expressions were shocking.

Five consecutive powerhouses of Tier 3 Heavenly God appeared one after another, and none of them could make Jiang Chen a second move.

This…this is simply the invincible existence of the same rank.

this moment.

They also finally understood why Jiang Chen was so confident that he bought 10 million lower-grade Shenjing before he even took the stage, betting on his ten-game winning streak.

In front of him, this guy has the power of Transcendent to be unparalleled. Killing the strong of the same rank is like slaughtering a chicken and a dog.

Such an existence, even the third-order genius of the eternal temple, may not be able to suppress it!

If the bet is right, they can still make a fortune.

And while Jiang Chen was challenging for ten consecutive victories.

In the Great Hall in the center of the Eternal Temple, two middle-aged men with unfathomable auras, their eyes penetrated everything at this moment, paying attention to the situation in the arena.

“This kid’s talent is extraordinary. It seems that our punishment hall should have a genius with ten consecutive victories.”

One of the handsome-looking silver-robed men looked at the situation in the arena and couldn’t help but smile faintly.

The man in the silver robe appears to be extremely elegant, and there is a layer of mysterious luster flowing on his body, giving people a very mysterious feeling.

“Hall Lord is so optimistic about this kid?”

Another golden-robed old man heard the words and couldn’t help but glanced at the silver-robed man in surprise.


His gaze also fell on Jiang Chen, who was on the Ao Li Arena, and he pondered slightly: “This kid is indeed not weak in talent. If the Temple of Eternity does not interfere, he should have won ten consecutive victories.”

“Do not!”

The silver-robed man shook his head, and a strange light flashed in his eyes: “I have a hunch that even if you send Ren Feng to stop him, you may not be able to stop him.”

“Hall master’s meaning… Ren Feng is not this kid’s opponent?”

The old man in the golden robe suddenly looked incredulous and said: “This… how is this possible?”

Ren Feng, this is their top genius in this eternal temple, and their combat power is already one of the best among the many third-order gods in the eternal temple.

Although Jiang Chen on the arena has smashed five third-tier powerhouses in a row, he demonstrated a strong combat power.

But among the five players who just appeared, there was no such genius who could surpass the battlefield.

Although Ren Feng’s Cultivation Base is at the third-tier of the Celestial God, his combat power is no less than the powerhouse of the fourth-tier peak of the Celestial God.

Want to defeat Ren Feng, unless this kid has a powerful combat power comparable to the fifth rank of the gods.

The old man in the golden robe obviously didn’t think that the boy of The Three Realms early stage in front of him could have the terrifying ability to fight across two Realms!

“Nothing is impossible in this world.”

“Ren Feng may be considered a good genius in remote areas like the Great Wilderness World, but that’s all.”

The silver-robed man shook his head and said, “If you don’t believe me, let Ren Feng try it in Game 7.”

“Okay! I want to see, this kid seems to be as enchanting as the palace master expected.”

The old man in the golden robe said, sending a message directly and quickly…

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