Chapter 1703 One-person town in the North!

“Damn it, this kid also has the decree of the Realm God!”

Lu Xingyu looked at the golden scroll in Jiang Chen’s hand, and his expression instantly became frightened.

The decree of the world god is the biggest support he has come to the ancient dragon world this time.

Lu Xingyu originally thought.

With this decree of the world god, as long as the ancient dragon Venerable does not come in person, he can easily kill any strong man in the ancient dragon world.

But he never thought of it.

Jiang Chen’s body also has the decree of the world god given by the ancient dragon Venerable!

“It turns out that Jiang Elder also came with Gulong Venerable’s decree.”

Behind Jiang Chen, Xue Tianhan couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

It’s no wonder that Jiang Chen dared to come to the Snow God Palace alone, and with his strength coupled with the decree of the World God from the Ancient Dragon Venerable, apart from the presence of the World God Venerable, who else could have won him.

“Lu Xingyu, as a person in the Zilin Realm, you don’t want to stay in the Zilin Realm, but you have to go to the Ancient Dragon Realm to make waves. Since you are seeking your own death, I will grant you a death today!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and he directly spurred the golden scroll in his hand with all his strength!


In the golden scroll, an extremely bright golden divine light rose into the sky, and evolved into a golden phantom that was thousands of feet tall in the void.

This golden phantom is the ancient dragon Venerable of the ancient dragon tribe.


Gu Long Venerable stared at Lu Xingyu indifferently, a word of death wrapped in infinite golden light, directly carrying the terrifying power of suppressing the sky, and heading towards Lu Xingyu below.

It can be seen that Jiang Chen took the lead in urging the decree of the world god.

Where did Lu Xingyu dare to hesitate for a while, it was also the purple scroll that moved his palm with all his strength.


The dazzling purple divine light also gathered in the void into a huge purple phantom.


The purple phantom’s gaze was indifferent, a purple character condensed by purple brilliance, also with the power of extinguishing the sky, collided with the golden death character.

that moment.

The world with a radius of thousands of miles seemed to be plunged into chaos, leaving only endless darkness.

In this dark world, only a golden death word and a purple word death are constantly colliding fiercely.

“Bang bang bang.”

The void exploded, chaos tumbling, and terrifying energy swept all over the place.

Based on Jiang Chen’s current strength, Rao had retreated thousands of feet in a row under the impact of that terrifying energy.

The two handwritings containing terrifying energy intertwined and collided in mid-air for a while.

On the other side, Lu Xingyu, who had already suffered severe damage, was like a kite with a broken line, smashing towards the bottom of the Snow God Palace.

Just listen to a loud bang.

A Great Hall in the Snow God Palace, which was as high as one hundred meters, was instantly smashed into ruins by Lu Xingyu.

Even many of the Snow God Palace disciples around were affected, and instantly disappeared under that terrifying energy.

“call out!”

In the ruins, Lu Xingyu spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs, and then directly turned into a purple light, rushing towards the northern sky warehouse in panic.

“Do you still want to escape? Since you are here, leave it to me forever.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and his body instantly penetrated into the void, and one of the heavenly gods’ world, which covered a hundred miles of void, went directly towards Lu Xingyu’s suppression.


In the void, Lu Xingyu, who was fleeing in a panic, had no resistance at all, and his entire body broke apart under the suppression of Jiang Chen’s Heavenly God World.

Countless god blood, spilled all over the void.


A sad scream resounded through the world, and only saw Lu Xingyu’s soul escape and furiously swept toward the northern sky.

Jiang Chen shook his palm lightly, and Lu Xingyu’s crazy escape spirit instantly solidified in the void.

Jiang Chen stepped out, crushing the void, and stepped directly on Lu Xingyu’s soul.


This time, Lu Xingyu’s soul had not even had time to utter a scream, it had completely turned into nothingness under Jiang Chen’s feet.

this moment.

There was a dead silence between heaven and earth.

Countless Xueshen Palace disciples looked at the black-clothed youth who stood proudly in the sky, their complexions turned pale in an instant.

“It’s over, the Snow God Palace is over.”

The lord of the Snow God Palace Leng Qiuxuan’s face was as gray as death, and his whole person seemed to be tens of years old in an instant.

He originally thought that Zilin Realm and Blood Moon Realm would join forces to deal with Ancient Dragon Realm, and this would be an opportunity for his Snow God Palace to rise.

When he chose to betray the Ancient Dragon Realm, Leng Qiuxuan had already weighed it again and again in his heart. How could he feel that the Ancient Dragon would definitely lose this time!


The reality is cruel.

Leng Qiuxuan never expected that the Gulong tribe could easily suppress the Xueshen Palace by sending Jiang Chen alone.

Even this Lu Xingyu from the Zilin Realm was completely killed by Jiang Chen!

“Jiang Chen, it is my decision to join the Zilin Realm, and it has nothing to do with the disciples of the Snow God Palace. I am willing to apologize with death, and I hope you can raise your hands high and leave a way for the disciples of Snow God Palace to survive.”

Leng Qiuxuan smiled miserably.

Now that he knew he couldn’t escape death, he only hoped that Jiang Chen could let go of these Snow God Palace disciples.

“You can do it yourself.”

Jiang Chen said indifferently, “After today, the Snow God Palace will be disbanded, and there will be no Snow God Palace in the Ancient Dragon Realm. If anyone dares to claim to be a disciple of the Snow God Palace, there will be no mercy!”

As long as Leng Qiuxuan died, the five great powers of the Heavenly Divine Realm in the Snow God Palace had already been wiped out by him.

With these Xueshen Temple disciples, I would never think about making any waves in the ancient dragon world in the future. Jiang Chen was not a bloodthirsty person, and he had never thought of punishing all the thousands of disciples of the Snow God Palace.

“Thank you!”

Leng Qiuxuan thanked Jiang Chen, and immediately reversed the Meridians, and a terrible chill broke out all over his body, and he was frozen.

To the end.

Leng Qiuxuan’s whole person turned into an ice sculpture, and it exploded directly in the void.

“Palace…Palace Master!”

Several Elders in the Snow God Palace who were loyal to Leng Qiuxuan suddenly saw their canthus cracked. They were all desperately urging their full powers and rushing towards Jiang Chen frantically.

Jiang Chen just gave an understatement and pointed out that the bodies of those Snow God Palace Elders turned into a blood mist directly in mid-air.

“Ben Elder has promised Leng Qiuxuan to give you a way out, and you still have time to leave on your own. If you dare to resist, then you can blame me for your ruthlessness!”

Jiang Chen condescendingly looked down at the many disciples of the Snow God Palace, and his indifferent voice instantly reverberated through the world.

Following Jiang Chen’s words, many disciples of the Snow God Palace hurriedly fled from the Snow God Palace in panic.

It’s just a moment.

Thousands of Xueshen Gong disciples had disappeared without a trace.

“The Snow God Palace in the northern region of the Megatron Ancient Dragon Realm is so gone.”

Looking at the Snow God Palace, which had become empty in a flash, Xue Tianhan was also unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

With the momentum of thunder, destroy the Snow God Palace and town the Northern Territory by one person!

The one in front of me is really not ordinary horror.

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