Chapter 1702 I have the decree of the world god!

“You…what are you talking about, can this kid ignore the Heavenly Dao law?”

Hearing Leng Qiuxuan’s words, Lu Xingyu’s face couldn’t help but a touch of horror that could not be concealed!

Ignore the Heavenly Dao law and make the gods retreat!

As far as Lu Xingyu knows, these are the terrifying existences in God’s Domain with supreme divine bodies in the ancient times, and they have only possessed such abilities.


Since a major change in the ancient times, after the originally complete God’s Domain Continent evolved into the God’s Domain Three Thousand Realms, these supreme divine bodies have become legends.

How could this kid in front of him possess the legendary supreme divine body?

Just when Lu Xingyu was in horror.

I saw the thunder tribulation in the sky tumbling for a while, and then quickly dispersed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just blink of an eye.

The originally dark clouded sky was also brilliantly cheerful, and instantly became a clear sky.

Lu Xingyu’s pupils suddenly shrank as he watched the Lei Jie receding in the void.

This kid in front of him is really a terrifying existence that can ignore the Heavenly Dao law and make the Heavenly Dao retreat!

After Jiang Chen ignored the Heavenly Tribulation and went straight to the third-order of the Heavenly God, his eyes fell on Lu Xingyu again, and his faint voice resounded directly through the world.

“Lu Xingyu, I have given you a chance to survive, but unfortunately you didn’t cherish it. Since you insist on interfering in the affairs of my ancient dragon world, leave it to me forever.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and immediately flipped his hand to shoot a seal of the Kaitian God at the Snow God Palace.

The defensive formation of the Snow God Palace can also withstand the attacks of ordinary third-order powerhouses.

However, Jiang Chen, who has broken through the third-tier devas, has no inferior power to the powers of the fifth-tier ordinary devas, how can the defensive formation of the Snow God Palace resist?


Only a bang was heard, and the defensive formation around the Snow God Palace was completely shattered directly under the seal of Jiang Chen’s Open Heaven God.

A palm smashed the defensive formation of Snow God Palace.

Jiang Chen stepped out, and the monstrous aura directly oppressed Lu Xingyu.

“Huh! Although I have to admit that your talent is very enchanting. But this son’s life is not what you want to take away!”

It was seen that Jiang Chen killed him directly.

Lu Xingyu let out a cold snort, directly condensing the Heavenly God World again, and suppressed Jiang Chen unreservedly.

Lu Xingyu’s world of heavenly gods suddenly enveloped Jiang Chen, and infinite energy burst out of the world of heavenly gods.

If it is an ordinary Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, I am afraid that it will be crushed into powder by this terrifying force in just a blink of an eye.

Looking at the world of the gods from Lu Xingyu’s suppression, Jiang Chen’s expression was extremely calm.

He stretched out his hand to face Lu Xingyu’s heavenly world a little volley, a mysterious sword shadow swirling around by thunder flames suddenly fell from the void.

“call out!”

The sword shadow pierced through all obstacles, and in the blink of an eye, it landed on Lu Xingyu’s world of the gods, as if piercing a layer of window paper, directly penetrated into the world of the gods.

Only heard a chuckle.

Lu Xingyu took the mighty and mighty world of the gods, like a torn scroll, directly shattered into two halves.

“How… how is it possible!”

Lu Xingyu trembled, and an unprecedented horror appeared in his eyes.

As a genius under the Venerable school of Ziyunmen, Lu Xingyu is extremely talented and cultivates the Cultivation Technique of the high-grade world god.

He used the Cultivation Base of the third-tier peak of the Celestial Gods to condense the world of the Celestial Gods.

But the boy in front of him, like tearing a piece of white paper, easily split with a sword!

This…this is too scary.

“Ok… so strong!”

Xue Tianhan stared at this scene blankly, and couldn’t help taking a breath in his heart.

Jiang Chen, who had breakthrough Heavenly God’s third-order, was really terrifyingly strong.

Even the Zilin Realm genius of Tier 3 Heavenly God in front of him could not even stop Jiang Chen’s move!

What is invincible at the same level!

This is truly invincible with Realm.

“Big Sun Wind Thunder Knife!”

The world of the gods was split by Jiang Chen with a sword, and Lu Xingyu couldn’t help letting out a roar of anger.

I saw that the world of the gods that was about to shatter fell directly into his palm, turning into a long knife that was as bright as the sun.

The long knife is dreamlike, shrouded in layers of thunder and lightning, and there are countless destructive winds and excitement.

Lu Xingyu controlled the long sword, carrying the power of the entire Celestial World, and slashed it down.

But Jiang Chen just flicked his fingers, and a seven-color Sword Ray condensed by the power of the seven origins slashed down, directly crushing Lu Xing’s long knife.

And Lu Xingyu’s body was beaten up and flew thousands of feet away.

His head was disheveled, blood was vomiting wildly, and his whole body was cracked out visible to the naked eye, and even his body was almost smashed by Jiang Chen’s sword.

“It deserves to be the supreme divine body with countless Heavenly Dao laws in the legend, and it really deserves its reputation.”

Lu Xingyu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes fixed on Jiang Chen: “Unexpectedly, the little ancient dragon world would be able to give birth to a heaven-defying existence like you.”

“It’s a pity… you knew it too late.”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and a dazzling seven-color sword light condensed from his palm again.

“Jiang Chen, although you have a supreme divine body, your combat power is invincible with Realm. But…today is also destined to die!”

Looking at Jiang Chen who once again condensed the attack.

Lu Xingyu smiled grimly, and immediately moved his palm, a scroll of purple scroll exuding supreme power, directly appeared out of thin air in his palm.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, his expression indifferent: “Jiang Chen, you are proud enough to force me to use Master’s decree of the Realm God.”

World God’s Decree!

This guy actually still has the decree given by the world god Venerable in his hands!

Xue Tianhan looked at the purple scroll exuding terrifying coercion in Lu Xingyu’s hand, and his face turned extremely pale in an instant.

He thought.

Jiang Chen defeated Leng Qiuxuan first, and then entered the third rank of the Celestial God, easily suppressing the genius of the Zilin realm, and the overall situation of the Northern Region has been determined.


He didn’t expect it.

This Zilin Realm genius actually still has a Realm God’s Decree in his hand!

The decree of the world god, this is the power of the world god Venerable.

Even the powerhouse of the sixth rank of the gods, in front of the world god’s decree, is almost indistinguishable from the ants.

“Is the Realm God’s Decree…”

Jiang Chen stared at the purple scroll in Lu Xingyu’s hand, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

“Fortunately, Gu Long Venerable had already anticipated that he had also prepared a world god’s decree for him, otherwise it would be really troublesome today.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and immediately moved his mind, a golden scroll that also exuded the supreme mighty power, also emerged from his palm.

Holding the golden scroll in his hand, his faint voice resounded instantly.

“Lu Xingyu, do you think that only you have the decree of the Realm God. Sorry, I have the decree of the Realm God, too!”

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