Chapter 1678 Crazy Ascension’s pill refining technique

Two hours’ time came soon.

This assessment of the eighth rank alchemist of the common rank also came to an end.

Except for a few people who failed to pill refining three times, everyone else was successfully promoted to the eighth rank alchemist.

Including Jiangchuan.

After the first fryer, he also quickly adjusted his mentality and refined a Xuanyang Pill.


At this moment, Jiangchuan had no joy at all.

After verifying the identity of the eighth rank alchemist, he left the Great Hall in a desperate manner.

very quickly.

Dozens of Dandian disciples left one after another, leaving only Jiang Chen and Lin Xian in the Great Hall.

“Little guy, the old man is clumsy. I didn’t expect that your refining in the Eighth Stage Medicine Pill would be so perfect.”

The old man in red said in amazement, “I don’t know how you did it?”

“I don’t know, just by feeling.”

Jiang Chen shrugged.

He couldn’t tell the old man in front of him that he had a system plug-in.

“It deserves to be a natural pill.”

When the old man in red heard Jiang Chen’s words, he was even more certain that Jiang Chen was the legendary natural pill.

I am afraid that only the legendary natural pill body can rely on own feeling to achieve the most perfect pill refining.

“Little guy, your Alchemy talent is unmatched, I think you might as well come to my alchemy hall in the future.”

The old man in red said with an earnest look: “With your talents, you can break through the tenth rank in the future and become a Danzun, I’m afraid it won’t be a problem.”

God-rank ten-rank alchemist, can refine the world god pill.

Such an alchemist, also known as Danzun, is almost no longer under the status of the world god Venerable!

“Huo Lao’s kindness, the boy took it with his heart.”

Jiang Chen shook his head, and said, “It’s just Junior’s way, not just Alchemy.”

Although the high-grade god-level pill refining division is not low in the realm of gods.

But after all, God’s Domain is a world respected by the strong, and Martial Dao is the only kingly way.

He came to the Dandian Ascension pill refining technique, but he just wanted to better serve his own Martial Dao.

Thinking that this kid could be promoted to Dragon City at such an age, Martial Dao’s talent must also be very enchanting, and the red-clothed old man did not force it.

This kid’s talent does indeed have the qualifications of pill martial arts dual cultivation.

“In that case, I won’t force it.”

“But… the door of my Pill Hall will be open for you at any time.”

“You can practice pill refining in the pill hall like the disciples of the pill hall, and you can come to us if you don’t understand.”

The old man in red said with a smile.

Jiang Chen quickly thanked: “Thank you Huo Lao!”

“You are Welcome.”

The old man in red waved his hand and immediately said to Lin Xian, “Lin Xian, since you brought the people, let you arrange them.”


Lin Xian nodded, then bid farewell to the two elders and arranged a place for Jiang Chen where the disciples of Dandian lived.


Lin Xian introduced some Dandian rules for Jiang Chen.

Through Lin Xian’s explanation, Jiang Chen also had a general understanding of the situation in the Dandian.

The Dandian is actually somewhat similar to Jiang Chen’s Pill Refining Building in the Shenglong Pagoda in Hualong City.

It’s just that Dandian pays more attention to the training of pill refining teachers.

The Pill Palace needs to provide a large number of Medicine Pills for the entire ancient dragon clan, and there will be endless pill refining tasks every day.

The Pill Hall disciples can receive tasks to refine Medicine Pill.

There will be no reward for refining Medicine Pill by Pill Refining disciples, but generally they can also get a lot of benefits through pill refining.

Because most pill refining tasks require only half of the pill refining rate.

for example.

If he obtains one hundred materials to refine the eighth rank Xuanyang Pill, he only needs to hand in fifty Xuanyang Pills, and he owns the extra.

“The setting of the Dandian is a bit interesting.”

When Jiang Chen heard Lin Xian’s introduction, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

With the terrifying success rate of his pill refining, not only can he quickly Ascension pill refining here, it may also accumulate a fortune for him!

After parting with Lin Xian.

Jiang Chen didn’t stay in the residence too much either, and went directly towards the Great Hall, the mission of the Dandian.

Quest Great Hall did not receive many Dandian disciples, only a handful of them.

Jiang Chen waited in line for a while, and soon it was his turn.

“What task material do you want to receive?”

Looking at Jiang Chen in front of him, the middle-aged pill refining teacher in charge of the distribution task asked blankly.

Jiang Chen glanced at the middle-aged alchemist and found a golden badge hanging on his chest.

On the golden badge, there is also a golden star and a dragon and phoenix god character, which looks dazzling to me.

The badge of the pill refining division of the gods is divided into the mortal rank and the god rank.

For example, the pill refining division badge he just obtained, on it is a common character and eight stars, representing the eight ranks of the common rank.

And the middle-aged alchemist in front of him was obviously a pill refining master of the first rank of God.

“Fan-rank eighth-rank Xuanyang Pill material, one hundred copies!”

Jiang Chen came back to his senses and directly reported the task he wanted to take.

The middle-aged alchemist’s mind moved, and the material of the 100-cent Xuanyang Pill appeared directly in front of Jiang Chen.

“Trouble is giving me a pill refining room.”

Jiang Chen collected the pill refining materials, and then said to the middle-aged alchemist.

In order to facilitate the Dandian disciples to complete the task.

Mission Great Hall is not only a place to receive missions, but also a lot of pill refining rooms.

The pill refining room here is not only safe, but also has excellent sound insulation and hardly any disturbance.

more importantly.

The pill refining chamber is fully equipped, and he can directly pill refining without preparing a pill furnace or the like.

Although most pill refining teachers are accustomed to using their own pill furnace.

after all.

The own Dan furnace is not only carefully selected for its quality, but it will also be more convenient to use all the year round, which can greatly increase the rate of success of the Dan.


This makes no difference to Jiang Chen.

Every time he pill refining, as long as the 100-fold pill refining rate is activated, the probability of failure is minimal.

The middle-aged alchemist didn’t say much, he just threw a token engraved with the number sixteen to Jiang Chen.

“Thanks a lot.”

Jiang Chen thanked him, and then found the pill refining chamber on the 16th, preparing for crazy Ascension pill refining.

He placed a hundred Xuanyang Pill materials in front of him in an orderly manner, and directly entered the pill refining state without hesitation.

To save time.

Jiang Chen didn’t use the conventional refining method, but used the Purple Pill Splitting Technique.

Each time, Jiang Chen directly threw the three-point Xuanyang Pill material into the pill furnace, using the Purple Extreme Pill Pill technique for more than one furnace.

It didn’t take long.

Three Medicine Pills from Jiang Chen’s first furnace were successfully refined.

“Ding! You have successfully refined an eighth-rank Xuanyang Pill of Mortal rank, and you have gained 100,000*100 experience with pill refining!”

“Ding! You have successfully refined an eighth-rank Xuanyang Pill of Mortal rank, and you have gained 100,000*100 experience with pill refining!”

“Ding! You have successfully refined an eighth-rank Xuanyang Pill of Mortal rank, and you have gained 100,000*100 experience with pill refining!”


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