Chapter 1677 Natural pill body!

The pill furnace exploded.

Jiang Chuan was caught off guard, and was instantly affected by the hot air waves erupting in the pill furnace. The whole person looked embarrassed, and even his hair smelled a little bit of scorching.

If it weren’t for the Restrictions on every stone platform evaluated by the alchemist, I am afraid that others would be affected by it.

“No…impossible, how could I fry the stove?”

Jiang Chuan’s eyes were dull, he could hardly believe his own eyes, and he couldn’t help but let out an unbelievable roar in his mouth.

In the Great Hall.

Everyone looked at Jiangchuan’s bursting pill furnace and the embarrassed appearance, and they did not recover from the shock for a long time.

Many people even lost control of the pill refining in front of them because of a momentary loss of consciousness, which led to a complete failure of pill refining this time.

“This kid…what a keen judgment!”

Including Lin Xian and the two old men responsible for the assessment.

In their eyes looking at Jiang Chen, an incredible horror appeared.

If Jiang Chen just said that Jiangchuan would fail in pill refining, they might still think Jiang Chen was hit by mistake, and it happened to be right.

But Jiang Chen gave a clear fryer time.

The final result is exactly the same as the time given by Jiang Chen!

How can such a precise judgment be guessed by mistakes?

As for the delicate woman beside Jiang Chen, her eyes almost fell out of shock at this moment.

Twenty breaths!

Not a lot of breath, a lot of breath!

Jiangchuan’s Dan furnace was really fried at this time.

This… This is too exaggerated.

The delicate woman originally thought that Jiang Chen’s pill refining technique should not be very good.

But now she realized that with Jiang Chen’s terrifying eyesight, it was far from what they could match.

“Little girl, don’t be distracted. Add Jinyanghua and Ziyun Lingzhi in the three breaths, otherwise you will fail the pill refining this time.”

Just when the delicate woman was shocked, Jiang Chen’s faint voice suddenly rang in her ears.

The delicate and beautiful woman was shocked, and hurriedly added two medicinal materials according to Jiang Chen’s instructions.

After Jiang Chen pointed the delicate woman, he immediately began to pill refining calmly.

Although his actions were a bit rusty because he hadn’t been pill refining for a long time, as the system turned on with a hundredfold pill refining rate, Jiang Chen could still achieve perfection in every step.

“Ding! You have successfully refined an eighth-rank Xuanyang Pill of Mortal rank, and you have gained 100,000*100 experience with pill refining!”

In less than half an hour, Jiang Chen became the first person on the court to refine Xuanyang Pill.

After refining the first Xuanyang Pill, Jiang Chen didn’t stop at all, and directly continued to refine the second Xuanyang Pill.

He came to the alchemy hall this time for the Ascension alchemy.

Now that there are still materials to refine, Jiang Chen naturally does not want to waste time, and is ready to continue to refine Medicine Pill to gain experience.

With the last refining.

When Jiang Chen was refining the second Medicine Pill, his movements also began to become fluent.

It wasn’t until halfway through the refining of his second Medicine Pill that disciples from other pill halls in the Great Hall successively refined the Xuanyang Pill.

Seeing this scene, the black-clothed old man couldn’t help but look astonished and said: “This kid’s pill refining technique seems to be more proficient than just now.”

“If I’m right, he should just be a lot of pill refining without hands. He was a bit rusty just now.”

“This guy’s pill refining talent is extremely high, and he has perfect control of every step.”

“I’m afraid that even some god-rank alchemy masters may not be able to do better than him, just by refining the eighth-rank Medicine Pill of the mortal rank.”

The old man in red couldn’t help his face in awe.

He tilted his head to look at Lin Xian who was aside, and couldn’t help asking, “Lin Xian, is this guy really the dragon of God Dragon City?”

Lin Xian nodded: “This guy is so old that he can appear in Shenlong City, he must be the Shenlong Guard of Shenlong City.”

“Unexpectedly, there is a genius with both pill and martial arts in Shenlong City.”

Looking at Jiang Chen, who was methodically refining the second Medicine Pill, the old man in red was also very impressed.

This guy’s Alchemy talent is probably by no means under his Martial Dao talent.

If it can be cultivated a little bit, its achievements on Alchemy may not be worse than those on Martial Dao!

Talk to the three.

The refining of Jiang Chen’s second Medicine Pill is quickly coming to an end.

As he pinched out a Pill Condensation Art, a strong pill fragrance filled Jiang Chen’s pill furnace again.

Immediately afterwards.

Under everyone’s attention, Jiang Chen began to refine the third Xuanyang Pill.

There are almost no accidents.

The third Xuanyang Pill was easily refined by Jiang Chen.

This scene also caused a deadly silence in the Great Hall.

Whether it was the Dandian disciples who participated in the assessment or the three Lin Xian, they all failed to recover from the shock for a long time.

Now the distance assessment begins, but it’s just over an hour’s time.

This guy actually refined the three medicines prepared for the assessment, and all three Medicine Pills were successfully refined!

This…this is too enchanting.

“How… how is it possible?”

Jiang Chuan stared blankly at the scene in front of him, he couldn’t believe his own eyes.

In just over an hour, three common rank eighth-grade Medicine Pills were refined.


This guy only used three materials and didn’t fail once!

Not to mention those disciples who participated in the evaluation of the eighth rank of the ordinary rank, even if many disciples have already been promoted to the rank eighth alchemist, they may not be able to do it.

“Perfect! It’s so perfect!”

“Whether it is the pill refining process or the success rate, this child has reached an extremely perfect point.”

“The old man can be considered to have seen many Alchemy geniuses in his life, but he has never seen such an enchanting character.”

The old man in black muttered authentically.

“Not only that, judging by the pill incense emitted by the three Medicine Pills he refined, I’m afraid the quality has also reached the point of perfection.”

The old man in red took a deep breath and slowly said: “This son… is simply someone who was born as Alchemy.”

A man born as Alchemy!

Hearing the words of the old man in red, Lin Xian couldn’t help but said in horror: “Old Huo, what do you mean… Jiang Chen is the legendary natural pill!”

The old man in red’s muddy eyes flashed: “Other than this, I can’t think of any better explanation.”

Lin Xianqiang suppressed the horror in his heart.

He thought of Jiang Chen’s previous keen judgment, thought of Jiang Chen’s pill refining process that was perfect without any blemishes, but in his heart he had to acquiesce to the old man’s guess in red.

Such a perfect pill refining accomplishment, perhaps only the legendary natural pill can be achieved.

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