Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1673

“Jiexin origin?”

Jiang Chen was suddenly taken aback.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t know what the origin of the world heart was, he could vaguely feel that this was nothing ordinary.

“The Three Thousand Realms of God’s Realm, each realm has given birth to a core power, and this core power is called the origin of the realm heart.”

“The origin of the realm heart is the root of the existence of a realm.”

“Once a certain realm loses its origin, the entire realm will no longer exist.”

Pang Qingyuan slowly explained.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly: “So, the blood moon Venerable invaded the blood moon realm for the origin of the realm heart of the ancient dragon realm?”


Pang Qingyuan nodded.

With Jiang Chen’s current talent and strength, he is fully qualified to know the secrets of some world god Venerable.

Pang Qingyuan didn’t conceal it either, and explained to Jiang Chen in a one-to-one manner.

The world god Venerable integrates the power of the six realms of the gods, and a real world will evolve in the body, giving birth to the power of the world gods.

And the power of the world god can sense the original existence of the world heart.

Once recognized by the source of the world heart, the world god Venerable can control a part of the power of the heart of the world.

The origin of the world heart can not only speed up the cultivation speed of the world god Venerable, but also greatly ascension the battle power of the world god Venerable.

As long as it is in the realm where the realm of the heart belongs.

The realm god Venerable blessed by the Bounded Heart is almost invincible with Realm.

Blood Moon Venerable and Gulong Venerable, both are world gods in the early stage.

Even Blood Moon Venerable is much stronger.

But Blood Moon Venerable has never dared to fight head-on with the ancient dragon Venerable, because the ancient dragon Venerable is in the ancient dragon world and has the blessing of the heart of the world.

It is precisely because of this.

Only then will the Blood Moon Venerable contain the ancient dragon Venerable frontally, and then wait for the opportunity to attack from the side and invade the territory of the ancient dragon world.

As long as they occupy the territory of the ancient dragon tribe, the blood moon Venerable, which is also the world god Venerable, can separate these territories from the ancient dragon world.

Once the territory of the ancient dragon world shrinks, the power of the heart of the world will also weaken.


The blood moon Venerable wants to weaken the power of the ancient dragon Venerable bit by bit by invading the territory of the ancient dragon world.

If the Blood Moon Realm really broke through the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom this time, and then occupied the Eastern Region of the Ancient Dragon Realm, the strength of the Ancient Dragon Venerable would be greatly weakened.

By the time.

I am afraid that the entire Elder Dragon Realm is really going to be eaten away bit by bit by the Blood Moon Venerable.

“Unexpectedly, the outbreak of the realm war was originally the battle of the realm god Venerable for the origin of the realm heart.”

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment.

He suddenly thought of something, and couldn’t help asking curiously: “If the Ancient Dragon Realm is really eaten away by the Blood Moon Realm, what will happen in the end?”

“The Ancient Dragon Realm disappeared and merged into the Blood Moon Realm, forming a larger realm.”

“The origin of the boundary is also divided into strong and weak. The larger the boundary, the stronger the origin of the boundary, and the cultivation environment in the boundary will be better.”

“This is also an important reason for the emergence of some super realm geniuses in God’s Domain.”

Pang Qingyuan said indifferently.

“In that case, the merger of the two realms does not seem to be a bad thing?”

Hearing Pang Qingyuan’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help muttering to himself authentically.

Pang Qingyuan shook his head and smiled bitterly: “That said, if you change to you, would you be willing to give up the cupped hands that you have mastered the origin of the world heart?”

When Jiang Chen heard this, he could only helplessly shook his head.

The role of the origin of the world heart is undoubtedly a vital existence for a world god Venerable.

Every world god Venerable, I am afraid that he will try to get the power of the heart of the world.


Even with the power of Jie Xin’s origin, I am afraid that many people will still not be satisfied.

They are estimated to be like the Blood Moon Venerable, and they will not hesitate to launch a realm war to make the origin of the realm that they have mastered become stronger.

And which world god, Venerable, would willingly hand over the origin of the world heart that he has mastered?


“The source of the heart of the world is not a power you can touch at present.”

“You should also quickly handle the affairs of Tianlongcheng, and then let me go to Shenlongcheng.”

Pang Qingyuan waved his hand and turned off the topic directly.


Jiang Chen nodded, then directly found Xue Qianrou and Meng Ping, and questioned what they meant.

As long as the two are willing, Jiang Chen intends to take them back to Shenlong City and continue to manage the mansion for him.

Hearing that Jiang Chen had broken through the Heavenly God Realm and was about to enter the Dragon City, and was willing to continue to let them follow him, both Xue Qianrou felt like a dream.

Since they followed Jiang Chen.

It only took them more than a year to follow Jiang Chen into the Sky Dragon City.

It didn’t take long.

Jiang Chen has become one of the few true dragons in Tianlong City, and they have also moved into the suspended peaks given by the world god Venerable.

Now several years have passed.

Jiang Chen had already broken through the Heavenly God Realm and was about to enter the legendary Shenlong City.

Xue Qianrou didn’t even dream of it.

One day they will have the opportunity to enter the Dragon City.

For them, such an opportunity is simply something to be met but not to be sought. How could they refuse it?

After arranging the two of Xue Qianrou.

Jiang Chen left the Xuanfeng directly and headed straight towards the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

“This guy has to go to the Heavenly Dragon Palace before leaving.”

Pang Qingyuan felt speechless when he sensed Jiang Chen’s actions.

This guy has now made a breakthrough in the second rank of the gods, and his combat power is even more powerful than the fourth rank of the gods.

To know.

There are only fifty levels in the Heavenly Dragon Palace, and even at the fiftieth breath, they are only facing the third-tier opponents of the Celestial God.

With Jiang Chen’s current combat power, there was no problem in clearing the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

From then on, Tianlong Palace is afraid that there will be a terrifying record of a person who has never been before.

The facts are just as Pang Qingyuan expected.

Not long after Jiang Chen went to the Tianlong Temple, the Tianlong Temple burst out with a burst of radiant light directly into the sky.

This ray of light indicates that someone has cleared the Tianlong Palace.

And Jiang Chen is also the first person to pass the Tianlong Palace in Tianlong City since the establishment of the ancient dragon clan.

“This guy… unexpectedly cleared the Tianlong Palace directly before leaving the Tianlong City.”

In a courtyard in the center of Tianlong City, Shui Linglong looked at the divine light erupting from the Tianlong Temple, and couldn’t help showing a complex look.

Clearing the fifty levels of the Tianlong Palace means that there is the power to kill the third-order god of the sky.

Such power is undoubtedly far beyond her.

The hairy boy who only entered the Gulong clan ten years ago, in a blink of an eye, unexpectedly reached a height that was beyond her reach.

And after today.

Jiang Chen will enter Shenlong City.

With Jiang Chen’s talent, after entering the Dragon City, his strength will surely be ascension faster.

Shui Linglong even had a hunch.

I’m afraid it won’t be long before the Gulong clan will have an extra peerless powerhouse named Jiang Chen.

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