Chapter 1672 The end of the war, return to Tianlongcheng!

“Finally, there is a result.”

Gulong Venerable looked at the fluctuations in the void, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

Xueyin used the hair of the world god to escape, which proved that the overall situation of Tianpeng Shen Nation was over.

This time.

Blood Moon Venerable’s plan to kill Jiang Chen was completely frustrated.


Under the gaze of everyone on both sides, a blood beam finally shot out from the endless void.

Among the blood awns, there was a pale, blood-clothed youth who was the chief disciple of Blood Moon Venerable, Xue Yin.

“Xueyin, what’s the matter? The deity prepared Shen Yuanhai for you with a hole card, why did you still fail?”

Blood Moon Venerable looked at the bloody yard in front of him, and his cold voice rang directly in his mind.

Xueyin didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly informed Blood Moon Venerable of everything that happened in Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

Hearing that Xueyin is no longer Jiang Chen’s opponent, and Gulong Venerable has already seen his layout, and sent someone to kill Shen Yuanhai with the decree of the world god, and the look of Bloody Moon Venerable has also become more and more gloomy.

This time.

He secretly joined forces with Zhuang Shengyang of the Gulong clan, carefully arranged, but still failed to kill Jiang Chen.


He wants to kill Jiang Chen, I am afraid it will be even more difficult.

“Gu Long, you are lucky this time. But you wait for me, the deity will come back soon.”

Blood Moon Venerable stared at Jiang Chen gloomily, and there was also a sharp cold glow in his eyes.

This time he attacked the ancient dragon realm, not only did he not make the slightest progress, but because the ancient dragon realm was born out of thin air, he thought that he was a peerless evildoer, which successively damaged seven or eight strong gods in the heavens.

Even if they continue to attack now, they may not be able to take any advantage in the hands of the ancient dragon world.

This battle obviously has no meaning to continue.

The Blood Moon Venerable plans to return to the Blood Moon Venerable, and then go to summon strong aid, and then kill back to the ancient dragon world!


This time must not be delayed for too long.

after all.

That guy named Jiang Chen is too enchanting, and the enchanting even makes Blood Moon Venerable a little frightened.

Just breaking through the second stage of the gods, you can defeat the bloody sacred battle force comparable to the fourth stage of the gods.

If you let it grow.

I am afraid that it won’t take long for that guy to become a powerful person comparable to the sixth-order deity, and it is not impossible even to become a world god Venerable.

Once Jiang Chen breaks through the world god, the ancient dragon world will have two world gods Venerable.

By the time.

His Blood Moon Realm is probably not far from destruction.

Gu Long Venerable smiled faintly: “Blood Moon, I still said that, this deity of the ancient dragon world, you can’t get involved if you want to get involved.”,


The Blood Moon Venerable gave a cold snort, and immediately disappeared into the sky with the blood moon realm powerhouse.

“Won, we won!”

“I didn’t expect that this time the Blood Moon Realm would be so easily beaten back by us.”


Many experts in the ancient dragon realm looked at this scene, and couldn’t help cheering with excitement on their faces.

“This battle is thanks to that boy Jiang Chen. If he hadn’t been born out of nowhere, the situation would not be optimistic for us.”

Pang Qingyuan’s expression was authentic.

I remember that when Jiang Chen entered the ancient sacred dragon ruins, he said a word to Jiang Chen, maybe in the future the ancient dragon tribe will have a place to rely on Jiang Chen, but he did not expect that this day would come so soon.

“Hehe… this is also a blessing to my ancient dragon clan.”

Gu Long Venerable said with a smile.

This battle is indeed Jiang Chen turned out to turn things around.

If there is no Jiang Chen, Tianpeng Divine Kingdom will definitely fall, and the blood moon world will open the door of the Eastern Region, and then the entire Eastern Region will probably be in danger.

“Let’s go, this time the blood moon should really be retreating, and this territorial war is temporarily over.”

After Gu Long Venerable finished speaking, he also disappeared into the void with everyone.

Tianpeng Kingdom of God.

After Jiang Chen and the others repelled Xueyin, they kept guarding at Feiyun Pass and didn’t leave there.

Until a day later.

They finally got the news that the Blood Moon Realm army had completely withdrawn from the Ancient Dragon Realm, and this realm war had come to an end.

Jiang Chen and the others did not stay too much in the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, and they directly bid farewell to the Tianpeng Divine Emperor and returned to the ancient dragon clan.

A few days later.

When Jiang Chen and the others returned to Sky Dragon City, Shui Linglong also showed up to greet them in person.

Since the war in the ancient dragon world was unfavorable, the ancient dragon clan had to send the disciples of Tianlongcheng to support the kingdom of Tianpeng. Shui Linglong was worried that the Tianlongcheng disciples could withstand the pressure and defend Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

Unexpectedly at a critical moment.

Jiang Chen turned out to be born into the world, and went straight to the second-order Heavenly God, even cutting blood and moon-level Heavenly God Realm powerhouses, reversing the entire battle.

Now that Jiang Chen stepped into the Heavenly God Realm, he could go straight to the Shenlong City, and even no matter how strong he was or his status, he was even better than her.

Jiang Chen exchanged a few words with Shui Linglong, then bid farewell to everyone and went straight back to the ninth hanging peak.

Shui Ling had told him just now that after breaking through the Heavenly God Realm, he would be directly promoted to the Shenlong City.

before this.

Jiang Chen also had to arrange for Xue Qianrou and two of them before going to the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

With his current strength, he should be able to hold on for a long time in the Heavenly Dragon Palace, so he naturally wants to get the Ancient Dragon Blood Essence rewarded by the Heavenly Dragon Palace.

“Jiang Chen!”

And just when Jiang Chen returned to the Xuanfeng, a green light in the void fell out of thin air and landed directly in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at the figure in front of him and couldn’t help but froze slightly: “Pang Lao, why are you here?”

“Little guy, I didn’t expect that in just over a year since we last met, you will have grown to this point.”

“This time the realm war, you made a great contribution.”

“Gulong Venerable has an order, let me take you to the Gulong clan to see him as soon as you come back. I have been waiting for a long time.”

Pang Qingyuan said with a smile on his face.

Jiang Chen hesitated slightly: “Pang Lao, I still have something to deal with in Sky Dragon City.”

“It’s okay, you can handle it with peace of mind. I am waiting for you here.”

Pang Qingyuan smiled and said: “You are a great hero of the ancient dragon clan. If it weren’t for your existence this time, the ancient dragon world would be greatly injured. Presumably, the ancient dragon Venerable wouldn’t mind waiting a little longer.”

Jiang Chen looked suspicious and said: “Pang Lao’s words are serious. Even if Tianpeng Divine Kingdom is lost, as long as the ancient dragon Venerable is undefeated, the ancient dragon world shouldn’t be greatly injured, right?”

“You underestimated your role this time.”

Pang Qingyuan shook his head, then looked at Jiang Chen and said solemnly: “Do you know why Blood Moon Venerable launched a realm war and invaded the ancient dragon realm?”

Jiang Chen pondered slightly: “I heard Jinqiuyang Elder mentioned that it was related to the power controlled by the world god Venerable?”

“Yes, it is indeed related to the power of the world god Venerable.”

Pang Qingyuan said slowly: “To be precise, it is related to the origin of Jie Xin!”

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