Chapter 1641 Invincible push all the way!

“You…who are you?”

The demon-headed man looked at this scene, and finally there was an unconcealable panic in his eyes.

Dozens of True God Realm Practitioners.

Among them, there were more than a dozen high-ranking true gods, and two deputy leaders of the peak of the top true gods were all killed by the black-clothed youth in front of them.

Although he knew the strength of this kid in front of him was extraordinary, he did not expect that this kid was already so terribly powerful!

Even with his half-step strength in the early stage of the Heavenly God Realm, it is impossible to do it.

no doubt.

This kid in front of him is definitely a half-step heavenly god!

And it is also a Half-Step Heavenly Divine Realm that is more powerful than him!

“I am Jiang Chen, a disciple of the ancient dragon clan. Since you don’t want to get out of the ancient dragon world, leave me forever!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and an invisible kendo power surged out of him instantly.

this moment.

Jiang Chen seemed to have transformed into an ancient divine sword exuding endless kendo power.

The terrible kendo coercion instantly filled the void.

The demon man’s face was pale, and his body was trembling under the pressure of this terrifying kendo.

At this moment.

Facing the black-clothed youth in front of him, he seemed to be facing the Celestial God Realm of the Blood Moon Realm, giving him a feeling of being unable to disobey.

The strange man is only grateful for the dead souls in his heart.

He didn’t even have the courage to face Jiang Chen, so he turned and turned into a bloody glow and fled away.


Before the monster man could escape how far, an invisible kendo power instantly penetrated all obstacles and hit the monster man’s body.


Only a soft sound was heard, and the figure of the monster man instantly changed from extremely fast to still.

The next moment.

The monster man was divided into two from the middle, and fell into two halves from the air.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, even the first-tier powerhouse of the gods is not afraid.

And the strange man in front of him was just an ordinary half-step heaven early stage, and he was no different from the ants in front of Jiang Chen.

“How… how is it possible?”

In White River City, some of the people in the Blood Moon Realm who stayed behind on the city wall were suddenly shocked by the scene before them.

They are powerful and invincible, leading them all the way to sweep the leaders of the three cities of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, and they were killed in seconds!


Many people in the Blood Moon Realm looked horrified, and quickly scattered and fled.

“This…this is too tough, right?”

Behind Jiang Chen, the silver-armored general named Wang Ying and several of his cronies couldn’t help taking a breath.

Kill dozens of Practitioners in the Blood Moon Realm.

Even the leader of the Blood Moon Realm, the half-step Heavenly God Realm, was lightly downplayed by Jiang Chen in a flash!

Such strength is really terrifying!

Looking at the people who fled from the Blood Moon Realm, Jiang Chen waved his palm lightly, and the sky filled the sky with Sword Qi instantly enveloped a hundred li space.

Puff puff……

I saw the blood moon realm Practitioners fleeing in panic. They were strangled by the sky full of Sword Qi before they even reacted, and they were scattered in the air as a rain of blood.

Resolving these blood moon realm Practitioners lightly, Jiang Chen directly rushed into White River City and cleared the blood moon realm remnants in the city.

Regained White River City.

Jiang Chen didn’t waste time either. He directly said to Wang Ying who was following him: “Send someone to take over Baihe City, and then take me to the next city captured by the Blood Moon Realm.”


Wang Ying respectfully responded.

Today’s Wang Ying is completely convinced by Jiang Chen.

It took less than half an hour in total since he brought Jiang Chen to Baihe City.

But Jiang Chen in such a short time, relying on his own strength, conquered Baihe City, which had a half-step Heavenly God Realm.

With Jiang Chen’s strength.

Unless the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse of the Blood Moon Realm makes a move, I am afraid that no one can pose any threat to him!


Wang Ying took Jiang Chen all the way east to Shuangye City, which was adjacent to Baihe City.

The power of the Blood Moon Realm in Frost Leaf City is not strong, not even a half-step Heavenly God Realm.

Jiang Chen almost effortlessly pushed Invincible all the way, killing Frost Leaf City’s Blood Moon Realm Practitioner, and regaining a city again.

“Your Excellency Jiang Chen, east of Frost Leaf City is the famous Feiyun Pass in Tianpeng Kingdom.”

“Feiyun Pass is located in a fortress. It is the only way to enter the capital from the east of Tianpeng Kingdom. The Blood Moon Realm is very likely to be guarded by heavy soldiers.”

“Next… shall we go to Feiyun Pass?”

After capturing Shuangyecheng, Wang Ying couldn’t help but hesitate slightly.

“Go, why not?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed: “Since Feiyun Pass is so important, then we can just capture Feiyun Pass and cut off the back of the blood moon world.”

Now he has only captured two small cities and killed some of them, it is probably difficult to attract the attention of the Blood Moon Realm.

If you can overcome Feiyun Pass, it will surely make the Blood Moon Realm shake.

By the time.

Maybe the Blood Moon Realm would send a Heavenly God Realm powerhouse to deal with him.

He can take the opportunity to kill a Heavenly God Realm of the Blood Moon Realm, greatly weakening the strength of the Blood Moon Realm!

Seeing that Jiang Chen had already decided to attack Feiyun Pass, Wang Yingwen did not hesitate, and took Jiang Chen directly towards Feiyun Pass.

Feiyun Pass.

A Xiongguan pass thousands of miles away to the east of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom’s imperial capital. It is located at the intersection of two mountain ranges.

The mountains on both sides of Feiyun Pass were extremely steep as if they were split apart by a sharp giant axe.

Not only that.

An extremely fierce gust of wind permeates the mountains all the year round, covering the entire sky above Feiyunguan.

This kind of wind can easily strangle the True God Realm Practitioner.

It is precisely because of the environment of Feiyun Pass that it has become a natural fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

At this moment.

In the center of Feiyun Pass, a huge palace, a blood-clothed young man sits at the top of the Great Hall.

The blood-clothed youth is handsome and strange in appearance.

Especially on the center of his eyebrows, there is a mysterious mark with a faint blood glow, which looks very strange.

On both sides of the Great Hall.

There are also many Blood Moon Practitioners enjoying singing and dancing while tasting the various delicacies and wines in front of them.

“Nine sons, something has happened.”

“I just got the news that Commander Yu, who was in charge of the attack, was blocked by the mysterious powerhouse of the Tianpeng Kingdom and has encountered an accident.”

“I’m worried that the mysterious strong will come to Feiyun Pass, so I ask the son to make preparations.”

At this moment, a guard hurriedly walked to the side of the blood-clothed youth and said anxiously.

“What can I prepare!”

The blood-clothed youth didn’t care at all: “It’s fine if that guy doesn’t come. If he really dares to come to Feiyun Pass, he will just kill him!”

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