Chapter 1640 Kill the Quartet!

“How many powerhouses in the Blood Moon Realm are in Tianpeng Divine Kingdom today?”

Jiang Chen pondered slightly and asked a more critical question.

“As far as I know, there are a total of four heavenly gods in the Blood Moon Realm attacking the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, one of which is a second-order god and three are first-order. In addition, there are dozens of half-step heavenly gods. .”

“Originally, Heavenly Peng Divine Emperor and two Heavenly Divine Realms who came to support us were sitting here, and Tianpeng Divine Realm was barely able to block the blood moon realm’s attack.”

“But not long ago, one of the Heavenly God Realm suddenly fell into the hands of the Blood Moon Realm, and the situation instantly became out of control.”

The silver armor guard smiled bitterly.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

There are four heavenly gods in the blood moon realm, of which three are first-order gods and one is second-order gods.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, the three powerhouses at the first rank of the gods are not a concern at all.

The only thing that can cause trouble for him is the strong man of Tier 2 Heavenly God.

Jiang Chen thought for a while, and said directly to the defender Yin Jia: “You should have a better understanding of the situation around Qingfeng City, take me to the city that has been captured by the Blood Moon Realm.”

“Your Excellency Jiang Chen, do you want to attack the territory of the Blood Moon Realm alone?”

The silver armor guard suddenly raised his head, and a look of consternation appeared in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.

Although he has to admit.

The disciple of the Gulong clan in front of him is very strong, possessing the strength to kill the first-class true gods in a flash.

But even so.

With his own power, he couldn’t reverse the situation of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom at all.

The silver armor guard was about to invite Jiang Chen to rest in the city, and waited until the arrival of the Gulong clan reinforcements before making plans. Who knew that Jiang Chen would take the initiative to attack!

Jiang Chen nodded and said: “Yes, I plan to regain a few cities that were captured by the Blood Moon Realm first, and relieve some of the pressure on the capital of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.”

The capital of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom is now besieged by the Blood Moon Realm, and the pressure it bears is bound to be not small.

If he counterattacked a few cities, the Blood Moon Realm would definitely pull out more power to suppress it.

By the time.

He can gradually erode the power of the Blood Moon Realm.

If the Blood Moon Realm had sent a Tier 1 Heavenly God powerhouse, perhaps he could still wait for the opportunity to behead him.

As long as a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm is killed, the situation will inevitably be reversed.

When Jinqiuyang brings the disciples of Tianlongcheng, they can counterattack with all their strength and drive the people of the blood moon world out of the kingdom of Tianpeng!

“The closest thing to Qingfeng City is White River City, five thousand miles away. According to the information I got, White River City was breached by the Blood Moon Realm two days ago.”

The silver armor guard gritted his teeth.

Since Jiang Chen wanted to attack the blood moon world and share the pressure for the capital of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, the Yinjiao defender, as the general of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, naturally had no reason to back down.

not to mention……

Jiang Chen could kill the existence of the top true god peak in one move, and he was probably at least a half-step heavenly god.

Now the powerhouses of the Blood Moon Realm are concentrated in the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Capital City, and there are very few people in the Blood Moon Realm who are responsible for attacking the surrounding cities.

With Jiang Chen’s strength, perhaps he could really counterattack the two cities and attract a part of the blood moon world.

The Yinjia Guardian no longer hesitated at the moment, he directly greeted a few cronies, and took Jiang Chen quickly towards the direction of Baihe City.

after all.

A lot of people from the Blood Moon Realm have fled just now, and it is very likely that they will go to White River City to report.

Since they want to take the initiative to attack, naturally the sooner the better, so that the people in the blood moon world can be caught off guard.


Jiang Chen didn’t care about it at all.

Now in the blood moon realm powerhouse in Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, apart from the presence of the second-tier powerhouse of the Heavenly God, who can stop his steps?

The distance of five thousand miles is not far away for Jiang Chen and the others.

Not long.

Jiang Chen came to Baihe City under the leadership of the Yinjia Guardian.

Outside the west gate of Baihe City.

At this moment, dozens of people from the Blood Moon Realm have gathered here, and the first one is a wicked middle-aged man with a bloody gown.

The middle-aged man and the others also spotted Jiang Chen and his party coming towards Baihe City in an instant. At the moment, they couldn’t help showing a look of astonishment on their faces.

Since their blood moon world invaded Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

The people of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom either abandoned the city and fled, or defended the city.

But no one has ever dared to run into their blood moon realm so blatantly like the few people in front of them!

“Tong…Master, they are the people of Qingfeng City.”

Just when the middle-aged man was about to speak, a terrified voice beside him rang directly in his ears.


The middle-aged man’s eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Half a day ago.

He sent a superior deputy commander of the peak of the true god to lead a team of troops to attack Qingfeng City.

But just now.

Many people fled back from Qingfeng City in panic, and told him that a strong man appeared in Qingfeng City, and even the deputy commander was beheaded.

The middle-aged man was immediately furious, and assembled a team of people to go to Qingfeng City.


The middle-aged man never thought of it.

He had just assembled the people, but the people of Qingfeng City took the lead in killing them.

“Boy, you are quite courageous. I haven’t come to trouble you yet. I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to kill the door.”

The middle-aged man swept his eyes and fell directly on Jiang Chen, his murderous awe-inspiring manner.

Among the few people in front of them, only this black-clothed youth, Cultivation Base, had reached the pinnacle of the superior true god, and had the strength to kill him as a deputy commander.

“People in the blood moon world, my ancient dragon world, is not where you should be.”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent: “Give you a chance to survive, wherever you come from, immediately go back to wherever you are. Otherwise… kill without mercy!”

“Haha…should not be ashamed!”

“Boy, I was about to go to Qingfeng City to settle the account with you, but I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to send it to the door.”

“Since you are so anxious to die, then I will fulfill you and kill them for me!”

The middle-aged man smiled coldly and directly waved his big hand to greet the people of the blood moon world behind him to kill Jiang Chen.

“act recklessly!”

A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes, and when he flipped his hand, a soul-killing seal was suppressed from the void.

In an instant…

The two Blood Moon Realm Practitioners who rushed towards Jiang Chen had no time to react, and they had already turned into nothingness under Jiang Chen’s seal.

Immediately afterwards.

Jiang Chen’s seal of punishing the characters and the seal of opening the gods also threw towards the blood moon realm Practitioners one after another.

boom! boom!

Two powerful divine seals, with invincible power, destroyed everything in the space of a hundred miles.

The dozens of Practitioners who were shrouded in God’s seal had turned into a pile of ashes before they even had time to make a scream.

Today’s Jiang Chen, killing a half-step Tian Divine Realm is like slaughtering a chicken and a dog, let alone these ordinary True Divine Realms in front of him?

It’s just a blink of an eye.

Jiang Chen had already massacred the Quartet and slaughtered dozens of people from the Blood Moon Realm!

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