Chapter 1638 Territory war broke out!

Tenth hanging peak.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged on a mountain in the center of the suspended peak, fully insight into the power of the world god in the suspended peak.

“Ding! The power of your Insight world god, the source of kendo has gained experience 50000*100!”

“Ding! The power of your Insight world god, the source of Thunder Dao has gained experience 50000*100!”

“Ding! The power of your Insight world god, the source of the wind channel has gained experience 50000*100!”


The origin of Martial Dao is the power above the law of Martial Dao.

Jiang Chen now relies on the power of the world gods of the Xuanfeng Insight Martial Dao, and the speed of gaining experience is significantly slower than the original Insight Martial Dao law.


Jiang Chen no longer has the treasure that can be used as the source of Ascension Martial Dao, and the power of the world god of Insight Suspension Peak is the only way he can quickly Ascension Martial Dao source.

Cultivation has no years.

With such an Insight, one year passed quickly.

Jiang Chen 90% of the roots of kendo finally came to a complete success, comprehending the full strength of kendo.

This also means.

Today’s Jiang Chen has truly stepped into the Heavenly God Realm with one foot.

As long as he is willing, he can condense the power of the world in an instant and become a powerhouse of the first order of the gods!

After the origin of kendo is completed.

Jiang Chen didn’t intend to end his cultivation, and was ready to continue insight into other Martial Dao origins.


After the kendo origin was consummated, Jiang Chen didn’t have the opportunity to cultivate for a few days, and suddenly received an urgent message from Shui Linglong, asking him to leave and gather at the central square of Tianlong City.

“It seems that something big has happened.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

If it weren’t for something major, how could the number one Elder in charge of Sky Dragon City suddenly send him an emergency call?

He did not hesitate at all, ended the cultivation directly and headed for the central square.

When Jiang Chen came to the central square, there were already no less than a hundred Tianlongcheng disciples gathered here.

Including the other eight true dragons in Tianlong City, Bai Liting and other top-ranked disciples were all on the list.

It can be said.

Almost all those gathered in the central square are elite disciples of Sky Dragon City.

“Brother Jiang Chen, are you here?”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s arrival, Liu Tianxing, who had already appeared here, also hurriedly greeted him.

Jiang Chen asked curiously, “Brother Liu, what happened? I don’t know why Elder summoned us?”

Liu Tianxing was taken aback for a moment: “You don’t know yet?”

Jiang Chen shook his head.

This year, he has been in the Xuanfeng Insight Martial Dao origin, and has never left for half a step. I really don’t know what happened.

Seeing that such a big event had happened, Jiang Chen was ignorant, and Liu Tianxing couldn’t help being speechless for a while, so he had to explain to Jiang Chen.


About three months ago, the blood moon world suddenly invaded the ancient dragon world, and the war between the two worlds broke out.

before this.

The ancient dragon tribe has only mobilized the power of Shenlong City, and Heavenly Dragon City has not participated in this realm war.


After three months of fighting, the Ancient Dragon Realm lost a lot of power, and even the Celestial God Realm had fallen on the battlefield. The situation was not optimistic.

Because of the strength being stretched, Dragon City had to participate in the war as well.

Shui Linglong summoned them this time just to support the frontline battlefield.

In the conversation between Jiang Chen and Liu Tianxing.

Suddenly there was a violent fluctuation in the sky above the square, and I saw Shui Linglong and the other three Elders, who also appeared out of thin air in an instant.

“Everyone, the blood moon world is invading the ancient dragon world. I think you already know a little bit about it.”

“The current situation of the war is extremely unfavorable to my ancient dragon world. You are all elite disciples of the ancient dragon tribe. Now that the ancient dragon tribe is in trouble, you should do your part and do your best.”

“Today, Elder, Jinqiuyang and Yanshang, will lead you to the frontline battlefield!”

Shui Linglong’s gaze swept across everyone, and the faint voice rang directly over the square.

Hearing Shui Linglong’s words, many Tianlongcheng disciples didn’t seem too surprised.


These days, the capital city disciples have long understood the news of supporting the frontline battlefield.

There was even a look of excitement in the eyes of some of the disciples.


Under the leadership of the two Elders, Jinqiuyang and Yanshang, the group passed directly through the teleportation formation of Tianlong City and arrived at the Eastern Heavenly Dragon Palace.

The blood moon world is located to the east of the ancient dragon world.

Three months ago.

A large number of Practitioners in the Blood Moon Realm suddenly invaded the Ancient Dragon Realm, causing the entire frontier of the Ancient Dragon Realm to fall.

And what Jiang Chen and the others wanted to support was a celestial god-level power called Tianpeng Divine Kingdom on the border of the Eastern Region.

Although Tianpeng Kingdom is not the frontal battlefield of the war between the two worlds, its geographical location is also special. Once lost, the entire Eastern Region will be exposed under the eyelids of the Blood Moon Realm.

All the time.

Tianpeng Kingdom is one of the key defense places in the ancient dragon world.


Not long ago, the Blood Moon Realm invested a large number of vigorous forces to attack the Kingdom of Tianpeng, causing severe damage to the Kingdom of Tianpeng.

Including a strong man in the Celestial Realm and several half-step Celestial Gods, all fell.

It is precisely because of this.

The ancient dragon tribe didn’t hesitate to use the reserve power of Tianlong City to help Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

“Jin Elder, I want to be alone and rush to Tianpeng Divine Kingdom first.”

After coming out of the Tianlong Palace in the Eastern Region, Jiang Chen felt that Jin Qiuyang and the many disciples of Tianlong City were travelling too slowly, so he planned to leave the large army and head for the Kingdom of Tianpeng.

Jinqiuyang pondered slightly: “In this case, let Yan Elder lead them to come later, let me go ahead with you.”

Although Jiang Chen is now very powerful, Jin Qiuyang is obviously not worried that Jiang Chen will go to Tianpeng Divine Kingdom alone.

Yan Chang heard the words and frowned slightly: “Jinqiuyang, as the Elder of the Sky Dragon City, do you have to follow Jiang Chen to mess around?”

“Why am I messing around?”

Jinqiuyang snorted coldly: “If the Kingdom of Peng God is in danger today, Jiang Chen and I will go there first, and this will relieve the pressure on the Kingdom of Heaven Peng to a certain extent!”

“Jin Elder, you should lead the team with Yanshang Elder, I am enough.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

When he was in the ancient sacred dragon ruins, his combat power was no longer inferior to the powerhouses of the first rank of ordinary gods.

Now his Cultivation Base has reached the pinnacle of the superior true gods, and several Martial Dao origins are all Ascension.

Especially the origin of kendo has been successfully mastered.

With his current strength, even many of the first-tier powerhouses of the gods, I am afraid they are definitely not his opponents!

“Well, then you are careful.”

Thinking that Jiang Chen had already broken through the Heavenly Dragon Hall forty-three breaths and had the capital to contend with the Heavenly God Realm, Jin Qiuyang finally agreed.

“rest assured.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, directly turned into an afterimage, swept towards the sky ahead.

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