Chapter 1637 Supreme True God Peak, Divine Body Vision Great

After coming out of Tianlong Palace.

Under the shocking gaze of many Tianlongcheng disciples, Jiang Chen returned to own Xuanfeng, ready to continue cultivation.

Although Jiang Chen entered God’s Domain, the speed of Cultivation Base Ascension has been extremely terrifying.

In less than ten years.

Jiang Chen had already advanced from the Guixu realm all the way to become a superior true god, and his combat power was not inferior to the first-order powerhouse of the gods.

But in Jiang Chen’s view, this is far from enough.

after all.

True God Realm is only the lowest level existence in God Realm.

Without the help of a strong person above the Heavenly God Realm, the True God Realm can only be trapped in one realm for a lifetime.

The Three Thousand Realms of God’s Domain, like stars, are densely distributed in a huge universe.

Even two adjacent realms are separated from each other by an eternal void without any breath of life.

And the true gods did not have the ability to walk in the eternal void at all.

Even the best true gods can hardly resist the mysterious power in the eternal void. Once you step into the eternal void, it is difficult to come out alive.


If you want to travel freely in the three thousand realms of God’s Domain, you must at least have the strength of the Heavenly God Realm.

Only by breaking through the Heavenly God Realm can he have the ability to walk out of the ancient dragon realm and find the whereabouts of his father Jiang Wuya.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen directly took out the eight drops of Gulong Blood Essence he had just obtained and began to swallow it.

“Ding! You swallow a drop of the diluted Gulong Blood Essence and gain a lot of supernatural power Cultivation Base.”

“Ding! You swallow a drop of the diluted Ancient Dragon Blood Essence, and the divine body vision gains a lot of experience!”

“Ding! You swallow a drop of Gulong Blood Essence, and gain a lot of supernatural power Cultivation Base.”

“Ding! You swallow a drop of the ancient dragon Blood Essence, the divine body vision gains a lot of experience!”


Hearing the prompt sound in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but be slightly surprised.

Because he has found out.

The ancient dragon Blood Essence rewarded before forty breaths in the Tianlong Palace, although good in quality, is still a diluted ancient dragon Blood Essence.

And the reward after forty breaths is already the real Gulong Blood Essence.

Jiang Chen clearly felt it.

A drop of real ancient dragon Blood Essence, the Ascension effect is dozens of times stronger than the diluted ancient dragon Blood Essence!

Jiang Chen kept swallowing Gulong Blood Essence.

In a short while.

Five drops of the diluted Blood Essence of the ancient dragon and three drops of the real Blood Essence of the ancient dragon have been swallowed by Jiang Chen.

And Jiang Chen Cultivation Base, directly and smoothly broke through the pinnacle of the Supreme True God.

Not only that.

His divine body vision is also a Realm that has achieved great success.

“I didn’t expect that the reward after forty breaths of the Heavenly Dragon Palace turned out to be the real Ancient Dragon Blood Essence.”

Jiang Chen opened his eyes, and his eyes also revealed unconcealed surprises.

He originally thought.

These eight drops of Gulong Blood Essence can only make his breakthrough time much earlier, and it is not enough for him to directly reach the peak of the superior true god.

But I did not expect that in these eight drops of ancient dragon Blood Essence, there are actually three drops of real ancient dragon Blood Essence!

In this way.

He was equivalent to swallowing hundreds of drops of diluted Blood Essence of the ancient dragon in an instant, and he directly reached the Realm, the pinnacle of the superior true god, in one breath!

“Now the Cultivation Base Breakthrough is the peak of the true gods, and the next is Insight’s various Martial Dao origins, preparing for the breakthrough in the heavens and gods.”

Jiang Chen pondered slightly and began to count the treasures in the storage ring.

This time in Shenglong Tiangong, Jiang Chen naturally also got a lot of treasures that helped Martial Dao’s original Ascension.

He was going to count these treasures, and then combined with the power of the world god on the hanging peak, to give his full strength to the original power of Ascension Martial Dao.

After making all preparations, Jiang Chen also entered the cultivation state again.

“Ding! You consume a piece of the Purple Thunder God Bamboo, and the origin of Thunder will gain 1000000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You swallow a Fire Emperor Dao Fruit, and the origin of Fire Dao will gain 3000000*100 experience!”


For a whole month.

Jiang Chen finally exhausted all the treasures that could be Ascension’s own Martial Dao origin.

He has almost mastered 90% of the origin of his kendo.

And the original power of the three realms of wind, fire and thunder is all mastered at least over 70%.

Only time origin and space origin, there is not much Ascension during this period of time, and it has been staying at about 40%.

Treasures that can ascension the origin of time and space are relatively rare.

Even among the treasures Jiang Chen obtained from Shenglong Tiangong, there were almost no such treasures.

Regarding this situation, Jiang Chen was also quite helpless.

Now, the gap between the way of time and the way of space, and the other four Martial Dao, is really too big.

He wants fellow practitioners of the Six Paths to directly condense the power of the Six Paths of the world, and to become the sixth order of the gods in one fell swoop, which is undoubtedly an extremely difficult task.

If there is no cultivation resources in this area.

Rely on your own Insight.

Without ten or eight years, the origin of time and space may have been difficult to catch up.


If you can fully grasp the four origins of wind, fire and thunder, and kendo, and then condense the power of the four worlds to directly break through the fourth stage of the gods, it is also very good.

In the domain of God.

A genius among geniuses who can condense the power of the two worlds in the realm of true gods and reach the second order of the gods.

It is even rarer to be able to condense the power of the three realms and even the four realms of the world.

not to mention……

The main reason why ordinary gods geniuses want to master the Martial Dao cross-level breakthrough as much as possible is because of the gods.

A strong person in the celestial realm must cross the celestial calamity every time he makes a breakthrough.

Celestial Tribulation is a very dangerous existence, and if you are not careful, there is a risk of falling.

If you can make a breakthrough, no matter how many steps you have crossed, you only need to cross the Celestial Tribulation once.

In other words.

First breakthrough in the first stage of the gods, and then the next stage and first breakthrough, it takes six times to reach the sixth stage of the gods.

If you can master the six complete Martial Dao origins in the realm of true gods, you only need to go through the calamity of the gods once, and you can directly promote to the six realms of the gods.

This is also the reason why many gods geniuses choose to accumulate at the peak of the true gods when conditions permit.

And Jiang Chen has a system in his body, which can perfectly shield the Celestial Tribulation.

It doesn’t matter whether you first enter the first order of the gods, or master several Martial Dao origins and then cross the order to breakthrough, there is actually not much difference.

“No matter what, let’s talk about the essence of kendo with Insight first.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

As long as Insight has a complete kendo source, he can break through the heavens and gods at any time.

By the time.

When to break through the God Realm, he can totally depend on the situation.

If there is no danger, he can stop breaking through and continue to insight into other Martial Dao origins in the true gods.

Once in danger.

Breaking through the heavens and gods can also become his hidden trump card!

Thoughts flickered.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate, and began to use the power of the world god of the Xuanfeng to continue the Ascension Martial Dao origin…

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