Chapter 1633 Let the Holy Dragon Temple completely disappear!

“Nebula Venerable, are you sure you are not mistaken?”

Thunder Punishment Venerable was stunned for a while and then recovered, his eyes filled with unbelievable expressions.

The relics of the ancient sacred dragon are full of crises.

Every time their four realm true god disciples enter it, a lot of them will fall.

But there has never been a large-scale fall like this.

Especially the geniuses of the half-step Heavenly God Realm have a relatively high survival rate in the ancient sacred dragon relics.

To know.

Three thousand years ago, the true god disciples entered the ancient sacred dragon relics, and there were only five half-step heavenly god disciples who fell from their four realms in total.

And this time.

Even the strongest Starscar Gate, the seven most half-step Celestial Divine Realm disciples, all fell directly to six!

This is too incredible.

Nebula Venerable said in a deep voice: “Thunder Punishment Venerable, you should know that our half-step Celestial Divine Realm disciples in the four realms all have soul cards in Sect. How can they be mistaken?”

“I just contacted Sect Elder, the five and half-step Celestial Realm disciples in Cangshan Temple, and only Cang Kunwu’s soul card is intact!”

at this time.

Kunshan Venerable opened his eyes in vain with his eyes closed all the time, and his complexion instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

Yunyin Venerable’s beautiful eyes are also gloomy as water: “The six and a half steps of Biyun Palace’s disciples of the gods, and only two of them are still alive.”

Hearing that the half-step Celestial Divine Realm disciples in the Cangshan Temple and Biyun Palace were almost completely gone, Venerable couldn’t help but be shocked.

He was about to ask about the situation of the Sky Thunder Sect.

The message of an Elder from the Sky Lei Sect also came directly into his mind.

Thunder Punishment Venerable’s expression instantly became extremely furious.

“The half-step Tian Divine Realm disciple of my Heavenly Thunder Sect, only Lei Tianyang is still alive. What happened to the ancient sacred dragon ruins?”

Kunshan Venerable took a deep breath and looked at Nebula Venerable with a solemn expression: “Nebula Venerable, the ancient sacred dragon relic may have undergone a major change. It should not be too late. Let’s close the ancient sacred dragon relic in advance.”


Nebula Venerable nodded gravely.

This time, the ancient sacred dragon ruins did not know what had happened, and it caused heavy losses to the disciples in their four realms.

If they don’t stop them, I’m afraid the disciples of the four realms will most likely be wiped out.

The four Venerables no longer hesitate now, they all displayed a mysterious handprint of various kinds, and patted the space gate in front of them.


Only a loud bang can be heard, and the power of the invisible space rippling through the door of that space.

After a while.

I saw a Daoist shadow, which also appeared ghostly from the gate of that space.

Just blink of an eye.

Hundreds of Daoist shadows flashed out from the space gate.

“What’s the situation, the ancient sacred dragon relic has only been opened for a few months, how did we come out in advance?”

Many people walked out of the space gate, with a dazed expression on their faces.

Looking at the more than one hundred people who came out of the ancient sacred dragon ruins, the complexions of the four Venerables instantly became extremely ugly.

This time.

A total of two hundred disciples from their four realms entered the remains of the ancient sacred dragon, and now in just a few months, seventy or eighty of them have fallen.

What makes them vomit blood even more.

Among the seventy or eighty fallen disciples, half of them were geniuses in the half-step Heavenly God Realm.

There are fifty genius disciples in the four realms who are half-stepped in the Heavenly God Realm, but now there are only more than ten alive!

“Gong Wuji, what happened to the ancient sacred dragon ruins? How could so many people fall into it?”

Nebula Venerable’s gaze fell directly on Gong Wuji’s four people, and they asked with an iron expression.

The gazes of the other three Venerables also fell on them all, wanting to know what the situation is.

“Venerable, is the descendant of Shenglong Tiangong.”

“A very heaven-defying descendant of the Holy Dragon Temple appeared in the ancient Sacred Dragon Ruins. This person opened the Sacred Dragon Temple and got the inheritance of the Sacred Dragon Temple. We are not opponents.”

“A large number of geniuses in the four realms fell into his hands alone.”

Gong Wuji smiled bitterly.


The Holy Dragon Temple is actually opened!

The four major Venerables heard Gong Wuji’s words, and they couldn’t help but lose their color in amazement.

Since the Holy Dragon Realm fell apart in the ancient war, the Holy Dragon Palace has completely disappeared.

After they control the ancient sacred dragon relics in the four realms, they have always wanted to find the whereabouts of the sacred dragon palace.

But for so many years, they still did not find a trace of the Holy Dragon Temple.

They never thought of it.

This time there will be a descendant of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, and the disappeared Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace will be opened!

Nebula Venerable suppressed the horror in his heart, and said in a deep voice, “Tell what you know, and say it in detail.”

Gong Wuji didn’t dare to conceal the slightest concealment, and hurriedly told about what happened in the ancient sacred dragon ruins.

“Unexpectedly, the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, which has disappeared for many years, will reappear, and there are descendants of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, inherited from it!”

After learning the whole story, Kunshan Venerable’s complexion instantly became extremely solemn.

“I said at the beginning that those descendants of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace staying in the ancient remains of the Holy Dragon are always a scourge. It is best to get rid of them, but you don’t listen. Now something happened?”

Thunder Punishment Venerable snorted coldly.

“You speak lightly.”

Yunyin Venerable coldly said: “Although the four realms control the method of entering the ancient sacred dragon ruins, there are still too many restrictions. You and I know very little about the descendants of the sacred dragon palace. How easy is it to destroy them?”

“Okay, there is no point in arguing about this now.”

“Now that the Holy Dragon Palace has appeared in the ancient sacred dragon relics, it is very likely that it will come out again.”

“What we are considering now is how to face the upcoming Holy Dragon Palace.”

Nebula Venerable stopped the argument between the two and said slowly.

Hearing Nebula Venerable’s words, the three major Venerables couldn’t help but wink.

Their four big realms were originally split from the holy dragon realm.

If Shenglong Tiangong were to be born, it would be hard to guarantee that they would not have any thoughts about their four realms.

Now that the four great realms have been self-reliant for hundreds of millions of years, how can they be willing to be ridden by a holy dragon heavenly palace on their heads?

Thunder Punishment Venerable’s eyes flickered slightly: “Nebula Venerable, your Starscar Gate has the most thorough research on the ancient sacred dragon relics, what can you do?”

“Immediately summon the world god Venerable of the four realms, and come to the Starscar Gate to discuss this.”

“As long as the forces of the four great realms are gathered, my Starscar Gate guarantees that the passage to the ancient sacred dragon relic will be completely opened within a hundred years!”

Nebula Venerable’s eyes flickered with cold light, and the whole body was filled with a murderous intent.

“At that time, we will be able to enter the ancient sacred dragon relics and let the sacred dragon palace disappear completely!”

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