Chapter 1632 The Four Shocked Venerables!

“Let the four guys escape!”

Jiang Chen easily suppressed the many geniuses of the thirty-third rank of the King of Gods, looked at the four people who had fled at least the tenth rank downwards, and shook his head helplessly.

after all.

These four half-step geniuses at the peak of the Heavenly God Realm are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Their abilities are not much inferior to those of ordinary first-order gods.

With Jiang Chen’s current combat power, it is not difficult to defeat these four guys, but it is not easy to kill these four guys.

“The four realms are powerful and profound, far beyond the reach of the ancient dragon realm.”

“These four people are all top geniuses cultivated in the four realms. I’m afraid they still have life-saving cards on them. Naturally, they are not so easy to kill.”

“Now in this ancient sacred dragon ruins, they can no longer pose a threat to you, but there is no need to force them to use their hole cards.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Long Chixiao couldn’t help but whispered softly.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “Senior Brother Long is justified.”

The existence of these four half-step Celestial Gods are all from the four realm god forces with a long history of heritage in the four great realms.

If the four are really forced to work together and desperately, he probably won’t get any benefit.


The four realms are far away from the ancient dragon realm.

Even after leaving the ancient sacred dragon ruins, Jiang Chen didn’t worry about the forces behind these guys coming to him for trouble.

In that case, he didn’t have to keep the four of them.

“Senior Brother Long, I want to cultivate in the Holy Dragon Palace until the ancient sacred dragon remains are closed, but you can’t enter it. I wonder what you plan to do next?”

Jiang Chen thought for a while, and asked Long Chixiao directly with his head tilted.

Long Chixiao pondered slightly and said, “Let’s find the Holy Dragon Tablet in the Holy Dragon Mountain.”

“The Holy Dragon Stele is a weapon used by the Holy Dragon King, and it is also the supreme treasure of the Holy Dragon Palace. If you can insight one or two, you can also get a lot of benefits. I will send you down.

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and he directly led Long Chixiao and two of them towards the Sacred Long Mountain below.

One of the three thousand realms of God’s Domain, the Starscar Realm.

In a star-covered mountain range, palaces stand among them, as if being in an endless star dome, giving people a mysterious and unpredictable feeling.

Here, it is the world god power in charge of the Starscar Realm, where the Starscar Gate is located.

In the ancient times, after the world of sacred dragons experienced a battle and collapsed, apart from this ancient relic of sacred dragons, four new realms were split.

Star marks, Tianlei, Biyun, Cangshan.

And the strength of the Starscar Realm is the first among the four realms.


These four realms are led by the Starscar Realm.

The reason why the ancient sacred dragon remains under the control of the four realms is that a realm god Venerable in the Starscar Gate found it with the magical powers of the Way of Star and the Way of Space.

It is precisely because of this.

The entrance of the four realms to the ancient sacred dragon remains was always controlled by the Starscar Gate.

Every time the ancient sacred dragon remains open, the four realms will gather at the Starscar Gate.

This time, naturally, it is no exception.

In the center of the Starscar Gate, above a thousand feet of void, there are four Daoist shadows, sitting cross-legged outside a huge space gate.

In these four Daoist shadows, everyone’s breath is as vast as the starry sky, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

“Nebula Venerable, this time the ancient sacred dragon relic is over, you should have a lot of geniuses at the Starscar Gate to break through the Heavenly God Realm.”

At this moment, one of the people on the left looked at the space door in front of him, and couldn’t help but smile at a middle-aged man in blue with a deep gaze beside him.

The speaker was quite tall, wearing a silver thunder robe full of lightning patterns. On the thunder robe, the thunder and lightning glow continued to circulate, and there was a little thunder power faintly flowing out of it.

“There are countless opportunities for the remains of the ancient sacred dragon, and at least half of the disciples from the four realms who enter the realm of the heavens and gods can break through the realm of heaven and gods.”

“But… there are a lot of people who can break through the Celestial God Realm, and they may directly break through the second-order Celestial God, maybe not many.”

The blue-clothed middle-aged man called Nebula Venerable smiled faintly: “Thunder punishes Venerable. It is said that your Thunder Sect’s Lei Tianyang, but the three practitioners, understand the three origins, maybe once you enter the realm of heaven, it is The third order of the gods.”

“Three fellow practitioners, how easy is it.”

“Although the kid understands the three Martial Dao origins, only one Martial Dao origin has 90%. The other two Martial Dao origins, but only 30%.”

“It is almost impossible for him to go straight to the third level of the gods.”

Thunder Punishment Venerable shook his head.

As soon as he enters the Heavenly God Realm, he becomes the third-order Heavenly God, such a wicked genius, even if it is rare in the entire God Realm.

As long as nothing happens.

Such a character will surely become the existence of the world god Venerable in the future.

They have four major tiers, and there hasn’t been such a genius in millions of years.

Although Lei Tianyang understood the three sources of Martial Dao, he would be more than a bit short in becoming such a character.

“There are many kinds of Martial Dao practitioners in the True God Realm, which is very difficult at first.”

“Among the many geniuses in the Four Great Realms, I am afraid that only Gong Wuji from the Starscar Gate is the only one who has the hope to reach the second order of the Celestial God, and everyone else is a bit close.”

At this time, an old man in yellow clothes next to him couldn’t help but speak.

“Kunshan Venerable’s words are not correct.”

The last woman in the palace dress said lightly: “There are countless opportunities for the remains of the ancient sacred dragon, and everything is possible. Even if the peak of the true god reaches the second level of the gods, I haven’t never appeared in Biyun Palace.”

This palace-dressed woman is naturally the Yunyin Venerable from Biyun Palace.

Kunshan Venerable shook his head and said, “That said, for thousands of years, the only one out of the four realms, Biyun Palace, is you.”

“Everyone, anyway, we are also idle now, don’t Tathagata take a bet to see how many people can directly pass the first order of the gods?”

Thunder Punishment Venerable smiled honestly.

“Well, since Thunder Punishment Venerable is so interested, then I will play with you.”

Nebula Venerable smiled faintly.

He was about to say his own conditions, but he sensed something in vain, his expression changed drastically, and a trace of the power of the star suddenly rippled from his body.

“Nebula Venerable, what’s wrong?”

Thunder Punishment Venerable The three people saw Nebula Venerable’s strangeness, and they all looked at them in unison.

Nebula Venerable slowly took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: “Just now, Sect Elder heard the news that the six and a half steps of my Starscar Gate, except Gong Wuji, have all fallen to the remains of the ancient sacred dragon!”


The other three Venerables heard Nebula Venerable’s words, and there was a touch of shock that could not be concealed on their faces.

It was only a few months since the opening of the ancient sacred dragon ruins. Six of them have fallen from the seventh half of the star-scar door to the Heavenly God Realm!

This… how is this possible?

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