Chapter 1619 God’s King Way!

“God’s kingly way, is this the godly kingly way in the legend of Shenglong Tiangong?”

At this moment, some of the disciples of the Four Great Realms couldn’t help but exclaimed in excitement.

Shenglong Tiangong has the law of will of the god king, unless he has the exclusive identity token of Shenglong Tiangong, even the world god cannot fly in the air.

The way of the king of gods is a path from the Holy Dragon Mountain to the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, which was opened up by the Holy Dragon King of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.


The Kingship of God is also a road of trials, a test set by the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace to recruit disciples.

As long as you can successfully climb the thirty-three steps of the God’s Way, you can enter the Holy Dragon Temple and become a disciple of the Holy Dragon Temple.

Although the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace has long been destroyed, the opening of God’s Royal Way means that they have the hope of entering the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

Maybe once they pass the test of God’s Kingly Way, they will be recognized by the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, and thus get the supreme chance in the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

“The way of the king of the gods is opened, and the inheritance of the gods of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace is right in front of you, everyone, hurry up.”

Looking at the Kingly Way of God that leads directly to the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, many geniuses have their eyes hot.

They leaped towards the golden ladder above their heads one after another, then grabbed the mysterious lines on the ladder, and used their strength to climb up again and again.

And Pei Qing from Biyun Palace and the silver-haired man from Tianlei Sect rushed directly to the forefront.

The speed of the two is extremely fast, almost as if walking on the ground.

Just blink of an eye.

The two of them crossed a distance of three hundred feet and climbed to the first step of the golden ladder.

Now that the Holy Dragon Temple is open, taking advantage of the fact that other top geniuses in the four realms have not arrived yet, they can just break into the Holy Dragon Temple first step to obtain the great opportunity in the Holy Dragon Temple!

Hum! Hum!

The two reached the first step, and a virtual energy body condensed out of thin air directly in front of the two.

The two of them did not hesitate, and thunder shot directly, killing the energy body in front of them with a single move, and continued to climb towards the second order.

“Jiang Chen, since the Holy Dragon Palace has been opened, let’s go up and take a look.”

Long Chixiao appeared in front of Jiang Chen in a flash.


Jiang Chen nodded.

Shenglong Tiangong, the only god-king power in the ancient holy dragon world, is now in front of his eyes. How can he not see the truth?

not to mention……

The Tiangong preserved by the Shenglong Tiangong was originally opened because of him.

He cultivated the Divine King Cultivation Technique of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, which was already equivalent to half a disciple of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, and he should have a considerable advantage in entering the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated at the moment, and together with Long Chixiao and Liu Tianxing, they leaped towards the God King Dao above his head.

Embark on the Kingship of God.

Jiang Chen felt a mysterious coercion from the King of God’s Path, as if Mount Tai was overwhelming.

If it were a general true god, facing the oppression of this force, I am afraid that it would be impossible to make any progress on this god king’s way.


This degree of oppression did not have much impact on Jiang Chen and the others.

The three quickly ascended the first order of God’s Way.

“Brother Jiang Chen, don’t worry about me, try your best to climb the King’s Road, don’t let people from the four realms enter the Holy Dragon Palace first.”

Liu Tianxing’s sword connected the energy body in front of him and said directly.

The strength of Jiang Chen and Long Chixiao is tyrannical, and the speed at which they can climb the King’s Way should be much faster than him.

If the two of them shoot with all their strength, they will have a chance to surpass the two of Pei Qing and become the first person to enter the Holy Dragon Palace.

“Okay, everyone will try their best to climb the King’s Way of God and meet in the Holy Dragon Palace in a while.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and then his figure flickered towards the second step of the God King’s Path.

Entering the second stage of the God King’s Road, Jiang Chen clearly felt that the pressure on the God King’s Road had become a little stronger.


Holy Dragon Mountain leads to the 33rd order of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, the first stage of the first stage, and the pressure to withstand each step will increase exponentially.

Jiang Chen vaguely felt it.

These coercion are the mysterious lines on the God’s King’s Way.

If you stop to insight these mysterious lines, Jiang Chen believes that he should be able to trigger a hundredfold comprehension, and Insight will produce something.


At this moment, Jiang Chen did not intend to stop insight into these mysterious lines.

after all.

Compared with Insight, the lines on the King’s Road, entering the Holy Dragon Palace is undoubtedly more important.

Although the coercion of the second order of the God King Dao has increased a lot, for Jiang Chen, it still can’t cause any obstacles.

He quickly climbed to the second step, killed the energy body of the second step with one move, and continued to move towards the third step.

Jiang Chen climbed all the way like this, and soon he was directly connected to the tenth step.

After reaching the tenth order.

The coercion on God’s King’s Way has reached a very terrifying point.

Even the geniuses of many high-class true gods in the four great realms have become a lot harder to climb under the tremendous pressure of the king’s way of God.

Jiang Chen remained unaffected, and went all the way up the King’s Road.

It has passed the third order.

Most of the geniuses on the God King’s Road have all been surpassed by Jiang Chen, and only a few half-step heavenly gods are still in front of Jiang Chen.


Even the strongest Pei Qing two people are less than two steps ahead of Jiang Chen.

God King Road, the fifteenth order.

Pei Qing climbed the King’s Road with all his strength, while paying attention to the situation below the King’s Road.

When he saw Jiang Chen and Long Chixiao catching up one after another, his expression couldn’t help but change slightly.

That Long Chixiao’s strength is very powerful, not weaker than him.

The kid Jiang Chen is even more mysterious. With the Cultivation Technique vision, Yao Hongsheng, who can hit the middle stage of the half-step Celestial Realm, can be hit hard. His strength is probably at least comparable to the late stage of the half-step Celestial Realm.

If these two guys catch up, it wouldn’t be a good thing for him.

“Yin Xiao, the two Gulong clan guys are about to catch up.”

Pei Qing’s eyes flickered slightly and said directly to the silver-haired youth not far in front.

The silver-haired young man Yin Xiao glanced at Pei Qing indifferently: “If they can’t catch up, what does it have to do with me?”

“Both of them are descendants of Shenglong Tiangong, and one of them opened the existence of Shenglong Tiangong.”

Pei Qing coldly hummed: “If the two of them enter the Holy Dragon Palace with us, how much do you think we hope to get the opportunity in the Holy Dragon Palace?”

Yin Xiao’s expression changed slightly when he heard Pei Qing’s words.

As the descendants of the Sacred Dragon Palace, Jiang Chen might have an absolute advantage in the battle for the chance of the Sacred Dragon Palace.

The existence of these two people is indeed very detrimental to their chance of competing for the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

The best way now is undoubtedly to join forces with Pei Qing to completely solve these two ancient dragon guys before entering the Holy Dragon Palace!

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