Chapter 1618 Holy Dragon Palace comes out!

The picture of the Taixu Sacred Dragon was originally taken by Pang Qingyuan from the ancient relics of the Sacred Dragon.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t know how Pang Qingyuan got the fragment of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture. But he could also guess that this god king level Cultivation Technique should have a great relationship with the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.


Jiang Chen still didn’t expect it.

This too imaginary sacred dragon picture could have a reaction with the sacred dragon stele in front of him.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately stepped out and appeared directly in front of the Holy Dragon Stele.

He took a deep breath, put his palm on the sacred dragon stele, and then ran the Taixu sacred dragon map with all his strength.

In an instant…

Jiang Chen only felt a terrifying attraction coming from the Holy Dragon Stele, frantically sucking the divine power in his body into it.

With the infusion of divine power in Jiang Chen’s body.

The Holy Dragon Stele, which had been standing on the top of the Holy Dragon Mountain, suddenly trembled for so many years.


A bright golden light suddenly soared from the holy dragon stele, and then sank into the endless void.


A loud noise that shook the sky came from the endless void, causing the whole world on the top of the Sacred Dragon Mountain to start to tremble non-stop.

“This guy from the ancient dragon clan actually spurred the holy dragon stele!”

Looking at the vision that suddenly erupted from the Sacred Dragon Stele, the expressions of the many geniuses in the four realms were instantly shocked.

Since the opening of the ancient sacred dragon ruins.

The four great realms have exhausted their minds for this sacred dragon stele.


Over the years,

The four realms tried various methods on the Holy Dragon Tablet, but they were not able to shake the Holy Dragon Tablet.

And the boy in front of him, unexpectedly triggered the Holy Dragon Stele so easily!


These geniuses in the four realms still doubt whether Jiang Chen and the ancient dragons are really descendants of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace.

But after seeing the situation in front of them, they no longer have any doubts in their hearts.

If it is not the descendant of Shenglong Tiangong, how could this kid provoke the supreme divine treasure of Shenglong Tiangong?

“How could it be… this guy is really a descendant of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace?”

Su Mei of Tianlei Sect was dull, and there was an incredible whisper in her mouth.

For Jiang Chen, Su Mei naturally understands better than others in the four realms.

Jiang Chen knew very limited information about the ancient sacred dragon relics, and even the sacred dragon heavenly palace seemed to have never heard of it. It should be impossible to have a relationship with the sacred dragon heavenly palace.

But if Jiang Chen is not a descendant of Shenglong Tiangong, how can he explain the scene before him?


Just when everyone was shocked by the situation in front of them, the loud noise in the sky became denser and denser.

Everyone looked up.

I saw that above the endless void, there was a vaguely huge and incomparable phantom, slowly emerging from their sight.

This huge phantom is astonishingly the outline of a heavenly palace suspended above the endless void.

“That’s… the Holy Dragon Palace!”

Some disciples from the Four Great Realms looked at the heavenly palace that appeared in the void, and couldn’t help but scream.

They didn’t expect it.

The Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, which has disappeared over the Shenglong Mountain for hundreds of millions of years, has actually come out like this!

Everyone came back to their senses, and the eyes that looked towards the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace showed extremely fiery expressions.

The Holy Dragon Palace, the only god-king power in the Holy Dragon Realm in ancient times, must have great opportunities that are unimaginable by the outside world.

And the inheritance of the gods and kings of the Shenglong Tiangong must be hidden in it.

If you can get the inheritance of the God King of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, you might have the opportunity to win the God King Realm in the future and become the supreme powerhouse overlooking the God Realm!

“No wonder the Four Great Realms have been unable to find the trace of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace. It turns out that the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace was sealed by a peerless power, using the means of reaching the sky.”

Jiang Chen looked at the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace in the void, his expression also shocked.

Sealing such a huge heavenly palace in the void with supreme magical powers.

Such a method, I am afraid that only the king of God can do it.

If he guessed right, the person who sealed the Holy Dragon Temple is the Holy Dragon King of the Holy Dragon Temple in all likelihood!

Even the holy dragon stele on the top of the holy dragon mountain may not be left here because of the war, but the holy dragon king took the initiative to leave it.

The Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture, this god-level Cultivation Technique from the Sacred Dragon Heavenly Palace, is the key to trigger the Sacred Dragon Stele and unlock the seal of the Sacred Dragon Heavenly Palace.

“Unexpectedly, the Holy Dragon Palace will always be here, and our four realms have not even noticed it.”

A disciple from the four realms recovered, with a shocked expression on his face.

“The one who hides the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace should be the Holy Dragon King. How can the methods of the Divine King Realm be so easy to be detected? Moreover, the Holy Dragon Mountain has the law of forbidden air, even the world god Venerable, it is impossible to go up and investigate. .”

The other person couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed bitterly.

“Although this Sacred Dragon Palace has come out, it is located above the ten thousand zhang void. We can’t fly in the air. How can we enter the Sacred Dragon Palace?”

At this moment, a disciple of the Heavenly Thunder Sect asked a more critical question.

As soon as this disciple of the Tianlei Sect said this, everyone’s eyes gathered on Jiang Chen’s body.

after all.

This Sacred Dragon Temple was opened by Jiang Chen through the Sacred Dragon Stele.

If anyone at the scene knew the way to enter the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace, I’m afraid Jiang Chen would be the only one.

“My friend, the Holy Dragon Temple came out. Although you are a descendant of the Holy Dragon Temple, it is impossible to enter it without us.”

The silver-haired man of the Tianlei Sect smiled and said: “If you know how to enter the Holy Dragon Palace, you may as well announce it. This will be good for everyone.”

Although the silver-haired man was smiling, his tone was full of threats.

Jiang Chen didn’t pay attention to the silver-haired man at all, but ran the Taixu Sacred Dragon Map with all his strength, once again condensing the Cultivation Technique vision Qianlongzhen Tiantu.


At the moment when the Tiantu of Qianlong Town was condensed, a horrible suction once again spread from the stele of the Holy Dragon, engulfing the Tiantu of Qianlong Town.


As the Tiantu of Qianlong Town was engulfed, there was another loud noise above the endless void.

Immediately afterwards.

A shining golden light descended from the sky, and finally turned into a first-step golden staircase, extending down from the holy dragon sky, extending all the way to a place less than ten meters away from the top of the holy dragon mountain.

This is a huge ladder formed by some mysterious force.

Jiang Chen counted slightly, and found that the entire golden stairs had thirty-three steps, each of which was as high as three hundred feet.

These steps seem to be covered with some kind of mysterious lines, and the lines of each step are different.

Look carefully.

Jiang Chen discovered that these lines are not random depictions, as if they were nurtured by a very profound Martial Dao power.

“What a great ladder.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath slowly.

It seems that this golden ladder should be the gateway to the Holy Dragon Palace!

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