Chapter 1601 Don’t want to grab my things!


Jiang Chen was expressionless, stretched out his hand and gently shook the void.

In an instant…

I saw that the aquamarine python bursting towards Jiang Chen, instantly changed from extremely fast to still, and then froze in mid-air.

Even the space and time within a few miles of a radius were frozen in vain.

Out of the frozen space, the woman in Tsing Yi just felt like a mosquito in amber, unable to move at all for a while, and finally an inexplicable horror appeared in her eyes.

The woman in Tsing Yi urged her whole body, and was about to struggle out of the frozen space, but in vain she felt a shadow of Death hitting her.

She suddenly raised her head, and saw Jiang Chen lift up his palm and lightly pointed at her.


This seemingly plain finger, but detached from time and space, penetrated everything in an instant, and hit the woman’s forehead in Tsing Yi.

Before the Tsing Yi woman could react, her entire body exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.

this moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

Whether it was Liu Tianxing or the last young man in Biyun Palace, there was an inconceivable horror in their eyes.

Consolidate the void between the waves, kill the geniuses at the pinnacle of the true gods with a single finger!

It is an understatement, like digging into a bag, without staining a trace of dust.

What a terrifying method is this?

“Boy, you…you wait. Who dares to kill my Biyun Palace, my Biyun Palace will definitely not let you go!”

The young man in the Biyun Palace recovered, only feeling that his souls were all gone, he quickly pushed back Liu Tianxing in front of him with a sword, and then turned into a Sword Ray and quickly fled towards the sky.

“I know now that I escaped? It’s a pity that it’s too late, die for me.”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and a Sword Ray burst out at the young man with his fingers.


Sword Ray pierced through all obstacles and slashed at the young man in the blink of an eye. Before the young man could make any sound, his figure exploded directly in the void.

Seeing this scene, both Liu Tianxing looked shocked and silent for a long time.

It has only been less than a quarter of an hour since they met Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen has already cut three high-ranking geniuses at the pinnacle of the true god!

With the Cultivation Base at the peak of the true gods, kill the geniuses at the peak of true gods, such as slaughtering chickens and dogs!

Such a heaven-defying power is really terrifying!

“Jiang Chen, thank you for your help.”

Liu Tianxing recovered and couldn’t help but stepped forward and said to Jiang Chen with gratitude.

If I hadn’t met Jiang Chen today, I’m afraid he would really fall into the hands of these Biyun Palace people.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “You don’t have to be polite, it’s just a matter of doing it.”

And Yan Gang on the side, as a dignified Dragon Guard, naturally couldn’t hold back his face and thanked a Tianlongcheng disciple.

He ignored the two of Jiang Chen, his gaze directly looked at the Wannian Spirit Fruit on the ancient tree behind, and his eyes were beaming authentically: “Tsk tsk… I didn’t expect that there are so many Wannian Spirit Fruits here, this is released. ”

Before Yan Gang’s words fell, he was about to fly and rush out towards the ancient tree.


At the moment when Yan Gang was about to set off to pick the Wannian Spirit Fruit, Jiang Chen’s figure stood in front of him like a ghost.

Yan Gang’s complexion couldn’t help but sink slightly: “Jiang Chen, what do you mean?”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “I discovered this 10,000-year blood jujube first, so no one wants to grab it.”

“Jiang Chen, don’t go too far!”

Yan Gang’s face couldn’t help showing an angry look: “This ancient tree has so many eternal spiritual fruits, don’t you want to be alone?”

“Yan Gang, this 10,000-year blood date originally belonged to Jiang Chen alone. The person I have seen is you, right?”

Liu Tianxing on the side heard what Yan Gang said, and he couldn’t stand it anymore.

People kindly saved your life, so you don’t need to be grateful to them. Now you still want to snatch other people’s chances. This is too unkind.

“There are so many Wannian Spirit Fruits on this ancient tree, what happened if I took some?”

Yan Gang snorted coldly: “What’s more… If it wasn’t for you and I to restrain the other two and give him a chance to break one by one, he alone may not be able to hold the ten thousand years of spiritual fruit.”

“It’s nothing more than three ants at the pinnacle of the true gods. I can kill them with the click of a finger. Why do you need to contain them?”

Jiang Chen glanced at Yan Gang coldly, and said with awe-inspiring killing intent: “You have the ability to move a 10,000-year blood jujube. I don’t mind even killing you!”

Although everyone is from the ancient dragon clan, whoever dares to get involved in his things is to blame him for being rude.

“Do you… dare you?”

Yan Gang looked frightened, and the whole person was unconsciously retreated a few steps.

The strength of this guy in front of him is shocking, even in his heyday, he may not be his opponent, not to mention that he has been seriously injured now, and he has no strength.

If Jiang Chen really wants to kill him, I’m afraid he won’t even have the power to resist.

“You can try.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he turned around and swept towards the ancient tree, and began to collect 10,000-year blood dates.

“Brother Jiang Chen, I’ll help you collect ten thousand years of blood dates.”

Liu Tianxing also didn’t bother to pay attention to Yan Gang, who was sullen, and directly caught up with Jiang Chen, and began to collect for Jiang Chen the 10,000-year blood jujube from the ancient tree.

With the help of Liu Tianxing, the two quickly collected all the 10,000-year blood dates from the ancient tree.

Liu Tianxing didn’t leave a single one, and directly handed over all the collected 10,000-year blood dates to Jiang Chen.

In the end, Jiang Chen threw Liu Tianxing a thousand blood jujubes, and said with a smile: “Thank you, you can keep these thousand blood jujubes.”

People respect him a foot, and he respects others a foot.

This has always been Jiang Chen’s code of conduct.

This Liu Tianxing is a good person, and now he has obtained more than 10,000 blood jujubes from the ancient tree, and it would be no problem to distribute a thousand to Liu Tianxing.

“Thank you brother Jiang Chen.”

Liu Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a grateful expression on his face.

One thousand ten thousand years of spirit fruit, but equivalent to the value of a thousand true god pill. This is also a huge wealth for Liu Tianxing.

These 10,000-year blood dates belonged to Jiang Chen’s chance, even if Jiang Chen didn’t give him one, Liu Tianxing would not have the slightest complaint.

Now Jiang Chen still divides his ten thousand blood jujubes.

This alone is enough to see Jiang Chen’s character.

Liu Tianxing has already decided, and then he will follow Jiang Chen to wander through the ancient sacred dragon ruins.

Jiang Chen’s fighting strength is tyrannical, even if the Seven Dragon Guards of Shenlong City, only the existence of the three Realm gods who have reached half a step can contend with them.


Jiang Chen’s character is not comparable to Yan Gang and his like.

People like Jiang Chen are teammates he can trust.

If you continue to work with Yan Gang, maybe he will be sold by this guy sometime!

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