Chapter 1600 You bothered me to collect dates!

“Ghh… when death is approaching, there is still a mental tank.”

The woman in Tsing Yi smiled coldly: “Don’t worry, none of you can escape today.”


Just when the Tsing Yi woman’s voice fell, a cold voice suddenly came from her ear.

“Within ten breaths, immediately disappear from me, otherwise…death!”

The sudden cold voice also made the Tsing Yi woman stunned.

Her gaze followed the voice and fell directly on Jiang Chen, and then looked at Jiang Chen like a fool: “Boy, what are you talking about, say it again?”

Jiang Chen said with an indifferent expression: “You bothered me to collect dates. If you don’t want to die, get out of me right away!”

“Glitter…I’m so ridiculous.”

“It’s a mere ant at the peak of the true god. I really don’t know who gave you the courage to speak up in front of us!”

The Tsing Yi woman laughed disdainfully as if she had heard the funniest joke in the whole world.

This kid, really thinks he is a demon in the Heavenly God Realm for a long time?

Jiang Chen expressionlessly: “You still have five breaths time.”

“Boy, Hugh will bluff in front of me and kill them for me!”

The woman in Tsing Yi smiled contemptuously, and immediately commanded the two men beside her to kill Jiang Chen and the others.

The woman in Tsing Yi waved a long whip that shone with blue light, and slew the dragon guard named Yan Gang.

Although Yan Gang was almost the same in strength as the Tsing Yi woman, he seemed to have suffered heavy losses before. Nowadays, many opponents of the Tsing Yi woman can only support under the attack of the Tsing Yi woman.

The other sword-holding young man with a gloomy expression killed Liu Tianxing and also suppressed the injured Liu Tianxing to death.

“Boy, die for me!”

The last tall, muscular man smiled grimly at Jiang Chen, waved the sledgehammer in his hand, brought a terrifying storm that swept across the sky, and smashed Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn’t panic.

He ran the Taixu Sacred Dragon Figure, and his monstrous power gathered on his fist into a shocking fist, and hit the muscular man with a punch.


A crash sound like Hong Zhong Dalu resounded in mid-air.

I saw the muscular man let out a muffled snort, the whole person was like a kite with a broken line, flying upside down in mid-air for hundreds of meters, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

With the blessing of the God King Cultivation Technique Taixu Sacred Dragon Chart, the divine power condensed in Jiang Chen’s body is no less inferior than the top true god pinnacle who only cultivates the Celestial God Cultivation Technique.

Even with his divine power alone, he can now easily suppress the muscular man in front of him.

“You…who are you?”

The muscular man’s face was pale, and there was an unprecedented panic in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen.

The muscular man thought.

With his Cultivation Base at the top of the true god, it is just a breeze to kill a middle-level trash at the peak of the true god.

Who knew that this guy who seemed to be in the middle of the true god in front of him had hit him severely with an understatement.

This… Is this f*ck really just a middle true god?

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent.

The muscular man’s complexion changed drastically, and he quickly urged his whole body strength to condense the true god Minor World, blocking the impression of Jiang Chen’s suppression.

It’s just that he had time to take a sigh of relief.

A golden mark of Zhu Zi Shen had already smashed down from the void again with even more terrifying power.


The shocking explosion spread all over the world.

I saw the muscular man’s true god Minor World directly and completely shattered by the mark of Zhuzi God.


The blood of the muscular man’s mouth spurted out like a fountain, and the whole person was smashed from mid-air to the ground by the god of death, and a huge hole of hundreds of meters was smashed into the ground.

“Guan…Senior Sister Guan, save…help me!”

The muscular man got up from the ground in blood and couldn’t help crying in horror.

This kid in front of him is really terrifying.

He already felt a breath of Death.


The woman in Tsing Yi was attacking with all her strength, fighting severely, vomiting blood in her mouth, and retreating steadily.

Just as she was about to rush to kill Yan Gang, she suddenly heard a loud bang from one side, and the horrified muscular man’s cry for help.

She originally thought.

A fellow at the peak of the true god, in front of the three of them, it is impossible to make any waves.

But now the situation is completely beyond her expectations.

The guy who seems to be only in the middle true god in Cultivation Base, his combat power is extremely enchanting.

The Cultivation Base, which is the highest level of the true god with a muscular man, is not an opponent, and even has no power to fight back. He was severely injured in just two strokes!

The woman in Tsing Yi looked at the miserable appearance of the muscular man, when her face changed drastically.

Just as she was about to make a rescue, an open god seal directly with indestructive power, headed towards the muscular man below to suppress it.

“Do not!”

With a look of despair and horror on his face, the muscular man quickly urged his whole body to resist the sacred seal on the top of his head.


How could a muscular man who had already suffered a serious injury withstand the power of the third seal of the Emperor’s Seal of Jiang Chen?

Just blink of an eye.

All the resistance of the muscular man’s body was completely destroyed by the Kaitian God Seal.

The next moment.

I saw that the muscular man’s whole person was under the seal of the god of openness, completely turned to ashes.

This scene.

Suddenly, the other four people in the field did not recover from the shock for a long time.

“This guy’s combat power is so strong?”

Yan Gang was shocked, and a touch of joy appeared in his eyes.

No matter what, since Jiang Chen has the formidable strength to kill the pinnacle of the superior true gods, then they have great hope for defeating the three in front of them.

“This guy… really is a monster that can’t be described by common sense.”

Liu Tianxing looked at the situation in front of him, and there was an unconcealable exclamation in his eyes.

Although he had expected Jiang Chen’s current combat power to be very strong, he still did not expect Jiang Chen to be so powerful to such a terrifying level.

To know.

That muscular man is a genius who has reached the pinnacle of a true god in Cultivation Base, and his strength is almost the same.

But such a character was actually killed by Jiang Chen’s few tricks lightly downplayed!

Today’s Jiang Chen, except for the evil spirits of the half-step Tian Divine Realm, I am afraid that no one can easily suppress him.

“Good! Good! Good!”

“Boy, dare to kill my people in Biyun Palace, I want you to die!”

The woman in Tsing Yi was furious, and her whole body was filled with a sharp chill.

She directly waved the long whip in her hand, a green light that pierced through the sky and the earth, turned into an emerald green giant python, roaring towards Jiang Chen with teeth and claws.

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