Chapter 1593 The origin of kendo, a half-step god!

“Do you know the ancient dragons?”

There was a gleam in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

People in the four realms seem to have discovered the existence of the ancient dragon tribe, but they don’t seem to know that they are from the ancient dragon realm, but they regard them as the descendants of the so-called holy dragon heavenly palace.

The seductive woman took a deep breath and said: “I have heard some ancestors in Sect mentioned that they had encountered people who claimed to be the ancient dragon tribe in the ancient Sacred Dragon Ruins, and they should be the descendants of the Sacred Dragon Heavenly Palace who were lucky enough to survive.”


If this one is also from the ancient dragon clan, this ancient dragon clan is definitely not the descendant of the holy dragon heavenly palace who has survived the ancient holy dragon ruins.

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes slightly: “This Holy Dragon Palace should be a force in the Holy Dragon Realm.”


The seductive woman slowly said: “Holy Dragon Palace, is the ruler of the holy dragon world in the ancient times, and the only god king power in the holy dragon world!”

Jiang Chen was suddenly surprised.

According to the information he now knows, the Ancient Dragon Realm should be just a small, inconspicuous realm on the edge of the God’s Domain.

after all.

Before the ancient dragon tribe established to dominate the ancient dragon realm, the ancient dragon realm seemed to have not even a realm god-level power.

How does such an inconspicuous small realm get involved with the super realm like the Holy Dragon Realm, which has the power of the King of Gods?

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

Rumor has it that the ancient dragon clan was built on the fall of the ancient dragon clan.

Could it be…

This ancient dragon clan that fell in the ancient dragon realm had escaped from the battle of the sacred dragon realm at the beginning, and it is even very likely that it was a member of the god king’s power in the sacred dragon palace?

And the method of the ancient dragon clan leading to the ancient sacred dragon ruins was left by the fallen ancient dragon clan?

After shaking his head, Jiang Chen stopped thinking about it.

He also asked the seductive woman about some ancient sacred dragon relics, including the strength of the geniuses in the four realms, and the specific location of the sacred dragon palace.

The seductive woman didn’t conceal it either, she told Jiang Chen the information without reservation.

After understanding the information he wanted to know, Jiang Chen waved his hand to the seductive woman: “Okay, you can leave.”

“Thank you!”

The seductive woman turned around and disappeared into Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

“Next, first find a place for Ascension strength, and then go to the Holy Dragon Palace to see…”

After the seductive woman left, Jiang Chen pondered slightly, and soon had a plan in his heart.

Although his current combat power is comparable to the Half-Step Heavenly Divine Realm, it is not easy to defeat the Half-Step Heaven Divine Realm.

not to mention……

According to the information disclosed by the seductive woman, the Sky Thunder Sect in the Sky Thunder Realm alone has five and a half steps of the evil spirits in the Sky God Realm.

In addition to some geniuses from other forces in the Heavenly Thunder Realm, there are at least ten enchanters in the half-step Heavenly God Realm.

Counting the other three realms, this half-step heavenly god realm of the ancient sacred dragon relic has at least a full fifty!

But the burly man is almost at the bottom of the half-step Heavenly God Realm.

He now needs to use his full strength to defeat the burly man. If you encounter a stronger Half-Step Heavenly God Realm, I am afraid that it may not be the opponent.


Jiang Chen intends to swallow the Immaculate Fruit and some of the resources he just obtained, Ascension own strength.

“This place is not a place to stay for a long time. Leave it first.”

Although Luo Jun and the burly man have left, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not summon the strong in the door to kill the carbine for the sake of the godless fruit.

To be on the safe side, it is better for him to leave here as soon as possible.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and immediately rose up into the sky, turning into a stream of light, rushing out toward the outside of the mountain.

Flew thousands of miles all the way.

Jiang Chen found a relatively safe small col, sat in Lotus Position, and then a crystal fruit appeared in his palm.

“I don’t know what level of Ascension this Immaculate Fruit can give me.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and immediately delivered the Immaculate Fruit in his mouth.

The Unsullied Divine Fruit melted in its mouth and turned into a stream of heat that quickly flowed into the sea of ​​divine power in Jiang Chen’s body, and then spread towards the limbs and skeletons.

at the same time.

The system prompts also sounded continuously in Jiang Chen’s ears.

“Ding! You swallow an unsullied divine fruit and gain a lot of divine power Cultivation Base.”

“Ding! You succeeded in breaking through the pinnacle of the middle true god.”

“Ding! You swallow an unsullied divine fruit, triggering a hundredfold kendo epiphany effect.”

“Ding! Your Third Stage Heavenly Swordsmanship Law is complete, and you have successfully comprehended the origin of one-tenth Swordsmanship!”


The effect of this unsullied divine fruit is too heaven-defying.

Hearing the system’s prompt tone, Jiang Chen, who was already prepared, still couldn’t help taking a breath.

Although he also guessed that the effect of taking Wushou Divine Fruit was not bad, he didn’t expect it to be so terrifying.

An unsullied divine fruit, let his Cultivation Base directly Ascension a small Realm, which is understandable.

But Jiang Chen never thought of it anyway.

Wushou Shen Guo even let him trigger a Kendo epiphany!


Under the action of the Hundred Times system, he was equivalent to triggering the Kendo epiphany one hundred times in an instant. Not only did he reach the third stage of kendo law in one breath, he even understood the origin of the kendo of 10%.

Now, although his Cultivation Base is only at the peak of the middle true god, he has already understood the origin of kendo and has become an existence comparable to a half-step heavenly god!

“Is this the special effect possessed by Wushou Divine Fruit.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, he even regretted taking away another Immaculate God Fruit for Luo Jun.

If he can get another Immaculate God Fruit in his bag, he will not only hopefully break through the first-class true God in Cultivation Base, but he may also trigger another effect and comprehend a Martial Dao original power.


This time, within half a day of entering the ancient sacred dragon ruins, he was able to obtain an immaculate fruit and comprehend the origin of kendo. Jiang Chen was also very satisfied.

Today, he really has the capital to contend with the many half-step heavenly gods in the ruins.

If he faced the burly man again waiting for a half-step in the Heavenly Divine Realm, he wanted to defeat it, it shouldn’t be a difficult thing.

“Next, let’s go to the ruins of Shenglong Tiangong.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and stood up directly from the small col.

Originally, Jiang Chen thought that he would cultivate here for a while. Who knows a godless fruit, instantly let him Cultivation Base Ascension a small Realm, and comprehend the origin of kendo.

Now that his strength is greatly improved, Jiang Chen doesn’t want to waste time, and is planning to go directly to the ruins of the Holy Dragon Temple.

This Sacred Dragon Heavenly Palace was the only divine king force in the Sacred Dragon Realm in ancient times.

If he guessed correctly, the place where Pang Qingyuan got the fragment of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture should be the site of the Sacred Dragon Temple.

In that case, he went to the ruins of Shenglong Tiangong to see if there is really a legendary inheritance of the gods!

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