Chapter 1592 The Origin Of The Ancient Sacred Dragon Remains

Although the boy in front of him is only the late stage Cultivation Base of the true god, he is a fellow practitioner of the Six Paths, and his combat power is extremely enchanting.

Luo Jun is cautious by nature.

Now that he is not sure to defeat the boy in front of him, he does not want to be an enemy easily.

Although there are many treasures in this medicine garden, the only thing that really fascinates Luo Jun is the godless fruit.

As long as he can get an unsullied divine fruit, he has achieved his goal.


Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded.

In fact, he had never thought of swallowing the treasures here. Since this guy took the initiative to make concessions, how can he refuse?

after all.

Half-step Tian Divine Realm is not so easy to defeat.

He first used the Tiantu of Qianlongzhen to attack the burly man by surprise, causing his internal injuries to erupt, and then fully used the true god Minor World to suppress the burly man in one fell swoop.

And Luo Jun in front of him, regardless of his strength and state, was better than the burly man.

Before being forced, Jiang Chen never thought of fighting Luo Jun to the end.

“Thank you!”

Luo Jun’s voice fell, he directly took an Immaculate Fruit, and then quickly walked away with Ning Yan.

On the other side, the seductive woman finally recovered from the horror at this moment, and turned around quickly to flee outside the medicine garden.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen’s faint voice suddenly came from behind her.

“If you want to survive, you’d better wait here obediently.”

The seductive woman trembled all over, and the figure that was about to flash out also instantly stiffened.

Jiang Chen ignored the seductive woman, and directly began to collect the Immaculate Fruit and the other treasures of the Medicine Garden.

After a while.

Jiang Chen took all the treasures in the medicine garden into his bag, and then flashed to the front of the seductive woman.

The seductive woman looked at Jiang Chen in front of her, her expression suddenly tightened.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “You are not more panicked, I just want to ask you a few questions. As long as you answer honestly, I will let you go.”

“The son has any questions, just ask. The little girl will know everything and say nothing!”

The seductive woman said quickly.

Jiang Chen didn’t talk nonsense, and asked directly: “Where do you and that burly man come from? This ancient sacred dragon relic is a genius of several realms in it?”

“We are from the Heavenly Thunder Realm and are the disciples of the largest sect of the Heavenly Thunder Realm. The ancient sacred dragon remains in the hands of the Blue Cloud Realm, the Starscar Realm, the Cangshan Realm, and the four realms of our Heavenly Thunder Realm.”

Although the seductive woman had some doubts in her heart, she replied respectfully.

The ancient sacred dragon relics have been controlled by the four realms for at least tens of millions of years, and the disciples of the four realms should have a good understanding of this information.

But the guy in front of him seemed very strange to all of this.

Isn’t this guy from the four realms, but a genius from other realms?


How did this guy get into the ancient sacred dragon ruins?

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

The ancient sacred dragon remains are controlled by the four big realms in the mouth of the seductive woman, but the ancient dragon realm is completely excluded.


It should be a complete accident that the ancient dragons of the ancient dragon world can have the qualifications to enter the ancient sacred dragon relics.

It’s just how this accident happened, but Jiang Chen doesn’t know.


Since the establishment of the ancient dragon clan, the relics of the holy dragon have been opened every thousand years, and people have entered it. Why do these guys still do not know the existence of the ancient dragon world?

“Tell me about the situation of the ancient sacred dragon ruins.”

Jiang Chen thought for a while, and asked for information about the ancient sacred dragon relics.

This seductive woman came from the Heavenly Thunder Realm, one of the four realms, and obviously had more knowledge about the ancient sacred dragon relics than the ancient dragons.

Upon hearing this, the seductive woman couldn’t help but introduce Jiang Chen details about the ancient sacred dragon relics.

The ancient sacred dragon remains, it is said that in the ancient times hundreds of millions of years ago, it was a super big world called the sacred dragon world.

The Sacred Dragon Realm is powerful, not only has countless realm gods, but also a god king-level power.


A world-shattering battle took place in the Holy Dragon Realm.

That battle involved almost all forces above the realm god level, and even two god kings fought, causing the Holy Dragon Realm Mountain to collapse and the sun and the moon were dark.

To the end.

The entire Holy Dragon Realm was completely collapsed and torn apart.

The four realms that the seductive women are in are actually separated from the holy dragon realm.

In addition to the four separated realms, there is a relatively intact area in the holy dragon realm, which is the ancient holy dragon remains.

The relics of the ancient sacred dragon, located in the central area of ​​the original battle, were almost turned into ruins, and they were smashed into the eternal void.

After years of hard work, the four realms finally found this missing area and used it as a secret realm space jointly controlled by the four realms.

“I didn’t expect the ancient sacred dragon relics to come from this way.”

Hearing the introduction of the seductive woman, a look of surprise appeared in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

He thought for a while, and asked tentatively: “Have you ever heard of the ancient dragon world?”

“No, there are so many realms in the Divine Realm. Without the Venerable Realm, one may not be able to cross many realms in a lifetime.”

“The legend says that God’s Domain was a whole continent in the ancient times. Later, the God’s Domain was shattered and billions of dust evolved into the God’s Three Thousand Realms. Each dust of God was a realm.”

“All I can know is our four big realms and more than a dozen surrounding realms.”

The seductive woman shook her head and said.

When Jiang Chen heard this charming words, a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

The Three Thousand Realms of God’s Domain turned out to be formed after the Divine Domain Continent was broken.

But these information, there is no record in the ancient dragon clan.

It can be seen that the status of the Ancient Dragon Realm in the God’s Domain is indeed not very good, and it is even very likely to be on the verge of information blockage in the God’s Domain.

“You four realms, haven’t you found anyone outside the four realms entered before?”

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment and asked a more curious question.

The Gulong clan has a history of millions of years.

Over the years, every time the ancient sacred dragon relics were opened, the ancient dragon tribe would send people into it. How could the people of the four realms not even notice it?


The seductive woman shook her head, she was also taken aback in her heart.

Listening to this guy’s tone, the forces behind him seemed to have entered the ancient sacred dragon ruins before.


The ancient sacred dragon remains are controlled by the four realms, and it is impossible for other realms around it to enter it.


There was a flash of light in the seductive woman’s mind, as if she had thought of something, her face suddenly changed, and her mouth couldn’t help but screamed.

“You are from the ancient dragon tribe, aren’t your ancient dragon tribe descendants of the Holy Dragon Heavenly Palace?”

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