Chapter 1535

“Look at it, Yan Yu’s top spot on the Tianlong list has been replaced by someone!”

“Fuck! Who is this Jiang Chen? It’s too awesome, he can actually surpass Yan Yu.”

“I have a news from a friend in Jianshan that Jiang Chen defeated the sword king Bailijian among the three kings, so he was able to reach the top in one fell swoop.”

“Heh… I didn’t expect Earth Dragon City to have such a great man!”


In the volcanic terrain, many testers couldn’t help but talk about it.

“This guy named Jiang Chen actually defeated the sword king Bailijian, how could it be possible?”

Hearing the discussion from all around, Yan Yu’s eyes also showed an incredible shock.

He and Bailijian are the three kings of Earth and Dragon City, and they have played against each other in the past ten years.

Yan Yu naturally knew the strength of Bailijian very well.

Even if he took the shot himself, it was not an easy task to defeat Bailijian.

In his impression, this Jiang Chen is not even a true dragon-level genius, how could he have the strength to defeat Bailijian?

“Is that Jiang Chen? I, Yan Yu, want to see if you really have the qualifications to take the first place in my Tianlong list!”

A strange red light flashed across Yan Yu’s eyes.

Ten years ago, Yan Yu was already a well-known true dragon-level genius in Earth Dragon City.

In the Tianlong trial that year, Yan Yu had a chance to be promoted to Tianlong City with the top ten results in the Tianlong ranking.

Just because of bad luck, he encountered a king who had grudges with him in the last two days, and was defeated by that king.

Although in the last two days, Yan Yu still rushed into the top 100 and had the qualifications to enter the Sky Dragon City, but he chose to stay in Earth Dragon City, waiting for the opening of the next Sky Dragon trial.

Ten years of waiting, this time the Tianlong trial, Yan Yu has only one goal, and that is to win the Tianlong list!

Now that this Tianlong list, which he had regarded as his possession, was snatched by Jiang Chen, a stranger, how could Yan Yu not be angry?

He wants to get back to the top of the Heavenly Dragon Ranking, the best way is to defeat Jiang Chen!

As long as you defeat Jiang Chen and grab Jiang Chen’s 1,000 points, he won’t be threatened with his top position in the Heavenly Dragon Ranking!

Thought of this.

Yan Yu didn’t hesitate anymore, ignoring the surrounding testers, his figure turned into a flame and rushed towards the sword-shaped mountain in the northwest.

Above the space domain mirror, the three Celestial God Elders who are responsible for presiding over the Trial of the Heavenly Dragon stand side by side.

Standing in the center is a beautiful woman in palace costume who wears her eyes as if she can see through the void.

Beside the beautiful woman in the palace costume, there is a woman in a red dress full of flames, and a middle-aged in a golden robe with a gentle complexion.

“Tsk tusk… the little guy Pang Lao brought back is really amazing.”

The beautiful woman in the palace dress looked at the situation in the spatial realm, and there was also an unconcealable exclamation in her beautiful eyes.

“The divine body vision is at least the emperor level, successfully cultivating the illusion of the sacred dragon map is incomplete, and comprehending the seven Second Stage laws of the sky. This little guy’s talent, even in Sky Dragon City, I am afraid that few people can compare with it.”

The middle-aged Jinpao was also amazed.

More than a year ago, he witnessed Pang Qingyuan and Jiang Chen come to Earth Dragon City with his own eyes.

Although he could feel Jiang Chen’s extraordinary at the time, he did not expect Jiang Chen to have grown to such a level in such a short period of time!

“Although this kid has a very enchanting understanding of Martial Dao, the progress of Cultivation Base is not fast, and he is wise to cultivate the fragments of the real dragon picture, even if he succeeds, what should I do after cultivation?”

The woman in red shook her head and said.

“Yan Chang, Jiang Chen entered the Earth Dragon City at the beginning, but he was a late-stage Void God Tianjiao who had been able to break through the True God Realm in more than a year. The cultivation speed is still slow, so how can it be called fast?”

“As for the Cultivation Technique problem, it’s not even a problem.”

“He can even successfully cultivate the fragments of the Taixu True Dragon Picture. At that time, even if he changes to a world god-level Cultivation Technique, is it not easy for him to cultivate successfully?”

The middle-aged Jinpao glanced at the woman in red and smiled faintly.

The woman in red snorted and did not speak.

Although she had to admit in her heart, that kid named Jiang Chen was very talented.

But their line had a lot of grievances with Pang Qingyuan at the beginning, and she naturally looked at Jiang Chen, a genius recommended by Pang Qingyuan, extremely upset.

“Okay, don’t make any noise, get ready to watch the show.”

Looking at the situation in the space domain, the beautiful woman in palace costume suddenly smiled and said: “Yan Chang, that little guy in your family seems to be going to trouble Jiang Chen.”

The red-clothed woman was startled, she couldn’t help but suddenly looked towards the space domain, and she found that Yan Yu was heading towards the sword-shaped mountain range where Jiang Chen was located.

“This kid, what on earth want to do!”

The complexion of the woman in red changed.

In the previous battle between Jiang Chen and Bailijian, she could clearly see from above.

In terms of combat power, Jiang Chen is completely better than the three kings of Earth Dragon City.

If Yan Yu really went to trouble Jiang Chen, he would definitely not ask for any cheap.

Ten years ago, this guy was cut from the top ten because of a careless move.

Now, as long as he steadily scores, even if he can’t grab the first place, there is no problem in keeping the second position. Why bother to fight Jiang Chen stupidly?

The woman in the red complexion was extremely ugly.

Yan Yu, the bastard, really doesn’t make people worry.

Space domain, sword-shaped mountain peaks.

After Jiang Chen defeated Bailijian, hundreds of trialists failed and fled.

In just a few moments, except for Jiang Chen and Yi Qingyin on the huge mountain, no Daoist shadows could be seen again.

“Jiang Chen, there shouldn’t be too many testers appearing on this sword-shaped mountain in a short time. Where are you going to go next?”

Yi Qingyin was obviously planning to hug Jiang Chen’s thigh.

after all.

Jiang Chen is a terrifying existence that can be defeated by the king of Bailijian, and they will hardly be in any danger if they follow Jiang Chen.

As long as they maintain the current scoring rhythm, they will be promoted, and that is a breeze.

“No hurry, it’s only the first day of the Tianlong trial. I plan to use Insight Immeasurable Swordsmanship, and wait for some more points to be saved in the bracelets of the trialers outside, and then I will do it again.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.


When the two Yiqingyin women heard the words, they couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

Waiting for other testers to save more scores and then start, I am afraid that only the one in front of him can be so confident and dare to say such words.

Jiang Chen looked up and looked at the sword-shaped mountain peak. When he was about to find a place on the top of the mountain, he suddenly sensed something and couldn’t help but look back towards the outside of the mountain peak.

As Yi Qingyin witnessed, he couldn’t help but froze slightly: “What’s the matter?”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “There is a powerful aura approaching, it should be Fire King Yanyu coming.”

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