Chapter 1534 Defeated the Sword King and made it to the top of the Heavenly Dragon List!


The seven Martial Dao laws of the Second Stage are swirling around Jiang Chen, turning into a halo of different colors, which is extremely dazzling.

“The law condenses soldiers, gather!”

Jiang Chen urged the law to condense the martial arts, and the seven Second Stage laws of the sky quickly revolved and compressed, condensed into a Hunyuan sword in Jiang Chen’s palm.

Jiang Chen held the Seven-Color Mixed Yuangu Sword in his hand, and raised his hand to cut out a seven-color Sword Ray.


This sword transcends time and space, and even transcends life.

I saw Bailijian’s supreme killer sword that destroys the world, all under the seven-color Sword Ray, collapsed into nothingness without warning.

The seven-color Sword Ray crushed the Killing World Killing Sword, and in the blink of an eye, it penetrated the thousand-meter void and slashed on the divine body of Baili Sword.

In an instant…

The supernatural power of Bailijian’s body quickly distorted and melted, and then exploded with a bang.


Bailijian trembled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

at the same time.

A red light burst on the bracelet instantly, resisting the invasion of the Seven-color Sword Ray, and then quickly dissipated with Bailijian’s body.

In midair, only Bailijian’s unbelievable roar was left, resounding in everyone’s ears.

“No! My Baili Sword is the three kings of Earth Dragon City. It is an existence that is destined to be promoted to Heavenly Dragon City with invincible posture. How could I be defeated?”

Looking at the place where the Baili Sword dissipated, many trialists seemed to have seen a ghost, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

The sword king Bailijian, one of the three kings of Earth Dragon City, was so defeated!

Seven rules of condensing soldiers, defeat the sword king with one move!

Understatement, like exploring the bag and fetching things!

this moment.

There is a dead silence in the sky and the earth!

Everyone can’t believe their own eyes.

The three kings of Earth Dragon City, these are all the peerless geniuses who have been famous in the last Tianlong Trial.

Now they have worked hard in Earth Dragon City for ten years, and their strength has already reached an unfathomable level.

The sword king Bailijian, a powerful Cultivation Base, is capable of swordsmanship.

Even Huoyu and Yu Qiushui, both of the three kings, could not easily defeat them.

But the black-clothed youth in front of him easily defeated Bailijian with a single move.

Doesn’t this mean that the strength of this one is far above the three kings?


Thinking of this, many testers couldn’t help but took a breath.

A genius above the three kings!

In this Dragon City, when on earth there was such a terrifying existence?

“Won? Jiang Chen Dage really won?”

Yi Ziyun’s eyes were dull, she almost couldn’t believe her own eyes.

“Yes, I won.”

Yi Qingyin shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Although she had looked at Jiang Chen again and again, she still did not expect Jiang Chen’s strength to be so strong.

Cultivation is comparable to the world god-level Cultivation Technique’s Taixu Sacred Dragon, comprehending the seven Second Stage laws of heaven.

Even though Baili Sword is powerful and capable of swordsmanship, under the terrifying power of Jiang Chen, he still has to hate it on the spot.


When everyone was overwhelmed by the scene before them, the Tianlong List was refreshed again.

Jiang Chen’s ranking once again soared from the tenth place, and in the end Yan Yu directly surpassed the first place and reached the top of the Tianlong list.

First place: Jiang Chen, 1164 points.

As one of the three kings of Earth Dragon City, Bailijian naturally ranks very high on the Tianlong List, and has always been in the top three.

Jiang Chen defeated Bailijian, and directly plundered the six hundred points accumulated by Bailijian, and surpassed the first Yan Yu by more than three hundred points in one fell swoop!

The sudden ranking changes on the Tianlong List, whether it is the testers in the space domain, or the many onlookers in the Earth Dragon City, are shocked!

Everyone stared blankly at Jiang Chen, who was on the top of the list, and they even wondered if they had hallucinations in their eyes.

“My God…Who is this Jiang Chen? He surpassed the three kings and reached the top of the Heavenly Dragon Ranking!”

“Look, Bailijian, the third-ranked sword king, has disappeared from the list. I think he was defeated by Jiang Chen in all likelihood?”

“The sword king Bailijian was defeated by Jiang Chen, this…how is this possible?”


Everyone looked at the weird changes on the Tianlong list, and there was an incredible horror in their eyes.

The three kings are high above the Earth Dragon City, and even other true dragon-level geniuses are far from being comparable to the three.

This Jiang Chen in Earth Dragon City is just an unknown character, how could he have the terrifying power to defeat the sword king Bailijian?

Within the space domain, a volcanic terrain formed by crimson rocks.

Fire King Yanyu is like a flame God of War, rampaging through hundreds of geniuses, killing all quarters.

As the number one existence of the three kings of Earth Dragon City, Yan Yu’s only goal in this Tianlong trial is to be at the top of the Tianlong list.

After entering the spatial realm, Yan Yu fully fired, accumulating points crazily.

These few hours of time.

Yan Yu’s ranking has also been firmly ranked first in the Tianlong list.

Even after a lot of hard work, he has opened a gap of more than 100 points with Bailijian and Yu Qiushui, who are also the three kings.

In this Tianlong Trial, the only ones who could pose some threats to him were Baili Swordfish Qiushui.

Now these two people are also left behind by him, this time the first place in the Tianlong trial is almost already in his pocket.


Just when Yan Yu thought that he was the number one on the Tianlong List, it was time for the Tianlong List to refresh again.

“At this hour, my efficiency in getting scores is much higher than the previous few hours. It should be a few tenths away from the second place.”

Yan Yu looked up at the list emerging from the sky, and a confident smile appeared on his face.


When he saw the new list refreshed, the smile on his face instantly stiffened…

First place: Jiang Chen, 1164 points.

Second place: Yan Yu, 826 points.

He was overtaken for the top spot in the Dragon Ranking, and he was overtaken by more than 300 points!

What made Yan Yu most unbelievable was that the person who surpassed him was not Bailijian or Yu Qiushui, but a name he had never heard of.

“Impossible! This is impossible!”

Yan Yu couldn’t help but let out an unbelievable roar.

His Yan Yu is the strongest king of this Tianlong Trial, and he regards the top of the Tianlong ranking as a treasure.

Now this kid named Jiang Chen, how could he be more than 300 points away from him in just an hour?

At this moment.

Yan Yu had an urge to go crazy.

Who can tell him how is this f*ck possible?

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