Chapter 1524 The terrifying middle-aged Tsing Yi!

The Cultivation Technique of Jiang Chen cultivation completely surpassed the imagination of the middle-aged Tsing Yi.

Even if it is a palm sent out by randomly condensing divine power, the power is far more powerful than the ordinary and inferior early stage true gods.

Cultivation Technique beyond the deity level!

The Cultivation Technique of Jiang Chen cultivation is definitely beyond the existence of the gods!

And the testers in the Earth Dragon City are not qualified to cultivate the Cultivation Technique of the three major realms of the ancient dragon clan.

The only Cultivation Technique that surpassed the Celestial God level was the incomplete picture of the Supreme Void Sacred Dragon, which was added to the list of Celestial God level Cultivation Techniques.

This kid… really succeeded in cultivating the Taixu Sacred Dragon?

The middle-aged Tsing Yi was shocked.

He stretched out his hand and gently tapped at Jiang Chen’s giant palm of divine power, but the seemingly mighty divine power was shattered in an instant.

“Boy, what kind of Cultivation Technique are you cultivating?”

The middle-aged Tsing Yi smashed Jiang Chen’s attack with one finger, and stared at Jiang Chen tightly.

“What Cultivation Technique I cultivated, senior will know soon.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly at the middle-aged Tsing Yi, and immediately urged the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture with all his strength, condensing a picture of nothingness with the size of a hundred meters on top of his head.

In the picture scroll.

An ancient sacred dragon slept in the endless void, and the dragon’s might spread out through the scroll, which made people dare not look at it.


Jiang Chen controlled the picture scroll of nothingness above his head, brought a burst of terrifying power that shattered the Galaxy Cluster, and once again suppressed the middle-aged Tsing Yi.

Qianlong Town Tiantu!

This is exactly the first pattern of the big virtual sacred dragon map.

After mastering the complete picture of the Taixu Sacred Dragon, Jiang Chen discovered that there were four patterns in the Taixu Sacred Dragon.

In fact, these four patterns are also four different Cultivation Technique visions condensed from the cultivation of the Taixu Sacred Dragon to different levels.

Every kind of Cultivation Technique vision is equivalent to an extremely powerful magical skill.

For example, this first kind of Cultivation Technique vision Qianlongzhen Tiantu is more powerful than the emperor’s seal of the martial arts scholar of supernatural rank!

“Sure enough, it’s a picture of the imaginary sacred dragon!”

The middle-aged Tsing Yi’s pupils shrank, and then his right hand drew his sword abruptly, cutting out with one sword.

This sword seemed dull, but it opened a huge spatial crack in mid-air.

The cracks in the space spread, as if the space in front of me was divided into two different worlds.

Jiang Chen carried the mighty Qianlongzhen sky map, after falling into the crack in that space, it disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

And the world below the space crack was not affected at all.

Jiang Chen’s eyes condensed, and his heart was also shocked.

One sword across the world!

What kind of means to reach the sky?

“Little guy, you really surprised me. I didn’t expect that even the fragmented scroll of the Taixu Sacred Dragon was successfully cultivated by you!”

The middle-aged Tsing Yi raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, and his eyes also showed unconcealed exclamation.

The Fragment of Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture, this mysterious fragment Cultivation Technique, was obtained by the ancient dragons inadvertently.

Not to mention the testers of Earth Dragon City, even the official disciples of Sky Dragon City, and even the ancient dragon clan leaders of Shenlong City, dare not try easily.

For so many years.

No one in the ancient dragon clan has ever successfully cultivated this imaginary sacred dragon picture fragment.

The little guy in front of him, in just over a year’s time, had revealed this imaginary sacred dragon map insight.

Such a terrifying talent is really a monster.

“It’s just a fluke.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, “Senior, there are already two tricks. Can you still pass the level with three tricks this time?”

“Of course not. After passing this level, you don’t need to participate in the Tianlong trial and directly enter the Tianlong City. How can it be so easy?”

The middle-aged Tsing Yi shook his head and said lightly: “This time, you need to beat me!”

“Beat you?”

Jiang Chen suddenly looked stunned.

The one in front of him is mostly a Divine Sense clone left by a certain Gulong clan.

But even if it’s Divine Sense clones repeatedly, he can’t beat it.

The middle-aged Tsing Yi seemed to see through Jiang Chen’s mind and couldn’t help but smile and said, “Don’t worry, I will keep the Cultivation Base in the same Realm as you.”

Fight against Realm?

Jiang Chen pondered slightly.

Although it was a battle with Realm, the middle-aged Tsing Yi’s attainments on Martial Dao absolutely surpassed those of True God Realm, and the combat power might still be extremely powerful.


Jiang Chen is not an ordinary inferior true god, and it is not impossible to fight Realm with the middle-aged Tsing Yi.

“In that case, please senior enlighten me.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and the golden sword shadow of the divine body vision condensed in an instant, and then turned into a golden Sword Ray that smashed the sky, slashing out towards the middle-aged Tsing Yi.

“Tsk tusk… a good divine body vision, I am afraid that at least it has reached the emperor rank!”

The young man in Tsing Yi laughed, and then another sword struck the world away, separating all the blows of Jiang Chen’s divine body vision.

“This guy’s kendo skills are really terrifying!”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, the seven Second Stage Martial Dao laws were simultaneously displayed, and then condensed the Hunyuan sword, and killed the middle-aged Tsing Yi.


Even if he shot with all his strength, he still couldn’t shake the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi in front of him.

Along the way, Jiang Chen has never been as powerless as he is now facing opponents with Realm.

The gap is too big, it can’t be beaten at all.

“Senior, kendo is capable of magic, even if it is the same as Realm, Junior is ashamed of it. I give up.”

Jiang Chen gave a wry smile and dissipated Hun Yuanjian directly.

Although this middle-aged man in Tsing Yi suppressed the Cultivation Base in the early stage of the inferior true gods, his combat power was inferior to that of the upper true gods.

It is no wonder that in the million-year history of Earth Dragon City, only one person can pass the tenth level of the Magic Dragon Palace.

This is too difficult.

Jiang Chen could not imagine.

The only guy in Earth Dragon City who passed the tenth level had already reached the level of enchantment.

The middle-aged Tsing Yi smiled faintly: “Little guy, your talent is already good, and the future Gulong clan must have a place for you. Work hard.”

“Thank you senior!”

Jiang Chen hugged the cupped fist to the middle-aged Tsing Yi, and immediately the whole person quickly dissipated in the space of the tenth pass.

“Cultivation Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture, condensing the divine body vision above the Emperor level, mastering the seven Second Stage Martial Dao laws…”

“The talent of this little guy is even better than that of the previous one.”

Looking at where Jiang Chen left, the middle-aged Tsing Yi couldn’t help but let out a low murmur.

This tenth level, in fact, is not necessarily to defeat him.

Jiang Chen’s talent and potential are no better than the guy who was recognized by him back then, only strong or not weak, and fully qualified to pass through the ten levels.


That guy back then, because he got too many privileges and preferential treatment in the ancient dragon tribe, he was cultivated by the ancient dragon tribe as a greenhouse flower.

This time, he didn’t want this kid to follow in the footsteps.

“Let this kid go to the Tianlong trial, step by step.”

The middle-aged Tsing Yi muttered to himself, and his figure slowly dissipated in this world.

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