Chapter 1523 The Tenth Level of the Magic Dragon Palace

The core area of ​​Earth Dragon City, Manor No. 166.

Jiang Chen successfully cultivation the god king level Cultivation Technique too virtual sacred dragon figure, attracting the energy from all directions to frantically converge towards the small island in the middle of the lake. Finally, on the top of the small island in the middle of the lake, a dragon-shaped pattern exuding great power was condensed. .

Such a vision naturally shocked Meng Ping and Xue Qianrou.

This is also after the Thunder Tribulation vision a few months ago, the two were once again shocked by the vision of the small island in the middle of the lake.

Feeling the overwhelming pressure in the dragon-shaped pattern, Xue Qianrou was horrified: “Steward Meng, what the hell is cultivating, this is too terrifying.”

“This…this is a Cultivation Technique vision, a Cultivation Technique vision that can only be produced by a Cultivation Technique above the world god level!”

Meng Ping’s eyes were dull, his mouth trembled, and he was almost speechless with excitement.

Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture!

The vision in front of me is definitely the Cultivation Technique vision created by Taixu Sacred Dragon cultivation.

Meng Ping rubbed his eyes vigorously, almost unable to believe his own eyes.

My goodness!

The fragmented scroll of the Taixu Sacred Dragon, this is a Cultivation Technique that no one has ever successfully cultivated in Earth Dragon City.

And your Excellency Jiang Chen, it took only more than a year to successfully cultivate!

Cultivation Technique vision!

Xue Qianrou was also dumbfounded by the shock.

When Jiang Chen selected the fragment of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture, Xue Qianrou was also there, and she naturally knew how difficult it was for Cultivation Technique cultivation.

But any difficult things are as simple as eating and drinking when Jiang Chen is here.

Young Master Jiang Chen, he is really heaven-defying.

“call out!”

When both Xue Qianrou and Xue Qianrou were shocked by the situation in front of them, a black shadow with extraordinary momentum also stepped out of the small island in the middle of the lake.

“Your Excellency Jiang Chen, you… have you broken through the realm of the true gods?”

Looking at Jiang Chen, who had just stepped out of the sky, Meng Ping, who had just recovered his eyes, narrowed, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

In the domain of God.

Getting rid of the shackles of heaven and earth and walking in the air, this is a sign of breakthrough true gods!

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Yes, in fact, five months ago, I had already broken through the realm of true spirit.”

Meng Ping stayed for a while.

Five months ago, wasn’t this the last time Jiang Chen caused the True Tribulation?

But Meng Ping clearly remembered that after Jiang Chen induced the True God Tribulation last time, he did not directly Transcends Tribulation. Why did he break through the True God Realm inexplicably?

After triggering the True God Tribulation, let the True God Tribulation disperse directly, so that you can also break through the True God Realm!

Meng Ping smiled bitterly in his heart. This Lord Jiang Chen is really a monster that can’t be described by common sense.

“Attention trialers in the Earth Dragon City, the ten-year Tianlong Trial will start in three days. All those who participate in the Tianlong Trial are requested to submit information and sign up within three days!”

At this moment, a powerful and loud voice suddenly spread over Earth Dragon City, resounding in every corner of Earth Dragon City.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment: “The Trial of the Heavenly Dragon, is it about to start so soon?”

“The Tianlong Trial is held every ten years, and there is no fixed time to open it. It is normal to start one or two months in advance or one or two months later.”

Meng Ping took a deep breath and asked, “Your Excellency Jiang Chen, do you want to participate in this Tianlong Trial?”

“Of course, I have the strength to pass the Tianlong trial, so why wait another ten years?”

After a year and a half of penance, I was waiting for this moment.

In this trial of the Heavenly Dragon, he will surely soar into the sky and reach the Heavenly Dragon City!

“In this case, Your Excellency Jiang Chen can go to the central area again and break into the Hall of Illusory Dragons. If you can pass the ninth level and become a true dragon-level genius, you can save a lot of trouble in the Tianlong trial.”

Meng Ping’s eyes were also filled with excitement.

If Jiang Chen could win this Tianlong Trial, his fate would probably be rewritten soon.

“Okay, you sign up for me, I’ll go and break into the Magic Dragon Palace.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and his figure flashed immediately before turning into an afterimage and flashing out towards the outside of the manor.

The news that the Tianlong trial opened three days later spread instantly, and the entire Earth Dragon City was immediately shaken.

Countless talented trialists in Earth Dragon City are all gearing up, and their fighting spirit skyrocketed, ready to show their skills in the Heavenly Dragon Trial.

However, some of the weaker testers were wailing.

The opening of the Tianlong Trial means that their time to practice in Earth Dragon City has ended.

Once the Tianlong trial is over, they will be expelled by the Earth Dragon City.

Some testers who have broken through the realm of the true gods still have the opportunity to stay in Earth Dragon City to do miscellaneous tasks. But those who failed to break through the True God Realm did not even have the qualifications to come down!

The central area of ​​Earth Dragon City, the Hall of Magic Dragon.

Since the news of the opening of the Tianlong Trial spread, countless trialists in Earth Dragon City have been busy preparing for the Tianlong Trial. Obviously, few people have the intention to come to the magic dragon hall to break through.


When Jiang Chen came outside the Huanlong Palace, the place seemed extremely deserted, almost empty.

I waited for ten minutes.

After a barrier-breaker in the Hall of Fantasy Dragon came out, Jiang Chen plunged into the Hall of Fantasy Dragon and began to rush through the barriers frantically.

One level, two levels, three levels…

In just half an hour, Jiang Chen went through the ninth level of the Magic Dragon Palace and became a true dragon-level genius!

“Trial person, congratulations on passing the ninth level of the Magic Dragon Palace. The last level will be opened after ten breaths.”

A deep and deep voice echoed in the sky above the Magic Dragon Palace.

“Is it the last level? I want to see how difficult the tenth level of the Magic Dragon Palace can be?”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, quietly waiting for the tenth level to open.

The time of ten breaths passed in a flash.

Jiang Chen only felt a flower in front of him, and the space around him changed for a while. A slightly familiar phantom figure also condensed directly in front of Jiang Chen.

“why is it you again?”

Jiang Chen looked at the middle-aged Tsing Yi who was holding a sword in front of him, and a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

“Why can’t it be me?”

“Little guy, I won’t do it myself in the first nine levels of the Magic Dragon Palace. It’s your honor to let me do it twice.”

“But… you guy didn’t let me down. It only took a year to get to the last floor.”

The middle-aged Tsing Yi looked at Jiang Chen and couldn’t help but praise him.

Hearing the words of the middle-aged Tsing Yi, Jiang Chen couldn’t help narrowing his eyes.

This middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, in all likelihood, is a force left by a certain ancient dragon tribe, who specializes in guarding this magic dragon palace.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and cupped hands at the middle-aged Tsing Yi: “Please also senior enlighten me!”

The middle-aged Tsing Yi said with a smile, “Come on, let me see how far you have grown in this more than a year!”

Jiang Chen didn’t talk nonsense, and directly operated the Taixu Sacred Dragon, the monstrous divine power directly turned into a heavenly palm, suppressing the middle-aged Tsing Yi.

“This is……”

The middle-aged Tsing Yi stared at the scene before him, his eyes condensed suddenly!

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