Chapter 1512 Central area, Magic Dragon Palace

Meng Ping couldn’t be more clear about how difficult it is to cultivate the fragments of the Taixu Sacred Dragon.

In the history of Earth Dragon City, nine people once chose the Fragment of Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture.

None of these nine people are not talented Void God Tianjiao, among them there are even the Guixu middle stage and Guixu early stage, who became the peerless evil spirits of the Void God Tianjiao.


These enchanting geniuses have failed without any surprises in the fragmentation of the cultivation of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture.

Although Jiang Chen could instantly understand the power of the world of the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, this kind of comprehension was indeed extremely enchanting.

However, the level of the Taixu Sacred Dragon figure is even higher than the Celestial God level, and it is incomplete and complete.

Now, Jiang Chen dare to threaten to successfully cultivate the remains of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Figure within one year!

Shouldn’t this f*ck be so exaggerated?

Meng Ping took a deep breath.

If Jiang Chen can really successfully cultivate the Taixu Sacred Dragon Figure within a year, that would definitely be one of the few peerless evildoers in Earth Dragon City.

Even becoming the top ten true dragon-level geniuses in Earth Dragon City is just around the corner!

The next two days.

While insight into the fragments of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture, Jiang Chen read the books about the Earth Dragon City and learned about the situation of the Earth Dragon City and the entire ancient dragon clan in detail.

As the world god-level power in charge of the ancient dragon world, the ancient dragon clan is very powerful.

Among them are a realm god realm clan chief, four sixth-order gods of the golden robe Elder, and the rest of the god realm powerhouses are countless…


Jiang Chen didn’t pay too much attention to these, but mainly understood the information about the Trial of the Earth Dragon City and the Heavenly Dragon.

Earth Dragon City is actually not much different from the Sect forces that Jiang Chen joined in the Lower Realm.

Here, Earth Dragon City points are used as the general transaction currency.


Earth Dragon City’s method of obtaining Earth Dragon points is relatively simple, except that disciples in different regions can receive a certain amount of Earth Dragon points every month, and the only way to get points rewards is to go to the Magic Dragon Palace in the central area.

In Earth Dragon City, there is no mission to earn Earth Dragon points.

after all.

Even the housekeeping courier and other things in Earth Dragon City have been contracted by the True God Realm powerhouse, so naturally there is no need to issue these miscellaneous tasks to the testers.

As for going out for tasks, it is even more unnecessary.

When the trialists in Earth Dragon City entered the city, most of them had not yet made a breakthrough in the True God Realm.

After breaking through the true gods, most of them are in the lower true gods, and it is not easy to go out to perform tasks.

Instead of wasting time on this, it is better to practice well in Earth Dragon City.

After having a comprehensive understanding of Earth Dragon City.

Jiang Chen decided to go to the central area to receive the Earth Dragon points for this month, and to enter the Hall of Fantasy Dragons to see if he could exchange some cultivation resources.

“Qianrou, I plan to go to the central area, do you want to come together?”

Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at Xue Qianrou who was standing on the side like a maid, somewhat helplessly.

The reason why he let Xue Qianrou stay at the beginning was only to treat Xue Qianrou as the first friend he met in the realm of God, and wanted to help her.

Who knew that Xue Qianrou stayed in the manor, but always treated herself as a maid.

Jiang Chen talked to Xue Qianrou several times, so that she didn’t have to, but Xue Qianrou still did.

In desperation, Jiang Chen could only let Xue Qianrou wait on him.

Xue Qianrou whispered: “Where the son goes, Qianrou will go wherever he goes.”

“Okay, let’s go to the central area and take a look.”

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, then greeted Meng Ping, and led Meng Qingxue towards the center area.

The core area where Jiang Chen and the others live is not too far away from the central area.

About half an hour later.

The two came to the central area of ​​Earth Dragon City.

Compared with other areas, the central area is undoubtedly much more prosperous and lively.

On the spacious bluestone streets, there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

On both sides of the street, there are luxurious shops with magnificent decorations.

Restaurants, inns, Medicine Pill, weapons…

All kinds of shops have everything.

“There is an inn and restaurant in this central area?”

Jiang Chen looked at the scene before him, and a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face.

The trialists in Earth Dragon City all have their own assigned residences, so it seems that they don’t need to stay in an inn here, right?

And Cultivation Base has arrived at their Realm, even if Closed Door Training does not eat or drink for a year or a half, there will be no problem. Who would spend Earth Dragon points to go to this central area to eat?

“Naturally there is.”

“Some testers living in the outer area have only one chance to come to the central area for free once a month. At other times they have to spend their own earth dragon points to rent flying tools, so many testers will stay in the central area.”

“And… the inn here is not so simple on the surface, it has special rooms for cultivation and Insight Martial Dao rules.”

Xue Qianrou explained with a smile.


Jiang Chen said with a surprised look: “So, the things sold in these restaurants are not simple anymore?”

Xue Qianrou nodded and said: “It is said that many of them are self-made with the main ingredients of the beasts above the true gods, and the effect after eating is no less than swallowing a panacea. However, it requires a lot of earth dragon points, which most people can’t enjoy. ”

“Oh? When I go to the Magic Dragon Palace, I can go and see it.”

Jiang Chen raised his sword eyebrows, and then walked with Xue Qianrou in the wide street.

They first went to the service center in the trial to receive the Earth Dragon points for the month, and then went straight to the Hall of Illusion Dragon.

About a quarter of an hour later.

Jiang Chen and the two came to a towering golden Great Hall.

The Great Hall is as high as hundreds of feet, and the whole body is carved with countless exquisite and gorgeous dragon-shaped totems, which are lifelike.

The Great Hall is divided into four corners, each with a dragon head, and a bead with a strange light in the mouth, making the entire Great Hall feel like a dream.

Directly in front of the Great Hall, there is an open door of ten feet. The inside of the door is pitch black, making it impossible to see what is inside.

This Great Hall is one of the most famous buildings in Earth Dragon City, the Magic Dragon Hall.

At the entrance of the Hall of Fantasy Dragon, there were hundreds of young men and women gathered here, obviously all trialists who came to the Hall of Fantasy Dragon to break through.

There are a total of ten levels in the Magic Dragon Palace, and each level can be rewarded with 10,000 Earth Dragon Points. It is one of the most important sources for trialers in Earth Dragon City.

Not only that, the number of barriers in the Magic Dragon Palace is also a symbol of strength.

Generally return to the market realm, corresponding to the first three levels.

Void God Realm and Void God Tianjiao correspond to four to six levels.

Only breakthrough the true god Realm can have the chance to pass the seventh level.

And those who can pass the eighth level can be called the seed-level choice of the Tianlong trial.

As for the one who passed the ninth level, it was a true dragon-level genius selected from a million.

A true dragon-level genius, also known as a quasi ancient dragon disciple, is almost 100% able to pass the Tianlong trial.

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