Chapter 1511: Within a year, Cultivation Technique is on its own!

Fragment of Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture!

Unknown grade Cultivation Technique fragment, suspected to be at or above the realm god level, due to incompleteness, the grade is determined to be the god level.

On the last page of Cultivation Technique, apart from such a line introducing Cultivation Technique, there are only three illusory mysterious patterns.

Of these three patterns, except that the first one is complete, the second one is missing a corner, and the third one is extremely vague, and most of the content is difficult to distinguish.

Jiang Chen looked at the fragment of the Taixu Sacred Dragon in front of him, his eyes suddenly hot.

This too imaginary sacred dragon picture turned out to be a world god-level superb Cultivation Technique!

It was only because of incompleteness that it was divided into the Cultivation Technique by the Ancient Dragon tribe.


This so-called incomplete Cultivation Technique has no effect on Jiang Chen at all.

Because he has a system in his body, he can use the heaven-defying ability of the system to successfully complete this imaginary sacred dragon map!

“Your Excellency Jiang Chen, you must not choose this fragment of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture.”

Seeing Jiang Chen staring straight at the fragment of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture on the booklet, Meng Ping suddenly felt anxious and quickly spoke out to persuade him.


Jiang Chen looked up at Meng Ping and said with a smile: “Why can’t I choose it? I think this too imaginary sacred dragon picture is very suitable for me.”

Choosing the Cultivation Technique is best to fit the Martial Dao principle you have understood.

In the previous Celestial Cultivation Techniques, apart from a mixed-element catalog, the other Cultivation Techniques are relatively single, and at most they can integrate three or four attributes.

Jiang Chen mastered the seven law powers, and these Cultivation Techniques naturally couldn’t fit Jiang Chen perfectly.

And this too imaginary sacred dragon chart has no attribute restrictions, it can be perfectly compatible with its seven laws, and the grade is also extremely high, in the eyes of Jiang Chen, it is undoubtedly the best Cultivation Technique choice.

“Your Excellency Jiang Chen, you should have seen it too. Not only is this too imaginary sacred dragon picture incomplete, but the real grade is above the god level, and it can be said to be even more difficult to cultivate.”

“In the history of Earth Dragon City, there used to be a total of nine extremely enchanting Void God Tianjiao who chose the Fragmented Sacred Dragon Picture of Taixu, but they all failed.”

Meng Ping smiled bitterly.

He was really scared, Jiang Chen had a hot head for a while, and he chose this Cultivation Technique, which was impossible to cultivate successfully.

“Nevertheless, I am still more interested in this imaginary sacred dragon map.”

“What’s more… what others can’t do does not mean that Jiang Chen can’t do it either.”

Jiang Chen smiled confidently and said: “Don’t worry, I know what you are worried about. Give me a year, if I haven’t made much progress in the cultivation of Taixu Sacred Dragon, I will change to another Cultivation Technique.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen insisted on choosing the fragmented scroll of the Taixu Sacred Dragon, Meng Ping couldn’t help but sighed in his heart, only feeling that his whole person was much older.


When he heard the sentence behind Jiang Chen, his whole body suddenly refreshed.

It seems that although Jiang Chen has taken a fancy to the fragmented scroll of the Too Void Sacred Dragon, he has not completely lost his mind.

He continued excitedly: “Your Excellency Jiang Chen, as long as you don’t waste too much time on the Taixu Sacred Dragon map, you can try it.”

Jiang Chen still has close to twelve years in Hualong City. Even if one year is wasted, there will still be a full ten years.

With Jiang Chen’s talent, it was not a difficult task to pass the Tianlong trial in ten years.

Seeing Meng Ping’s excitement, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shook his head and chuckled, and asked: “Then how do I get the fragmented picture of the Supreme Void Sacred Dragon now?”

“Geniuses in the core area don’t need to go to the central area.”

Meng Ping smiled and said: “Just put your identity token on this page of the booklet, and someone will send Cultivation Technique to the door immediately.”


Jiang Chen looked surprised, this Dragon City even has the most popular online shopping functions on the earth in the previous life?

With some curiosity, Jiang Chen put his own identity token on the page of the book.


Jiang Chen felt that a slight fluctuation came from between the identity token and the pages of the book.

This situation lasted for about ten breaths, and a faint voice had already come in from outside the manor.

“Manor 166, please sign for Cultivation Technique Jade Slip.”

Jiang Chen suddenly looked dazed, the speed of the door-to-door delivery is too fast.

After a slight consternation, Jiang Chen hurried to the entrance of the manor.

When he signed for the fragment of the Taixu Sacred Dragon picture he had just selected, he found that the courier who delivered the door to his door was also a true God Realm powerhouse!

Jiang Chen felt endless.

A strong man in the true god realm, in this place of Earth Dragon City, can only be reduced to the identity of a housekeeper and courier.

This God Realm, True God Realm is really worthless at all.

Shaking his head, Jiang Chen turned and walked back to the manor while opening the Cultivation Technique Jade Slip.

In an instant…

Jade Slip shattered directly, and then turned into a stream of light, which fell directly into Jiang Chen’s mind.

Jiang Chen soon felt that the detailed information of the three patterns previously seen in the booklet had been imprinted in his memory.

Immediately afterwards.

The continuous prompts rang directly in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You watch the fragmented scroll of the Cultivation Technique Taixu Sacred Dragon, which triggers a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You have completed one millionth of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture!”

“Ding! You comprehend the one-millionth Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture!”

“Ding! You watch the fragmented scroll of the Cultivation Technique Taixu Sacred Dragon, which triggers a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You have completed one millionth of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture!”

“Ding! You comprehend the one-millionth Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture!”


It turned out to be a divine king-level Cultivation Technique fragment, this time it made a lot of money!

Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a look of ecstasy.

This imaginary sacred dragon picture really surpassed the existence of the world god level Cultivation Technique!

the most important is.

This Cultivation Technique is directly printed into his mind, which is equivalent to watching him all the time, and the system will continue to help him complete the Insight Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture.

Although only one part per million can be understood each time, the time interval between each time is only about half a minute.

After this day, I realized a few percent without any problems.

“Your Excellency Jiang Chen, you have already felt the fragments of this imaginary sacred dragon picture. I don’t know why?”

At this moment, Meng Ping, who came out of the palace, looked at Jiang Chen, who had already obtained the fragment of the Taixu Sacred Dragon, and couldn’t help but ask quickly.

“It’s okay, this imaginary picture of a sacred dragon, cultivation is not as difficult as imagined.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth suddenly raised a slight arc, and he confidently said: “I can assure you that within one year, Cultivation Technique will be on its own!”


Following these words, Meng Ping could not help but breathe in a cold breath, and the look at Jiang Chen also showed an unprecedented horror.

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