Chapter 1500 The law condenses soldiers, superb sword!

Xue Haoqian brought eight great emperor-level powerhouses to kill at the same time.

All kinds of blood law and Martial Skill, instantly filled the sky.

The space within a radius of tens of miles turned into a sea of ​​monsters and blood full of destruction at this moment.

Jiang Chen is in the sea of ​​blood, like a lone boat in the sea, and he may be annihilated by the sea of ​​blood at any time.

“Ha ha……”

“Nine great emperor-level powerhouses joined forces, this power is indeed extraordinary.”

“But with the nine of you, if you want to deal with me, there is still not enough!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and the golden light all over his body rose up into the sky like a pillar of light, and the whole person instantly transformed into a Qianzhang emperor’s body.

at the same time.

The power of seven different laws filled Jiang Chen’s body almost at the same time, and finally turned into a colorful divine light that swept across the four directions.

this moment……

With Jiang Chen as the center, the vast sky with a radius of thousands of feet, the monstrous sea of ​​blood is quickly annihilated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

To the end.

Even the bodies of Xue Hao and the nine people were shocked by the colorful divine light and flew upside down hundreds of feet away.

“Don’t keep your hand, burst out with all your strength, and kill him at all costs.”

Seeing that his nine people joined forces and was so easily blocked by Jiang Chen, Xue Haogan’s heart was horrified, and the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

The new emperor of the human race in front of him, the combat power is indeed extremely enchanting.

In the late stage Cultivation Base, he could easily contend with his teamwork with eight great emperor-level powerhouses, and did not lose sight of it.

If he can’t be destroyed today, once he is given some more opportunities to grow, I am afraid that no one in the entire Profound Spirit Continent will help him.

By the time.

This guy will definitely bring disaster to their blood spirit race.


Xue Hao screamed, and Qianzhang Emperor’s body was also instantly condensed.

Holding the Great Desolate Blood Halberd, he was covered with blood and light, like an ancient Blood Demon, with a powerful destructive force, he once again killed Jiang Chen.

And around Xue Haogan.

The eight great emperor-level powerhouses also gathered the body of the emperor one after another, and performed the strongest blow to kill Jiang Chen.

“Huh! How can the light of rice grains compete with Haoyue?”

“The emperor doesn’t bother to waste time with you. This battle is also over.”

“Hunyuan sword, give me condensate!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and he immediately moved his palm, directly casting the law of condensing weapons.


The power of the seven laws revolved and compressed, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a seven-color ancient sword and fell into Jiang Chen’s palm.

Jiang Chen condenses Divine Armament with the power of seven laws, all-encompassing, and pointing straight to Hunyuan Avenue.


This condensed Divine Armament was also named Hunyuan Sword by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was holding the Hunyuan sword, staring at the blood shadow of the thousand zhang who was the first to kill, and he raised his hand and swung it out!

In an instant…

A seven-color Sword Ray that eclipsed the heavens and the earth, surpassed time and space, penetrated all obstacles, and slashed on the emperor body of the blood spirit emperor in the blink of an eye.


Hearing only a loud and clear noise, the blood spirit clan emperor’s emperor body had already shattered under the seven-color Sword Ray.

The emperor body collapsed, and the body of the blood spirit tribe great emperor also appeared embarrassedly in the void.

“Do not……”

He raised his head and looked at the seven-color Sword Ray that had not yet dissipated, and his eyes also showed unprecedented despair and horror.


As soon as the blood spirit tribe great emperor spit out a no-word, the seven-color Sword Ray crashed down, strangling his body and soul into powder together.

Law condenses soldiers, superb sword!

Jiang Chen used seven laws to condense his troops, and he could have killed the emperor.

Now it is even more powerful than the sword with divine power, and its power is several times more powerful, enough to threaten the strong of the virtual god realm, how can the peak of the ruins be able to resist it?

Kill the emperor with one sword!

This… how is this possible?

Seeing that the great emperor-level powerhouse was instantly killed by Jiang Chen with a single sword, and the eight people besieging Jiang Chen, including Xue Haogan, their hearts were inexplicably cold, and their expressions were horrified.


When the matter reached this point, they were already on the string at the moment and had to send it out, so they had to bite the bullet and kill Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, his palm blending Yuan sword was continuously swung, eight to extremely bright seven-color Sword Ray flew towards the eight people of Xue Haogan.

“Boom boom boom…”

Suddenly, there was a series of shocking explosions in the void.

I saw that the eight-person Qianzhang emperor’s body of Xue Hao dried up like a mountain and the ground was cracked. Under the seven-color Sword Ray, it collapsed suddenly.

Even their bodies, even before they even screamed, were crushed by the Seven-color Sword Ray.

Except for Xue Hao dry at the last moment, urging a virtual god asylum to block the Seven Color Sword Ray. The other great emperor-level powerhouses are almost all fascinated!

Seven or eight great emperor-level powerhouses fell at the same time.

In the void, the red emperor’s blood poured down like raindrops, dyeing the world in a radius of ten miles into a bloody red.

this moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

Even the powerhouses of the two clans in the original war stopped unanimously.

They looked at the emperor blood that spilled from the void, and it was a long time for them to recover from the shock.

“Is this the strength of His Majesty the Human Emperor? It’s too terrifying.”

“Haha…there is someone the emperor sits on the ground, today’s battle, my human race is set to win.”


After many human experts were stunned for a while, they couldn’t help but show ecstasy on their faces.

The nine powerful blood spirit tribes besieged Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen beheaded eight of them in just a moment.

If it hadn’t been for the blood emperor who had the power of the imaginary god to protect him, he would have fallen under Jiang Chen’s sword.

With such a new emperor in their human race, why worry about the immortality of the blood and spirit race?

Compared with the thrilled human race powerhouses, those blood spirit race powerhouses, their complexion became extremely pale.

Their blood spirit race against the human race this time, the biggest reliance is the ten great emperor-level powerhouses created by the ancestral blood pool.

But no one thought of it.

These great emperor-level powerhouses were actually killed by the new human emperor in front of him, like cutting melons and vegetables.

Emperor Tu is like slaughtering chickens and dogs!

Now their blood spirit race, I am afraid that no one can stop the new human race emperor.


Ji Wushuang looked at the scene before him and couldn’t help but smiled faintly: “Xue Yusheng, it seems that this time, your blood spirit race has lost!”

Xue Yusheng’s face was extremely gloomy.

He originally thought that this human race new emperor was just lucky enough to get a trace of the power of the imaginary god, and once the power of the imaginary god was exhausted, it was not a concern.

But now he discovered that Jiang Chen’s body was really born with the divine power that was only possessed by the powerhouse of the Void God Realm.

Not only that.

Jiang Chengang’s move, condensing his troops by law and using his divine power to guard his sword, was not a method of the lower realm at all.

This Human Race’s new emperor is definitely inherited by a certain power in God’s Domain.

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