Chapter 1499 Emperor Tu is like slaughtering chickens and dogs!


Many human experts could not help taking a breath when they heard Jiang Chen’s arrogant words.

Even Ji Wushuang, a look of surprise appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Great emperor-level powerhouse, kill as many as you come!

How domineering and arrogant is this?

If Jiang Chen could really treat a great emperor-level powerhouse as nothing, then their human race might really be able to defeat the blood spirit race.

“Well, I’m relieved with your words.”

Although Ji Wushuang didn’t know why Jiang Chen had such a strong self-confidence, she believed that her son was definitely not the kind of person who spoke wildly.

She no longer hesitated at the moment, her figure flickered and stood in front of Xue Yusheng, confronting Xue Yusheng on the vast void.

“Ji Wushuang, if I were you, I would take these strong human races to huddle in Nanwu City, instead of letting them come out to find their way to death.”

Xue Yusheng locked Ji Wushuang’s gaze tightly, and couldn’t help but smile coldly.

Xue Yusheng was not in a hurry to start with Ji Wushuang.

Ji Wushuang’s strength is only stronger than him, but if he really wants to start, he can’t ask for any advantage.

Now that the overall strength of the Blood Spirit Race has the upper hand, he only needs to hold Ji Wushuang, and the Human Race will undoubtedly lose in this battle!

“Blood Yusheng, I think it should be your blood spirit race who is seeking his own way.”

Ji Wushuang stared at Xue Yusheng indifferently, and also had no intention of making a move.

Although she is slightly better than Xue Yusheng in strength, but if she really wants to fight, even if she fights one day and night, she may not be able to completely distinguish the winner.

It’s better to wait and see the changes than to do it directly.

In the event of an accident, she might be able to get out to remedy it!

When Ji Wushuang and Xue Yusheng were facing each other in the sky, the battle below was also on the verge of breaking out.

Of the 36 great emperor-level powerhouses of the blood spirit race, 28 of them killed the 28 great emperor-level powerhouses of the human race, and the remaining eight people, all led by Xue Haogan, moved towards Jiang Chenwei. Kill it.


The purpose of Xue Hao’s work is to gather all the power for the first time to kill Jiang Chen, the new human emperor!

“Jiang Chen, eight great emperor-level powerhouses, Feng’er and I, Little Sister, should be able to stop one for you.”

Looking at the eight great emperor-level powerhouses who had directly besieged, Meng Qingxue’s pretty face couldn’t help changing slightly.

Meng Qingxue and Gu Feng’er have extraordinary physiques. The cultivation speed of the two is extremely fast. Now the Cultivation Base has reached the middle stage of Guixu, and their combat power is Transcendent.

The two joined forces, although they could contend with an emperor-level powerhouse, it was also extremely dangerous.

For today’s Jiang Chen.

There is actually not much difference between one more Emperor-level powerhouse and one less besiege. Naturally, he didn’t need to let the two of them take risks.

“No, you just stay aside and watch me slaughter them. To me, Tu the Great is like slaughtering a chicken and a dog!”

Jiang Chen shook his head, his faint voice seemed domineering.

“Ha ha……”

“Human Sovereign Jiang Chen, you are really not ordinary arrogant.”

“The emperor wants to see how you can slaughter us with your own strength!”

Xue Hao smiled dryly, a bloody halberd exuding a monstrous Killing intent in his hand, directly tore through the thousands of feet of the void, bursting out monster bloody electric lights, making the world pale.

Xue Haoqian was able to become a new generation of blood emperor of the blood spirit race, and naturally he was not a mediocre generation.

As a Cultivation Base, he has broken through to the late stage. Realm’s comprehension of the law of blood, even the Realm of the Second Stage.

Coupled with the Divine Armament, the blood emperor inheritance, the blood halberd, the combat power is even stronger than the average emperor-level powerhouse.


This level of combat power is far inferior to the several blood spirit kings that Jiang Chen killed. How could Jiang Chen look at it?

He just stretched out his hand and gently tapped at the void in front of him.

In an instant…

A crystal clear finger appeared out of thin air, a finger to Hengtian, instantly destroying the blood-colored electric glow around it, and then pressed it on the blood halberd dried by Xue Hao.


The voice resounded like Hong Zhong Dalu.

Xue Hao’s body trembled, and a mouthful of emperor blood spouted out of his mouth.

His three-foot-long Great Desolate Blood Halberd was bent by Jiang Chen.

And its figure, as if being oppressed by an ancient sacred mountain, pressed down from the void one by one.

Even if Xue Hao broke out with all his strength, it was still difficult to shake that finger!

Looking at the shocking finger that Jiang Chen condensed from the sky, Xue Yusheng’s pupils suddenly shrank.

“This is… the power of the Void God, how is it possible!”

Xue Yusheng looked at that crystal-clear finger with an incredulous expression, his expression was extremely shocked, and his mouth couldn’t help but scream.

As a strong virtual god, Xue Yusheng has such a keen perception of divine power.

He could naturally feel that the finger Jiang Chen displayed was not condensed by pure primordial power, and there was already a faint divine power in it!

Enter the Void God Realm, divine power regenerates itself!

This is the power that can only be mastered by the strong of the Void God Realm.

Jiang Chen is nowhere near the late stage Cultivation Base. How can the power that can only be born by the strong of the Void God Realm be born in his body?

“Haha…Xue Yusheng, it seems that your blood spirit race is defeated in this battle.”

Looking at Jiang Chen’s magical blow, Ji Wushuang was astonished for a while, and a rare smile appeared on the beautiful face.

This own son really gave her a big surprise.

Although she didn’t know, why Jiang Chen could use the late stage Cultivation Base, the supernatural power that can only be possessed by the strongest of the forever virtual gods.

But now that there is divine power in Jiang Chen’s body, it is equivalent to possessing the power of a powerful person in the virtual god realm!

As long as she restrains Xue Yusheng, who else in the Blood Spirit Race can stop Jiang Chen?

“Huh! Ji Wushuang, don’t you be too happy too early?”

Xue Yusheng coldly snorted with a gloomy expression.

Jiang Chen Cultivation Base is only in the late stage of the ruins, and it is impossible to be a strong person in the virtual god realm. It must be a chance, but luckily he got a trace of the power of the virtual god.

As long as the divine power in Jiang Chen’s body is consumed, even if Jiang Chen possesses the power of the Invincible Great Emperor, under the siege of eight or nine great emperor-level powerhouses, he would never think of making waves.

“Blood Emperor, I will come to help you!”

Below, the eight blood spirit tribe great emperors saw that Xue Hao was in danger, and they couldn’t help but burst out loudly, and they all went up into the air, each displaying a terrifying attack, banging on the crystal clear finger.

“Boom boom boom…”

Eight blood spirit tribe great emperors joined forces, and the power can be described as earth-shattering.

That crystal-clear finger was finally unable to withstand such a terrifying attack, and it exploded directly in the void.

“Human Emperor Jiang Chen, this emperor has to admit that your talent is unprecedented, no one can match.”

“But… no matter how evil you are, you are destined to fall here today.”

“Let’s do it together and kill me!”

Xue Hao let out a cold stern cry, and immediately shot at the same time with the eight great emperor-level powerhouses, and came towards Jiang Chen to besiege.

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