Chapter 1494 The blood spirit tribe shakes!

Generally speaking.

Only after reaching the limit of the Guixu pinnacle can the Guixu Realm powerhouse be able to gain insight through cultivation, and become a virtual god realm powerhouse.

But Jiang Chen is still in the late stage of Guixu, and his body has already born divine power.

Jiang Chen couldn’t be sure now, whether his current situation was Returning to the Ruins Realm or the Void God Realm.


What Jiang Chen didn’t know was that in the earliest Martial Dao cultivation system, the Void God Realm didn’t exist.

The next big Realm after returning to the Ruins Realm was originally the True God Realm where the right path becomes a god.


It is a very long process from returning to the ruins realm to the true god realm.

With the development of Martial Dao, some people gradually separated the ruins-returning realm powerhouses who had born divine power in their bodies, and gave them the title of Void God.


The Void God slowly evolved into a Realm between the Returning Market Realm and the True God Realm.

Although the Void God Realm was separated into a big Realm, in fact it was still returning to the Market Realm, but the divine power was born in the body, and it possessed a part of the power of the true god.

In the prosperous realm of Martial Dao, many of them have the late stage and even the middle stage of the return to the ruins, and the peerless genius with supernatural power is born in the body.

When they return to the market for cultivation, they can simultaneously transform the vitality in their bodies into divine power.

There are even some talented heaven-defying generations.

When they reach the peak of the return to the ruins in the Cultivation Base, their body’s vitality has been completely transformed into divine power, thus inducing divine calamity in one move, and Transcends Tribulation becomes a true god!

It can be said.

For the supreme genius of God’s Domain, the Void God Realm is actually a Realm that does not exist.

“No matter what, it is worth celebrating to be able to obtain the Void God Blood Essence this time, and to give birth to divine power in the body.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and there was also an expression of excitement on his face.

All beginnings are hard.

The only difference between the strong in the virtual god realm and the strong in the return to the ruin realm is that divine power is born in the body.

It is not a simple matter for the strong of the returnable market realm to want to give birth to divine power.

Countless Supreme Emperors who had returned to the peak of the ruins were all stuck at this step.

Just like the ancient Kunxu Emperor of the Shenwu Continent.

No matter how amazing he is, he has been trapped at the peak of Guixu for thousands of years. He hasn’t been able to cultivate his supernatural powers. In the end, he had to take the risk and steal the god Sect Thunder God Sect’s god transformation cauldron!

This can be seen.

It is so difficult for Guixu Realm to cultivate divine power.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t know whether he was considered a virtual god realm or not, he now has divine power in his body.

The news that Jiang Chen killed the bloody cold king Han Jingxuan, and destroyed the bloody cold domain, was also like a hurricane, and quickly spread to the entire blood spirit race.

In the blood silver domain.

All blood spirit clan powerhouses, including the blood emperor, blood Haogan, were shaken by it after they disappeared.

With horror, Xue Hao hurriedly convened many powerful blood spirit tribes to discuss countermeasures.

In the Great Hall of the Bloody Silver Territory King City, many powerful blood spirit tribes gathered here quickly under the call of Xue Haogan, and the atmosphere of the Great Hall was solemn.

“Everyone, Human Sovereign Jiang Chen led the Human Race to attack my Blood Spirit Race. Now that the Blood Barren Territory and the Blood Cold Territory have been broken by the Human Race, the two blood spirit kings have also fallen. Do you have a countermeasure?”

I don’t know how long it took, Xue Hao Qian, who was sitting high in the first place, finally broke the silence in the Great Hall.

“Your Majesty, Blood King, the Human Race breaks through the cold blood territory to enter the hinterland of my Blood Spirit Race. It must be stopped as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.”

A blood spirit tribe great emperor said quickly.

“The emperor naturally knows to stop them.”

“It’s just that my blood spirit clan has been unable to send strong people to suppress it for the time being.”

“I wonder if you can have a way to stop the Emperor Jiang Chen for a period of time?”

Xue Hao’s gaze swept slightly in the Great Hall, and he asked with a gloomy expression.

The new human emperor Jiang Chen is powerful and possesses the terrifying power to easily kill a great emperor-level powerhouse.

If he wants to suppress Jiang Chen, he has to send at least two great emperor-level powerhouses to the Bloody Frost Territory.

Now that they are losing two blood spirit kings, they are already stretched to face the strength of the human race.

If at this time two or three great emperor-level powerhouses were sent away, once the human race launched an offensive from the front, it would be difficult for them to stop them.

In the Great Hall.

Hearing what Xue Hao said, many blood spirit clan powerhouses looked at each other in a glance, not knowing what to do.

It is simply impossible to stop the Emperor Jiang Chen without sending a strong person to suppress it.

Seeing that everyone in the Great Hall fell silent again, Xue Hao’s dry face also became more and more difficult to look at.

According to Xue Hao’s plan.

As long as Xuehan Wanghan Jingxuan delays Jiang Chen for a month and gives him enough time, the Blood Spirit Race can get rid of the predicament and reverse the situation in one fell swoop.

But Xue Hao did not think of anything.

With the help of the formation, the King of Blood Cold was still defeated by Emperor Jiang Chen in less than half a month.

Now the Blood Spirit Race has lost three areas in a row, the frontal battlefield is also at a disadvantage, and the situation is precarious.

It can be said.

Since the birth of the Blood Spirit Race, there has never been such an embarrassing situation in the war between them and the Human Race.

“Blood Emperor, you can’t let people continue to wreak havoc on the Blood Spirit Race.”

“Why don’t I leave a clone to sit in the Bloody Silver Territory, and then go to the Bloody Cold Territory secretly to punish the new human emperor.”

“As long as you kill the new human emperor, everything will be solved.”

At this moment, the Weeping Blood King Xue Yusheng, who was sitting beside Xue Haogan, suddenly broke the silence in the Great Hall.

Xue Hao’s expression changed, and he shook his head quickly and refused, “No, this is too risky.”

Xueyusheng is the only virtual god realm of the blood spirit race today, and it is difficult to escape the eyes of the human race with every move.


It is almost impossible for Xue Yusheng to cross the sea to go to the bloody cold region without hiding it.

Once detected by the human race, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable!

“Enlighten Your Majesty the Blood Emperor, the great news is great.”

“There was news from the Blood Imperial City just now that the ten people in the Ancestral Blood Pool have been promoted smoothly and have left the customs ahead of schedule.”

At this moment, a blood spirit clan emperor who was in charge of intelligence finally stood up with a look of excitement.


Xue Hao stood up from his seat dryly, an expression of ecstasy appeared on his face involuntarily.

He was worried that the situation in front of him could not be dealt with. Who knew that the ten of the ancestral blood pool had come out ahead of schedule!

“Ha ha……”

“God helped me too!”

“Now that the ten great emperors of my blood spirit race have successfully exited the customs, why are the human races afraid?”

Xue Haogan laughed, and immediately ordered: “Let them rush to the Bloody Silver Territory immediately, the emperor will fight the human race to the death!”

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