Chapter 1493 Void God Blood Essence, divine power is born!

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, and with a move of his palm, a space law instantly sealed the Qianzhang void in Han Jingxuan’s body.

Han Jingxuan’s complexion changed, and he immediately raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, with a sneer on his face and said: “Why, do you still want to keep me behind?”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “King Xuehan, you really think that with the protection of the power of this imaginary god, I can’t help you?”

“Human Sovereign Jiang Chen, although I have to admit that your power is shocking, you can also be invincible among the emperor. But the shelter of the strongest of the virtual gods cannot be broken by you.”

Han Jingxuan smiled coldly.

The divine power born in the body of the strong in the virtual god realm, this is the power that completely surpasses the original power, and it is completely different.

Although Jiang Chen’s combat power is sufficient to scorn the Return of the Market Realm, it is never possible to shake the power of the Void God.

“Although I can’t break the shelter of the Void God that you urged, but you may not be able to block my attack. Because I can control time and life!”

When Jiang Chen’s voice fell, the special space condensed by the law of time and the law of life directly enveloped Han Jingxuan’s whole person.

Although Han Jingxuan urged the defense of the Void God’s shelter and could block any powerful attack under the Void God, it could not stop the illusory power such as the law of time and the law of life.


This time Jiang Chen didn’t use any other power with a physical attack, but instead used the law of time and the law of life to condense a space.

The law of time, control time.

The law of life, one thought of life and death!

In the space where these two kinds of law powers intersect, two different invisible powers circulate in Han Jingxuan’s body, causing Han Jingxuan’s longevity to disappear at an extremely terrifying speed every second.

Although the law of time and the law of life are not strong, as long as you have enough time, you can still consume the life of the great emperor.

Unless this great emperor-level powerhouse can quickly make a move and break his law space.


At this moment.

Jiang Chen was not at all worried about Han Jingxuan’s move, as long as Han Jingxuan’s move broke through his law space, there would be no way to urge the power of the imaginary god to protect himself.

Once Han Jingxuan withdrew from the shelter of the power of the imaginary god, he could take the opportunity to make an all-out effort and kill him in one move.

“Damn it, it turned out to be the law of time and the law of life!”

Feeling that Own Shouyuan was fading faster under the power of Jiang Chen’s law, Han Jingxuan’s expression instantly became frightened.

Although he is a great emperor-level powerhouse at the peak of the ruins, he can’t be immune from the influence of Jiang Chen’s law.

If this continues, I am afraid that he will really be consumed by the power of Jiang Chen’s law.

Han Jingxuan naturally didn’t want to just sit back and wait for death.

He hurriedly stopped urging the bloody jade card in his hand, dissipating the shelter of the power of the virtual god, and the monstrous Blood Qi instantly turned into a sea of ​​blood exuding a chill.

The sea of ​​blood was like a tsunami, rolling up hundreds of feet of waves, and endless ice and blood swords flew out from the waves, shattering the surrounding law space into nothingness in the blink of an eye.


Just as Han Jingxuan had just defeated the Law Space, a power in the void contained a monstrous mighty power, but it was suppressed like Mount Tai, making Han Jingxuan’s heart unable to resist an inexplicable cold.

He suddenly raised his head, and he saw a huge golden seal with the character ‘Zhu’ engraved on one side, rapidly expanding in his pupils.

The Emperor Seal of Terran Warriors!

Han Jingxuan looked desperate and horrified, he quickly urged the blood-colored jade card in his hand to protect himself with the power of the imaginary god.

It’s just… that Han Jingxuan’s move is obviously too late.

At the moment he just urged the blood-colored jade card, the huge golden seal on the top of his head was suppressed.

In an instant…

Ten miles of emptiness, trembled.

Even the walls of the Royal City of the Bloody Frost Territory collapsed in an instant under the suppression of the golden giant seal.

In the end, the thousand-foot-long city wall was razed to the ground by a huge golden seal, and a huge pit with a depth of ten feet was smashed out of the ground.

In the huge pit.

Han Jingxuan was directly crushed into a cloud of blood, and the whole person, including his soul, turned into powder.

There is only a storage ring that exudes primitive light, and a blood-colored jade medal, which is particularly conspicuous in the huge pit.

With a move in the palm of his hand, Jiang Chen directly put Han Jingxuan’s storage ring and bloody jade medal into his pocket.

“The Bloody Cold King is dead, everyone follows me into the Bloody King City and destroys the Bloody Cold Realm!”

Seeing this, Cang Yunlong pointed his long knife sharply at the Bloody Cold Territory King City, leading the human army behind him, and slammed out like a rainbow.

As for the Practitioners of the Blood Spirit Race of the Bloody Frost Territory King City, they were all like a concubine after seeing that the Bloody Frost King was beheaded by Jiang Chen.

“The Bloody Cold King is dead, the Bloody Cold Domain is over, everyone, run away.”

Some of the Practitioners who were forcibly gathered in the Bloody Frost King’s City by the Bloody Frost King, at this moment, where there is still the mind to protect the King’s City, they quickly fled in panic.

And some royal families who wanted to resist were quickly beheaded by Jiang Chen.

Not long.

The third largest of the blood spirit clan’s nine regions, the blood cold region, also surrendered to Jiang Chen’s feet.

It took less than half a year.

After Jiang Chen came to the Profound Spirit Continent, he successively broke through the three Realms of the Blood Spirit Race.

Such a record is extremely impressive.

Even with the hundreds of thousands of years of history of the human race of the Profound Spirit Continent, the war between humans and the blood spirit race has never occupied such a huge advantage!

After destroying the Bloody Frost Territory, Jiang Chen once again handed everything to Cangyunlong to deal with, and he acted as the shopkeeper and began to count the spoils of the battle.

This time, killing Han Jingxuan, Jiang Chen’s harvest was extremely rich.

Not only did he get a piece of Void God asylum that could withstand the blow of a powerful Void God Realm, but he also found a drop of Blood Essence containing divine power in the storage ring of Han Jingxuan!

If he guessed right, this should be the Blood Essence of a Void God Realm powerhouse!

“A drop of Blood Essence from a strong Void God Realm, I don’t know what effect it will have after taking it.”

Looking at the jade bottle containing the Void God Blood Essence in his hand, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

In the past, when you swallowed the strong Blood Essence, all that was increased was the bloodline power.

But now Jiang Chen has already broken through to the Ruins Emperor Realm, and his bloodline has almost reached the limit of a mortal.

Unless it breaks the realm and transforms it into a god, the bloodline power should not have much change.

With a bit of expectation, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, opened the jade bottle and swallowed the Void God Blood Essence in one mouthful.

“Ding! You swallow the Void God Blood Essence and get 100*100 supernatural power!”


This is the birth of supernatural power?

Hearing the system prompts in his mind, Jiang Chen was stunned.

Divine power, isn’t this the power that can be born only when the strong of the virtual god realm is born.

Now that divine power is born in his body, doesn’t this mean that he is now a strong man in the virtual god realm?

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