Chapter 1488 The emperor falls!

“His Majesty Human Emperor, it is like a reincarnation of a god.”

Yun Yue and the others stared at the situation in front of them in a daze, and it took a long time before they came back to their senses.

On their faces, there was a look of wonder.

With the late stage Cultivation Base, the emperor who returned to the top of the market against the battle, and can be defeated by one sword!

Such a heaven-defying character, although it cannot be said that there is no one before, but it is also unique.

“How could it be possible that the king was defeated like this?”

On the other side, a strong blood spirit clan in the middle stage of the ruins looked at this scene, almost unable to believe his own eyes.

Their Blood Desolation King is one of the few ancient emperors of the Blood Spirit Clan, and has been a great emperor-level powerhouse in the famous Profound Spirit Continent thousands of years ago.

Even if you look at the entire Profound Spirit Continent and can outperform the uninhibited, there will definitely not be more than ten people!

And the new human emperor in front of him, Cultivation Base, was only a late stage of returning to the market, but he defeated their blood king with just one sword!

This… This is too incredible.

“Do it, let me kill these human emperor-level powerhouses, and share the pressure for the king!”

The bloody glow in the eyes of the late-stage blood spirit clan powerhouse returned to the ruins, and he immediately took the lead, bringing the monstrous Blood Qi to Yunyue and the others.

The new human race emperor Martial Dao’s laws reach the sky, and the seven laws of power are all out, even the emperor-level powerhouse can hardly resist.

Now they can only kill these powerful human races, distract the new human race emperor, and share the pressure for their blood shortage king.

“Get ready to fight.”

“I’ll contain the strong man who returned to the market late stage, and you will deal with the other three.”

“No matter what, we have to hold these guys back and give His Majesty the time to solve the unruly.”

Yun Yue took a deep breath, and then his figure flashed, directly facing the strong man who returned to the market late stage!

“What a man, Emperor Jiang Chen, your human race hides so deeply, I didn’t expect that there is a heir to the emperor like you in the secret!”

In the void, Huang Wuji stared at Jiang Chen tightly, his expression extremely gloomy.

This son is so much less than the late stage Cultivation Base, which can easily suppress the great emperor-level powerhouses returning to the peak of the market.

If he waits for his breakthrough to return to the peak of the ruins, what terrifying level will his strength reach?

By the time.

Under the Void God Realm, this kid is probably an absolutely invincible existence.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “My appearance was just an accident. Barren, less nonsense, surrender to me, the emperor will spare you not to die!”

“Haha… As the Blood Desolate King, how can I succumb to you humans?”

“Human Emperor Jiang Chen, although this king has to admit that you are very strong, it is impossible for you to kill me in a short time.”

“Even if this king dies today, I will let all the people here be buried with me!”

Huang Wuji’s gaze grinned wildly and laughed wildly.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but glanced at Yunyue and others who were fighting with the four blood spirit clan powerhouses.

The strength of these four blood spirit clan powerhouses is not weak, and three of them return to the middle stage of the ruins. With the special physique of Meng Qingxue and Gu Fenger, and the other three people, they can deal with it without much problem.

Only Yunyue faced the strong man who returned to the market late stage alone, and the situation seemed very dangerous.

If there is no one to help, I am afraid that Yunyue will be completely defeated if he does not make ten moves.

“Blood Desolate King, you can’t help but value yourself too much.”

“Do you really think you can delay me and let your men kill my Practitioner?”

“Killing you, to me, is just one sword thing!”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and the seven laws of power once again filled the void.


The power of the Seven Laws, centered on Qianqian Jianhui, began to spin and compress crazily.

In the end, the seven powers of the law were directly transformed into a Sacred ancient sword exuding colorful rays in the hands of Jiang Chen!

“Desolate, I gave you a chance, but you have to go to death. In that case, today I will use the law to condense my soldiers and kill you with one sword!”

Jiang Chen’s words fell proudly, and the seven-colored ancient sword in his hand slammed a sword against the wildness!


A seven-color sword light with a length of five feet, cut through the sky from the ancient sword in Jiang Chen’s hand.

At this moment, the sky and the earth faded, and the sun and the moon were dull.

Even an emperor-level powerhouse as strong as Huang Wuji, felt the breath of Death from Jiang Chen’s sword.

This sword can be cut back to the pinnacle of the ruins!


At the moment when Jiang Chen swung this sword, Huang Wuji was already dead in his heart.

Where did he dare to stay the slightest, Qianzhang Emperor’s body directly turned into a huge bloody tornado, heading towards the sky.


Although Huang Wuji’s speed is fast, the seven-color sword light is faster, and it runs through the void in the blink of an eye. A sword will Huang Wuji’s body and soul inside the body, and split it in half from the beginning!

Just a sword.

The Blood Spirit Race, the king of the Blood Desolate Territory, was a great emperor-level powerhouse of the Xuanling Spirit Continent thousands of years ago, and he has completely fallen!

this moment.

There was a dead silence in the sky and the earth.

Whether it was Yunyue and others, or the few blood spirit clan powerhouses, they all couldn’t believe their own eyes.

The emperor-level powerhouse who returned to the peak of the ruins, in the Xuanling Continent where the powerhouse of the Void God Realm is about to disappear, this is already the top powerhouse.

But now, such a great emperor was killed by Jiang Chensheng with a single sword!

With one sword, the emperor falls!

What a terrifying method is this?

Even if you look at the entire Profound Spirit Continent, you can achieve this step, I am afraid it is one of the few!

“The new human emperor is invincible, everyone flees separately, we must find a way to report the news here to the blood emperor!”

The blood spirit clan expert who had returned to the ruins late stage returned to his senses, and immediately screamed in anger, turned and turned into a bloody light to escape.

The new Human Race emperor in front of him is really evil. Even their Blood Desolate King was beheaded with a single sword. Even if its combat power is not comparable to the Void God Realm, it is already an invincible existence among the Great Emperor!

The human race has produced such an enchanting human emperor, which is definitely not good news for their blood spirit race.

They have to inform the blood spirit clan high level about this matter, otherwise the blood spirit clan may really suffer annihilation this time.

“In front of the emperor, can you escape?”

Looking at the four powerful blood spirit tribes who had fled separately, Jiang Chen smiled coldly, swiping the seven-colored ancient sword in his hand, and the four seven-colored sword lights flew out in four different directions.

“Boom boom boom…”

Facing Jiang Chen, a sword that even the Great Emperor could kill, the four blood spirit clan powerhouses had no resistance at all.

Their bodies were instantly hit by the seven-color sword light, and then burst open in the void with a bang, and finally turned into a blood mist and completely dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

In less than half an hour.

The five strong blood spirit races, headed by the Blood Desolate King, were wiped out by Jiang Chen!

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