Chapter 1487 Fighting Back to the Peak Realm Great Emperor!


Jiang Chen slashed out with a sword, and hundreds of thousands of black cracks appeared in the void, and countless kendo laws were intertwined, and even the sun’s rays in the sky were covered by this sword.

For the entire ten li, the sky was dark and chaotic, and there was only a Sword Ray that pierced the sun and the moon and cut through the sky.

“What a powerful sword, His Majesty Human Emperor’s strength is really getting stronger and stronger.”

Yun Yue and the others flew out, and they all secretly smacked their tongues as they watched Jiang Chen’s horrible sword cutting the sun and the moon.

Although they haven’t seen the Great Emperor at the peak of the Returning Market Realm make a move, such a sword, even the Great Emperor-level powerhouse, might not be able to shake its edge, right?

Looking at Jiang Chen’s powerful sword, a look of surprise passed in his eyes.


He was still standing motionless, and when the Sword Ray invaded the range of his body, a blood-colored light curtain finally slowly emerged.


Sword Ray slashed on the blood-colored light curtain, and there was an earth-shattering loud noise.

I saw the blood-colored light curtain suddenly shattered like a mirror that had been smashed into it.

“Shoo, hoo…”

And at the moment when the blood-colored light curtain shattered, countless blood-colored fragments also instantly turned into monster blood-colored Sword Ray, shooting out in all directions.

Sword Ray, the bloody Sword Ray, instantly turned the emptiness of ten miles into a bloody Sword Domain storm.

Jiang Chen’s sword that slashed the sky and the earth was instantly destroyed by this blood-colored Sword Domain!


Looking at the scene in front of them, Yun Yue and the others couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They never thought of it.

Jiang Chen’s powerful blow that smashed through the ten miles of the void hadn’t even had time to get close to Huangwuji, and he was completely destroyed by Huangwuji!

Is this the great emperor-level powerhouse at the peak of the ruins? It really is extremely terrifying.

“It deserves to be a new generation of Human Sovereign selected by the Human Race. It is indeed extremely enchanting, and has actually realized the Sword intent of the Second Stage.”

“If it’s an ordinary great emperor-level powerhouse, maybe it can’t help you.”

“But… As the King of Blood Desolation, how can an ordinary emperor compare to this king?”

Desolately said indifferently.

His eyes were as cold as the coldest glacier under the Nine Netherworlds, staring at Jiang Chen without a trace of emotion.

This child is less than 30 years old, but Cultivation Base has reached the late stage of returning to the market. He has comprehended the kendo rules of the Second Stage, and he is no less inferior than the original Huang Jiang Wuya.

As the King of Blood Desolation, Huang Wuji has never heard of such a heaven-defying heir to the Human Race.

If this kid is allowed to grow up, the threat this kid poses to their blood spirit race is probably not under Jiang Wuya’s.

“The Blood Desolate King is uninhibited, returning to the pinnacle of the ruins, mastering the law of kendo and the law of blood, and the law of blood has reached the Second Stage. Such power is indeed not comparable to the average great emperor.”

Jiang Chen looked at the barrenness in front of him, his eyes calm and authentic.

Huang Wuji snorted coldly: “Since you already know the strength of this king, don’t you want to catch it!”

“I already know your strength, but how do you know the emperor’s methods?”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously: “Do you think you can deal with me with your strength? It’s really ridiculous!”


A sneer of disdain rose from the corner of Huang Wuji’s mouth: “You do it, this king wants to see, you, the new human race emperor, what other methods can you use!”

In the eyes of Huang Wuji, the only powerful method Jiang Chen could come up with was probably the Emperor Seal of the Divine Warrior of the Human Race.

If Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base reaches the peak of the ruins, he might still be afraid of three points.

But Jiang Chen now only has the late stage Cultivation Base at the end of the day. Even if he displays the Human Emperor Seal, it is difficult to pose too much threat to him.

“If that’s the case, then so be it.”

Jiang Chen looked at Huang Wuji indifferently, and immediately closed his eyes lightly.

In an instant…

A dazzling golden light rose up from Jiang Chen’s body. Jiang Chen’s figure also rose a thousand feet in an instant, transforming into a giant with glittering golden light, standing between the sky and the earth.

The Qianzhang emperor’s body was condensed, and Jiang Chen waved like a huge palm of a five-fingered sacred mountain, and radiant laws of power also emerged from Jiang Chen’s body.

Kendo, wind, fire, thunder, time, space, life…

The power of the seven laws condenses in an instant, and finally turns into a dazzling seven-color Sword Ray that runs through the world.

This sword was several times more terrifying than the sword Jiang Chen used just now.

The seven-color sword light stretched across the universe, as if to cut off the sun and moon void and destroy everything around it!

“How… how is it possible!”

Looking at Jiang Chen’s even more terrifying Xeon Jian, Huang Wuji’s Gu Jing Wubo’s face finally showed a touch of horror that could not be concealed!

The power of the seven laws! !

The new human emperor in front of him actually mastered the seven laws of power, and the laws of kendo reached the level of Second Stage.

Now Jiang Chen’s sword condensed from the law, even with the unrestrained strength, feels a dangerous aura from this sword.

Huang Wuji didn’t dare to hesitate at all, but saw him roar, and the monstrous Blood Qi instantly penetrated the sky and the earth, and then condensed into a blood-colored emperor body!

Immediately afterwards.

A horrible blood glow surging crazily in the Ten Mile Void, with a power that overwhelms all, like an eternal blood sword across the sky, it blasted against the seven-color Sword Ray.


Two terrifying forces collided in mid-air.

That moment.

The entire 10,000-meter space above the Blood Desolate King City suddenly darkened, and everything turned into a chaotic dark world.

In this world, there is only a dazzling seven-color Sword Ray and a monster blood-colored giant sword in fierce confrontation.

“Boom boom boom…”

Two different aftermaths of Sword Qi spread out, the void exploded, and the chaos churned.

At the beginning, the Scarlet Sword could barely hold on to the Seven-Colored Sword Ray.

But with the passage of time, the light on the Scarlet Greatsword became weaker and weaker, and finally it was completely crushed by the Seven Colored Sword Ray.

To the end.

The Seven Colored Sword Ray saw that the blood-colored giant sword was crushed to pieces with the force of crushing the sky.


The seven-color Sword Ray not only crushed the blood-colored giantsword, but the remaining power instantly penetrated the vast void and slashed on the barren body.


Huang Wuji let out a scream, Qianzhang Emperor directly stepped into the void, continuously retreated hundreds of meters away.

I saw that on his Qianzhang Emperor’s body, a huge bloodstain of a hundred meters long, like a stream, spread from the shoulders to the bottom of his chest. The fascinating emperor blood also spilled from the void like raindrops.

Huang Wuji raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, with a frightened expression on his face.

The emperor who was defeated by one sword and returned to the pinnacle of the ruins, even almost smashed his emperor body with one sword!

The new human emperor in front of him is so terrifying in strength!

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