Chapter 1466 God’s domain genius, but so!

“Good! Good! Good!”

“Since my birth, Lu Guanyu, no one has dared to be so wild in front of me like you!”

“A mere ant from the lower realm dare to plunder me. Since you have to die, then I will fulfill you!”

Lu Guanyu smiled angrily.

This time the beast spirit secret realm trial was also an assessment for them.

Because of Lu Guanyu, as the top genius of Xuanyu Sect, how many 9th-Rank spiritual cores he can obtain, but it is a big matter whether he can become the first true disciple of Xuanyu Sect!

Now that Jiang Chen wanted to rob his spiritual core, how could Lu Guanyu not be angry?

He didn’t have the slightest reservation, the aura of the middle stage of Guixu exploded with all his strength, and a black space that enveloped a thousand feet of void suddenly came to suppress Jiang Chen.

This black space not only has the terrifying power of destruction, but also has countless Sword Qi and thunder power surges.

The Lu Guanyu in front of him is indeed a genius from God’s Domain.

This guy not only reached the middle stage of Cultivation Base, but also achieved a very high level of attainments in destruction, kendo, and law of thunder.

Even if the Practitioner from the early stage of the ordinary return to the market falls into it, I am afraid it will instantly disappear in this black space.


Jiang Chen stretched out his palm without expression, and a six-color beam of light instantly rose into the sky, like a giant pillar, directly penetrated into the black space in the void, and instantly pierced the black space into a huge hole.


Only a loud noise was heard, and the black space burst apart under the power of the six-color beam of light.

“This… how is this possible!”

An unbelievable horror finally appeared on the face of Jianmei young man Lu Guanyu.

The two companions behind him looked even more shocked.

Their Xuanyu Sect, even though they weren’t a big deal in God’s Realm, they were also a true god power at any rate.

Lu Guanyu, as one of the few invaluable geniuses of the Xuanyu Sect, even in the realm where they are located, it can be regarded as a ranked existence.

To know.

The lower realm plane does not allow the existence of the true gods, but their Xuanyu Sect is the power of the real gods of the gods, and both inheritance and resources are not comparable to the lower realms.

But the young man in black from the lower realm was able to suppress all the top geniuses of their Xuanyu Sect.

This… This is too incredible.

Seeing that he was actually suppressed by the black-clothed youth in the lower realm in front of him, Lu Guanyu’s face also showed a look of anger and anger.

He shouted sharply, and the black space in the void condensed again.


The black space was compressed sharply in the void, and the left back turned into a weird long sword surrounded by black thunder and lightning, and it flew into Lu Guanyu’s palm.

Starting with the long sword, countless Destroy Thunder Sword Qi surged open, making the surrounding space annihilated with pitch-black cracks visible to the naked eye.

“World Destroying Thunder Sword, kill!”

Lu Guanyu stared at Jiang Chen coldly, and swung his sword directly.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and the horrible sword that seemed to be able to destroy the world was slashed at Jiang Chen in an instant.

Jiang Chen looked at the sword cut by Lu Guanyu, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

With his eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see the situation of the weird long sword in Lu Guanyu’s hand.

This long sword turned out to be a substantive weapon condensed by Lu Guanyu using secret techniques to mobilize the three laws of power!

This guy in front of him is worthy of a genius from God’s Domain, and the use of the power of the law is obviously not comparable to the plane of the lower realm.

While Jiang Chen was amazed, there was no slightest neglect in the movements of his hands.

He directly urged the power of the six laws to the limit, and then raised his hand to point out.

In an instant…

A sword finger containing the power of six laws directly penetrated Lu Guanyu’s sword of destruction.

In the end, the sword finger directly landed on the black long sword in Lu Guanyu’s hand and interrupted the long sword with a bang.

Even Lu Guanyu’s entire arm holding the long sword was shattered by this strike.

And Lu Guanyu himself, with a pale face, flew hundreds of feet away.

“A Practitioner in the lower realm has mastered the power of six laws, how is this possible?”

Lu Guanyu disheveled his head, and was extremely embarrassed, covering the bloody severed arm with his hand, and the gaze looking at Jiang Chen was full of shock and incredible.

Lu Guanyu never thought of it.

The Divine Armament, which he condensed with three laws, would be broken by the middle stage Practitioner of a lower realm plane with six laws!

A genius who understands the power of the six laws.

Even in the realm of God, that is a superb existence that is enough to be famous in a realm.

How could such a character appear in the lower realm?

“God’s genius, it seems that it’s nothing more than that. Since you don’t want to hand over the spiritual core, then go to death for me.”

Jiang Chen stared at Lu Guanyu indifferently, flipping his hand and pressing down at Lu Guanyu.


In the void, a gleam of golden light illuminates all directions, and finally turned into a supernatural golden seal to suppress it.

“This…this is the true God Martial Skill!”

Lu Guanyu’s pupils suddenly shrank, and finally an unprecedented panic appeared in his eyes.

The young man in black on this lower realm plane not only comprehended the six powers of the law, but also mastered the terrifying existence of the true god Martial Skill.

Even in their Xuanyu Sect, few people can master Martial Skills.

This f*ck is still a person from the lower realm. I am afraid that even if it is the power of the gods on the side of the gods, the enchanting genius may not be so terrible.

Lu Guanyu was in horror in his heart, but at this moment, he could only quickly condense the Emperor Qianzhang’s body and face the Zhu Shen seal suppressed by the void.


The golden seal was suppressed with indestructible divine power, Lu Guanyu’s emperor body collapsed suddenly, and countless emperor blood was spilled into the void.


Lu Guanyu let out a miserable scream, the soul escaped from the broken body, and then fled towards the void in a hurry.

“Do you still want to escape?”

Jiang Chen held Lu Guanyu’s spirit in front of him with a squeeze, and then reached out and grabbed Lu Guanyu’s spirit in own’s hands.

“Senior Brother Lu… just died like this?”

Seeing that Lu Guanyu was killed by Jiang Chenzhen within a moment, the eyes of the man and the woman were dull, and his face turned extremely pale in an instant.

They looked at Jiang Chen, who stood proudly like a killing god, and they only felt the souls of the dead in their hearts.

“Boy, you… kill my Xuanyu Sect disciple, my Xuanyu Sect will definitely not let you go!”

The man and the woman were terrified, and they didn’t care about the spirit of Lu Guanyu in Jiang Chen’s hand, and directly took out a jade medallion, crushed it, and quickly disappeared in front of Jiang Chen…

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