Chapter 1465 Dragon Qi Robbery Plan!

Jiang Chen hurriedly passed the false emperor seal to Meng Qingxue and Ye Wuji, asking them to be careful of these geniuses from the gods!

At this moment, the three men and one woman also besieged and killed two giant black crocodiles again.

The strength of the four of them is not weaker than that of the black scale giant crocodile, especially the young man with sword eyebrows headed by them. The two black scale giant crocodile fleeing hurriedly shot into serious injuries with just the light palms.

If it hadn’t been for the extremely strong defense of the black scale giant crocodile, it would have been directly slapped to death by the sword eyebrow youth.


Even if the Jianmei Youth didn’t slap the two black scale giant crocodiles with his palm, it still left them with only half their lives and almost lost their combat power.

The remaining three people rushed forward and quickly ended the lives of the two black scale giant crocodiles, and then collected the spiritual cores of the two black scale giant crocodiles.

“Two more 9th-grade spiritual cores were obtained, Brother Lu, it seems we are lucky.”

A thin young man collected the spirit cores of two black scale giant crocodiles, and said to the sword eyebrow young man.

Jianmei Youth was about to speak, but suddenly he sensed the mysterious, and his sharp eyes shot directly at the place where Jiang Chen was.

“Who, get out of me!”

Hearing the sharp shout of the sword-browed youth, Jiang Chen felt helpless in his heart.

The strength of the four people in front of them is extremely strong. If the four of them work together, even if he manages them, it will not be an easy task.

Originally, Jiang Chen didn’t intend to show up, and had a head-on conflict with these four people.

But who knew that after the four people killed the two black scale giant crocodiles, the dragon energy in the spiritual core caused the pseudo-emperor seal.

Although Jiang Chen quickly suppressed the movement of the false emperor’s seal, he still did not escape the keen perception of the young man with sword eyebrows.

Jiang Chen wasn’t hiding at all, and his figure flashed directly, appearing in the void four thousand feet away from the young man with Jianmei.

Seeing Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared in front of them, the other two men and one woman were shocked.

The black-clothed youth in front of him was obviously not from their Xuanyu Sect.

They obviously didn’t expect that there would be people outside of their Xuanyu Sect in this secret realm!

“It seems that the Elders expected it well. Although this secret realm was reopened by my Profound Feather Sect, it has undergone a lot of changes.”

Jianmei youth’s gaze seemed very calm.

The secret realm of beast spirits was originally a trial place for their disciples of the Xuanyu Sect. For tens of thousands of years, due to a great battle, Xuan Yuzong’s vitality was greatly injured, and he lost the Elder of the secret realm of the beast spirit.

After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, the strength of Xuanyu Sect gradually recovered, so he tried to re-open the secret realm of the beast spirit, and finally opened the entrance to the secret realm of the beast spirit here.

Before entering the secret realm, Elder of the Xuanyu Sect reminded them that the secret realm of the beast spirits today may have undergone a lot of changes, and there are many uncertain and unknown factors.

Now that I saw the black-clothed youth in front of me, the Jianmei youth knew that what the Elders expected had indeed happened.

This beast spirit secret realm is not only under the control of their Xuanyu Sect.

“Boy, who are you? This beast spirit secret realm is the trial ground of our Xuanyu Sect. How did you get in here?”

The thin young man stared at Jiang Chen with a bad expression and shouted sharply.

“Xuanling Continent Human Race Jiang Chen.”

Jiang Chen said indifferently, “Who are you guys?”

Profound Spirit Continent?

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the four of them couldn’t help but froze for a while.

“Heh… it turned out to be trash from the lower realm. The rubbish from the lower realm even dared to get involved with the secret realm of my Xuanyu Sect, so let me die.”

The skinny young man suddenly sneered in disdain, and immediately raised his head and patted Jiang Chen with a silver storm of thousands of feet.

Seeing that the thin young man started directly, a cold light flashed across Jiang Chen’s eyes.

He flipped his palm, and a black square seal exuding terrifying power, slammed down from the void.


Seeing Jiang Chen’s imprint, the face of the young man with sword eyebrows could not help but change drastically.


His reminder was obviously too late.

He only heard a loud bang in the void, and the black square seal instantly annihilated the silver storm, and then hit the skinny young man’s body.

The thin young man had no time to react, and his body and soul were wiped out under this seal.

With Jiang Chen’s strength in the middle stage of returning to the ruins, and displaying the seal of the human emperor, even the strong ones who usually return to the ruins in the late stage may not be able to easily resist.

Although the strength of this thin young man was not much worse than Ye Wuji, it was not worth mentioning in front of Jiang Chen.

If these four people work together, he might have to spend a bit of effort to solve it.

But if it is one-on-one, except for the sword-browed young man who can barely make him face it, the other three are no different from the ants.

Seeing Jiang Chen’s understatement killing the thin young man, the other three were furious.

Although they also sensed that Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base was not weak, as a genius in God’s Domain, how could they put a lower realm Practitioner in their eyes?

But they never expected that the Practitioner in front of them had such a terrifying power that they would kill the skinny youth to the town with a single seal!

“Boy, you are so courageous, you dare to kill my disciple of Xuanyu Sect!”

The headed Jianmei young man stared at Jiang Chen sternly, a cold killing intent filled his whole body.

As a Cultivation Base, he has already reached the middle stage of Guixu, and he is even better than Jiang Chendu. Even the mere aura from it was enough to make the Practitioner, who had returned to the market in the early stage, frightened.

“Why? Does he act on me, and I have to stand here and wait for him to kill me?”

“Since you want to kill me, you must be conscious of being killed.”

“I didn’t intend to pay attention to you, but you have to come to provoke me. If that’s the case, then give me all the Ninth-Rank spiritual cores in your body.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but set off a ghostly arc.

In Jiang Chen’s original plan, his Dragon Qi plundering plan should be implemented for young geniuses from the Profound Spirit Continent.


Now Jiang Chen, the young genius of the Profound Spirit Continent, has not met one, but has encountered these young geniuses from his own God’s Domain.

That being the case, why didn’t he add these young geniuses from God’s Domain to his own Dragon Qi robbery plan?

These people are more powerful than the geniuses of the Profound Spirit Continent, and it is easier to hunt down emperor-level beast spirits.

If these geniuses from God’s Domain can be robbed, there may be unexpected gains.

The gaze of the Jianmei youth who looked at Jiang Chen also became more and more cold: “Boy, what are you talking about?”

“It means it literally, don’t you understand human words?”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “I said one last time, if you want to survive, please hand over all the Ninth-Rank Spirit Cores in your body.”

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