Chapter 1434 Slap to death!

The eight-star blood general is nothing more than an ant!

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, everyone’s eyes were filled with unconcealed horror.

Even the Eight Star Blood will not be in sight, this kid shouldn’t be so exaggerated.

“Huh! It’s not ashamed to say it, let me take a look, what is your ability to not put the Eight Star Blood in your eyes!”

When Yan Xing’s voice fell, he directly took out a blood-colored crystal and smashed it into pieces.


The blood-colored crystals shattered, and a monstrous Blood Qi burst out from the center of the Yanshan tribe. In a flash, it filled the sky of the entire Yanshan tribe.

Immediately afterwards.

A giant man with a bloody iron tower, two or three meters high, rose directly from the ground, and then quickly stepped into the air towards where Jiang Chen and the others were.

“Yan Xing, I have repeatedly asked, unless something major happens in the Yanshan tribe, don’t disturb your father Closed Door Training cultivation. Why do you suddenly wake me up?”

Before the giant Han people of the Iron Tower arrived, the sound like thunder had already come.

The person here is Yan Tieshan, the leader of the Yanshan tribe.

“My father, human spies have mixed into my Yanshan tribe, and the eight leaders of the tribe have all fallen.”

“The Yanshan tribe has reached the point of life and death, and I have no choice but to ask you to leave.”

“If you don’t make a move anymore, our Yanshan tribe will probably be removed from the Scarlet Wasteland again.”

Yan Xing looked at the giant tower man who had stepped into the air, and quickly started crying.


Yan Tieshan was startled, his eyes swept slightly, and immediately he found eight corpses lying in a pool of blood, and his face suddenly became extremely difficult to look at.

The eight leaders of the Yanshan tribe are the seven-star blood generals that Yan Tieshan finally cultivated.

Now that all the eight Seven Star Blood will be killed, this is no different from ruining the foundation of his Yanshan tribe.

Yan Tieshan was extremely frightened.

He suddenly raised his head, his bloodthirsty eyes locked directly on Jiang Chen, and he said coldly: “Boy, did you do this?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

Jiang Chen looked at Yan Tieshan indifferently: “You are Yan Tieshan, the leader of the Yanshan tribe. From now on, this Yanshan tribe will belong to me. Give you a chance to lead the Yanshan tribe to surrender to me. I will spare you not to die!”

“Ha ha……”

“It’s just a mere human hairy boy, is he worthy to make Yan Tieshan surrender?”

“Boy, you killed my eight chiefs of the Yanshan tribe and ruined my decades of hard work. Today, I am sure to let you die!”

Yan Tieshan laughed extremely angrily, a blood-colored giant claw formed by the condensation of qi and blood, directly pierced through the space, and grabbed Jiang Chen overwhelmingly.

“I have given you a chance, but you didn’t cherish it yourself, so die over there!”

Jiang Chen stared at the overwhelming blood-colored giant claws blankly, and a bright golden glow burst out all over his body.


Jin Mang rose into the sky, and Jiang Chen’s figure instantly turned into a golden giant with hundreds of feet, just like an ancient god that traverses the sun and the moon.

The next moment…

His huge golden palm was crushed from a high altitude out of thin air.


Under Yan Tieshan’s shocking eyes.

His huge blood claws condensed with the power of qi and blood were instantly crushed by Jiang Chen’s palm.

The huge golden palm, like a five-fingered mountain, was overwhelmed by the air pressure.

“This… what kind of power is this!”

Yan Tieshan was horrified in his heart, and Blood Qi quickly urged him to the limit, his hands quickly condensed a bloody qi on the top of his head, trying to resist the golden palms.


The imperial Martial Skill is an indestructible golden body, so how can Yan Tieshan, a junior eighth-rank blood general, be able to resist it?


The golden palm pierced the void in a blink of an eye, and slapped Yan Tieshan’s bloody qi.

Only a loud noise was heard, and the bloody qi burst into pieces, and even Yan Tieshan’s two arms exploded in the air under the terrifying power of the golden palm.

“Do not……”

Yan Tieshan looked desperate and horrified.

It’s just that he just spit out the word “no”, the whole person was pressed down from mid-air by the golden palm, and a huge crater full of ten feet was smashed into the ground.

His powerful body was directly pressed into meatloaf by the golden palm, and even the soul was bombarded and killed by Jiang Chen’s palm.


Looking at Yan Tieshan, who was dead on the ground, who couldn’t die anymore, there was silence all around.

Many Practitioners from the Yanshan tribe looked at this golden giant like an ancient god, and their expressions were horrified to the extreme.

“Yan Tieshan, just died like this?”

Gu An’s eyes were dull, and his whole person was like a ghost, and he couldn’t believe his own eyes.

This is Yan Tieshan, the leader of the Yanshan tribe, the Eight-Star Blood General.

The Eight-Star Blood General, even if he looked at the entire Scarlet Wasteland, he was already regarded as a strong one in the ranks.

But such a strong man was slapped to death by Jiang Chen like this!

Slap the eight-star blood general to death!

Gu An couldn’t imagine at this moment how terrifying Jiang Chen’s strength had reached.

“The leader is dead, the Yanshan tribe is over, everyone, run away!”

Many Practitioners from the Yanshan tribe came back to their senses, where they dared to stay the slightest bit, and hurriedly fled away in panic.

Jiang Chen’s face was expressionless, and the golden palm pressed down again. Several Practitioners of the Yanshan tribe had no resistance at all, and they turned into nothingness under Jiang Chen’s palm.

Only Yan Xing, with the help of a life-saving trump card on him, barely survived Jiang Chen’s palm.

He looked at Jiang Chen with horror on his face: “You…you can’t kill me, my grandfather is Elder from the bloody massacre tribe, the largest tribe in the Scarlet Wasteland, you are going to kill me…”


Only halfway through Yan Xing’s words, Jiang Chen directly flicked his fingers, and a golden qi flashed in the air, hitting Yan Xing’s body, making Yan Xing’s voice abruptly stopped.

The next moment.

Yan Xing’s entire body burst apart.

“Big…sir, I am willing to submit to the lord, please… beg my lord for my life!”

Farther away, some blood spirit practitioners who were attracted by the movement here saw this scene, and finally knelt in front of Jiang Chen tremblingly, and begged Jiang Chen for forgiveness.

“Old Man Gu, you go to organize people to control the Yanshan tribe. From now on, the Yanshan tribe will be controlled by humans. If you dare to stop it, you will not be amnesty!”

Jiang Chen dispersed the immortal golden body, and smiled directly at Gu An on the side.

“Ok… OK, I’m going now.”

Gu An returned to his senses, and there was an expression of excitement on his old face.

He originally thought that he would fall into the hands of the blood spirit tribe of the Yanshan tribe, and he would never have any room for turning over in his life.

But he didn’t expect Jiang Chen to suddenly come here, and with his own power, Shengsheng would destroy the Yanshan tribe.

With Jiang Chen’s powerful strength, if he is willing to occupy the Yanshan tribe and establish a new tribe, he will surely become one of the best human tribes in the Scarlet Wasteland in the future.

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