Chapter 1433 Eight-star blood general, ants!

“Young Master, I don’t know if you sent a signal to call me to wait for when?”

At this time, one of the middle-aged in blood-clothes looked at Yan Xing beside him, and couldn’t help but asked with a puzzled look.

The blood-clothed middle-aged man is full of blood evil spirits, even among the many seven-star blood generals in the Yanshan tribe, it is also the strongest existence.

The blood-clothed middle-aged man was obviously puzzled by Yan Xing’s sudden signal to call them to come.

To know.

The signal sent by Yan Xing just now is an emergency signal of the Yanshan tribe. Generally, only a major crisis in the Yanshan tribe will appear.

“Grand Commander, human spies have mixed into my Yanshan tribe, and even Commander Yan He has been killed, so I have to send a signal to call you to come.”

Yan Xing said quickly.

“What? Yan He is dead?”

Hearing Yan Xing’s words, the middle-aged blood-clothed man was suddenly startled.

He looked at some place on the ground with a sense of gaze. When he looked at Yan Xing’s miserable appearance, his pupils couldn’t help but shrank suddenly.

They are in the Yanshan tribe, and the Seven Star Blood will fight against each other. They should be able to sense it.

But they didn’t feel the breath of Yan He’s action just now, and now Yan He has died here.

The only possibility is that Yan He has no power to fight back, and he has already died in the opponent’s hands.

Although Yan He is only a junior seven-star blood general, it is probably not an ordinary person to be able to kill him so easily.

The blood-clothed middle-aged took a deep breath, then raised his head slightly, his gaze fell directly on Jiang Chen’s body: “Boy, you killed Xuehe?”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Yes, it’s me!”

“In the territory of my Yanshan tribe, kill my Yanshan tribe’s seven-star blood general, and your plane doesn’t put my Yanshan tribe in the eyes.”

The blood-clothed middle-aged snorted coldly, and his whole body exuded a violent killing intent.

“It’s a mere Yanshan tribe, why should I put you in my eyes?”

Jiang Chen smiled disdainfully, his eyes filled with contempt.

The strength of the Yanshan tribe is almost the same as the Xuanbing Palace that Jiang Chen once faced, and it can barely be regarded as a three-star power in the Shenwu Continent.

At the beginning, Jiang Chen didn’t enter the Divine Embryo Realm for the first time, so he could conquer the entire Xuanbing Palace with his own power.

Now that he has broken through the emperor realm, even though his strength at the moment has only recovered three to five percent, it is easy to solve a Yanshan tribe that is comparable to Xuanbing Palace.

“Good! Good! Good!”

“This commander wants to see, what on earth do you have, dare you not put my Yanshan tribe in his eyes!”

“Everyone, take him down with me!”

The blood-clothed middle-aged smiled with anger, and immediately greeted the six seven-star blood generals beside him, and came to Jiang Chen to besiege.

As the leader of the Yanshan tribe, the blood-clothed middle-aged man has not only reached the senior seven-star blood general in strength, but also has always been very cautious.

The boy in front of him can easily kill Yan He, and I’m afraid he can’t afford him and he won’t be inferior.

If it is alone, even he is not sure to take it easily.

Just in case, the blood-clothed middle-aged directly greeted the other six blood generals and killed Jiang Chen together.

“It’s nothing more than a bunch of rubbish, if you want to take me Jiang Chen, it’s still far from qualified!”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and immediately raised his hand and blasted out a punch at the Seven Star Blood who was the first to kill him.


A golden fist gang condensed by pure power, crashed on the body of the seven-star blood general.

The black armor worn by the Seven Stars’ blood burst into pieces, and immediately the whole person was like a ball. After rotating dozens of times in the air, a big hole was smashed into the ground dozens of feet away. .

One punch blasted a Seven-Star Blood General, Jiang Chen’s foot kicked on the ground, his figure did not retreat but instead, he burst out directly toward the other Seven-Star Blood General.

“This kid is very strong, let’s take action together!”

The blood-clothed middle-aged complexion changed drastically, and he immediately shouted and killed the remaining five Seven-Star Blood Generals!

In an instant…

The Six Paths exuded the terrifying power of the intrepid Blood Qi, rushing towards Jiang Chen almost at the same time.

Jiang Chen’s complexion remained unchanged, and a bright golden light appeared on his fist.


A Baizhang fist shadow condensed by the golden fist gang, directly with a terrifying force that shatters the void, exploded at the six middle-aged men in blood.

The shadow of Baizhang fist, like an ancient sacred mountain that is enough to open up the world, with the terrifying power to suppress all, and the six blood generals of the blood-clothed middle-aged.


A shocking sound like Hong Zhong, instantly resounded through the world, causing the entire Yanshan tribe to tremble.

A creak of cracked bones and a scream of screams, one after another, resounded in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards.

The six extremely embarrassed figures can be considered to fly out from the space shrouded by hundreds of meters, smashing a distance of hundreds of meters, and no one can get up from the ground.


Seeing this incredible scene in front of him, the surroundings fell into deathly silence again.

At this moment, all the Practitioners of the Blood Spirit Race, including Yan Xing, showed an unprecedented panic on their faces.

The six big seven star blood generals joined forces, and they were all defeated by Jiang Chen’s understatement.

This… how is this possible.

Could this kid in front of him be the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm comparable to the Eight-Star Blood General?

“Jiang Chen Dage, that’s amazing.”

Gu Feng’er looked at Jiang Chen, who had defeated the Yanshan tribe’s many Seven Star Blood Warriors alone, and a look of admiration appeared in his agile eyes.

Although she felt Jiang Chen’s extraordinary when she first saw Jiang Chen, she still didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be so strong.

What a domineering existence is it to contend against a tribe by one person?

“I didn’t expect that this guy’s strength has reached such a level. Yan He, this time he brought back a great enemy for the Yanshan tribe.”

Gu An returned to his senses, and there was an unconcealable ecstasy in his eyes.

The six major blood generals of the Yanshan tribe were smashed with one punch, and the eight major blood generals of the Yanshan tribe were killed in just a moment.

Such strength is definitely not inferior to the terrifying existence of the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm.

Even Yan Tieshan, the leader of the Yanshan tribe, would have to weigh and weigh in the face of Jiang Chen.

Perhaps they were really saved this time.

“You… you actually killed my eight blood generals in the Yanshan tribe, and my father will definitely not let you go.”

Yan Xing stared at Jiang Chen with a pale face, and an unprecedented look of horror appeared in his eyes.

“Oh? Then call your father out, I’ll see what he can do to me.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “The eighth-rank blood general, in my eyesight, but it is still an ant!”

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