Chapter 1395 Ten Emperors in One Domain Town!


Hearing the sound resounding in Kamiya again, the surroundings suddenly fell into a dead silence.

this moment.

The hearts of the many strong men present were full of jealousy, and almost no one dared to provoke Jiang Chen anymore.

The combat power of this kid in front of him is really heaven-defying.

Yiyin obliterated the seventeenth-ranked Shijin Devil on the Supreme Emperor’s List. Even if you look at the entire Shenwu Continent, few people can do it.


Although everyone was horrified by Jiang Chen’s terrifying strength, no one left willingly.

after all.

The Divine Emperor Yun tree in front of him, even in the ancient world of Thunder God, was already a very rare opportunity.

Especially the Emperor Yunguo, this is the supreme treasure that they dream of for the Practitioner at the pinnacle of the fetus.

If they can get an emperor abundance fruit, at least they can insight into the rules of the imperial realm and the probability of breaking the realm to become a quasi-emperor strong, Ascension is more than 50%!

It can be said.

As long as they get the emperor Yun fruit, they almost have more than half the chance to become the quasi-emperor powerhouse!

For many of the old monsters who had little lifespan left, the Emperor Yunguo in front of them was almost a chance for them to break through the mirror and get a new life. How could they easily give up the Emperor Yunguo?

After this silence lasted for a while, the white-haired old woman standing in the front couldn’t help it.

“Everyone rushed over, I don’t believe that he alone can stop so many of us!”

The old white-haired woman’s turbid eyes flashed with precision, and the three or four powerful men beside her rushed across the boundary line drawn by Jiang Chen.

The white-haired old woman has less than a hundred years of life, and she is very eager to obtain an emperor fruit to break through the quasi-emperor realm.


Even if she knew that Jiang Chen was strong, the old white-haired woman couldn’t help but directly do it.

The news of Emperor Yunguo has spread in the Thunder God Ancient Realm. If it continues to be delayed, more powerful people may be attracted.

Now her strength is one of the best among the many powerhouses in the valley.

As long as she is close to Jiang Chen, she has full confidence in winning an Emperor Yun Fruit.

But once it drags on and waits for more extremely old monsters to gather here, even if Jiang Chen is resolved, she may not be an easy task to obtain an Emperor Yun Fruit.

Instigated by the white-haired old woman, the top five or six soon followed.

In just the blink of an eye, more than a dozen strong men had crossed the boundary line drawn by Jiang Chen.

Among these ten people, four are above the Ninth Stage. The remaining six people are at least the powerhouses above the Seventh Stage.

In addition to these ten people, the remaining few people chose to continue to wait and see.

Ten white-haired old women have joined forces and are extremely powerful.

In particular, the white-haired old woman, although not the strongest on the Supreme Emperor’s list, is almost comparable to the top ten emperors on the Supreme Emperor’s list.

If none of the ten of them were Jiang Chen’s opponents, it would be of no avail to add them.

“Jiang Chen, although you are strong, you can’t get Di Yunguo alone.”

The white-haired old woman’s eyes flickered slightly: “It’s better to sit down and discuss what to do. I really want to cheer up. I’m afraid it’s not good for you and me.”

Out of fear of Jiang Chen, the old white-haired woman did not directly choose to do it.

Jiang Chen’s strength is unfathomable, if she had to be forced, she really didn’t want to start with Jiang Chen.

the most important is.

Behind her, there are still a lot of strong people standing by and watching. The white-haired old woman does not want to fight Jiang Chen with her and let the people behind her take advantage of the fisherman’s profit.

Jiang Chen glanced at the ten white-haired old women slightly, and said lightly: “You have crossed the boundary, within three breaths, you will die if you don’t roll!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s unceremonious words, the white-haired old woman’s face instantly became extremely difficult to look like: “Jiang Chen, don’t go too far!”

“I gave you a chance to survive. Since you insist on looking for death, you can blame me for being impolite!”

Jiang Chen looked cold, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense. Five Realm powers of different colors instantly superimposed in the void, turning into a dazzling five-color Realm, and all the ten white-haired old women were shrouded in it.

“Let’s shoot together and break his Realm barrier!”

Feeling the horror of Jiang Chen’s five-color Realm, the white-haired old woman’s complexion suddenly changed, and the power of the peak of Ninth Stage of the divine fetus burst out of her body in an instant.


The other nine powerhouses naturally felt a dangerous aura from the five-color Realm. They didn’t keep the slightest hand, and the monstrous energy exploded from them with all their strength.

Of the ten emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm, the weakest of them is comparable to the Holy Lord of the Eight Hidden Sacred Lands. How powerful is they to make a full shot?

In an instant…

In the sky, colorful, Huaguang headed for the bullfight!

All kinds of powerful Martial Skills, Secret Skills, and Realm powers overwhelmingly hit Jiang Chen’s five-color Realm.

Tens of monstrous attacks blasted out with unmatched power. The power was so powerful that the world was discolored.

“Boom boom boom…”

The full blow of the ten god-tier fetal realm emperor almost simultaneously blasted on the enchantment of Jiang Chen’s five-color Realm, and the sound of earth-shattering explosions reverberated in the sky above Shanggu.


Jiang Chen now has five realm powers. How powerful is the Realm barrier formed by the superposition of the five realms?

Unless the quasi-emperor powerhouse controls the power of the emperor realm, almost no one can shake it.


No matter how raging the attacks of the ten great emperors such as the white-haired old woman raged, Jiang Chen’s five-color Realm was as solid as a rock.

From beginning to end, the attacks of ten white-haired old women failed to shake Jiang Chen’s five-color Realm!

“This… how is this possible!”

The old white-haired woman looked at this scene, and finally there was an incredible horror in her eyes.

“The light of the rice grains, dare to compete with Haoyue for glory?”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, a five-color beam of light condensed in an instant above the void shrouded by the five-color Realm, and then crashed down like a world-destroying divine light.

“Do not!”

The white-haired old woman and others looked desperate and horrified, and hurriedly resisted the five-color light that swept across the entire Realm space.


All their struggles are in vain.

Just blink of an eye.

One of the emperors of the seventh stage of the divine fetus could not resist the power of the five-color divine light, and was directly strangled by the five-color divine light into a piece of nothingness.

Immediately afterwards.

Second place, third place, fourth place…

In the end, the ten emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm, including the white-haired old woman, were all killed by the Five Colors Shenguang Town to the point that there was no scum left!


Seeing the shocking scene before him, Shanggu fell into a dead silence again.

All of them looked dull, and it was difficult to recover for a long time.

The white-haired old woman waited for ten god-tier fetal realm emperors to join forces, and they all died in Jiang Chen’s hands.

One Realm, instantly kill ten super kings!

What a domineering and terrifying existence is this?

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