Chapter 1394 Whoever crosses this line, die!

After solving the brothers of the emperor and grandson of the black evil demon, Jiang Chen and the others quietly spent two days insight under the emperor sacred tree.


As the time for the Emperor Yun fruit to mature is getting closer, Jiang Chen and the others want to continue to quietly insight under the Emperor Yun god tree, which has become an extravagant hope.

Starting from the third day, the powerhouse was attracted by the breath of the Emperor Yun Divine Tree almost every day.

The next few days.

Jiang Chen killed no less than ten realm kings one after another!

Especially when one of the emperors of the Divine Fetal Realm mastered a secret technique, Jiang Chen, in a moment of care, caused that guy to pass the news of the Emperor Yun Divine Tree directly before his death.

Soon, the news of the Divine Tree of Emperor Yun spread to most of the ancient world of Thunder God.

Countless strong people who learned the news came one after another.

These people obviously already knew that there was a Ninth Stage Emperor in the valley who could easily slay the divine fetus, occupying the imperial accumulation sacred tree, so they did not rush into the upper valley.

It was not until nearly twenty strong men gathered here that they joined together to enter Shanggu.

Looking at the twenty or so powerful men who had rushed in from outside the valley together, Jiang Chen couldn’t help standing up from under the Emperor Yun god tree, his faint voice resounded instantly in the valley.

“Everyone, this valley is now my territory, not where you can go wild. If you turn around right now, maybe it’s still too late. Otherwise, just blame me for being rude!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s overbearing words, one of the white-haired old women couldn’t help but smile coldly: “Boy, this imperial accumulation sacred tree is not yours. You want to occupy the imperial accumulation sacred tree and swallow the emperor’s accumulation fruit. Too unkind.”

Although they had also heard that Jiang Chen’s strength was unfathomable, he had already killed several divine births, Ninth Stage realm emperors.

But now they have gathered more than twenty strong people here, among them, the emperor of Ninth Stage has reached ten, and naturally they have the confidence to contend with Jiang Chen.

Unless the quasi-imperial realm powerhouse arrives, these twenty of them will join hands and they will almost be invincible.

How can this kid contend with them no matter how enchanting his combat power is?

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense.

It dashed out with a finger, an invisible Sword Qi smashed through the space, and flew directly at the 20 strong opponents.

When the twenty strong men saw that Jiang Chen dared to attack them directly, his expression changed slightly.

Just when they were about to fight back, they discovered that Jiang Chen’s sword was not aimed at them.

I saw that Jiang Chen’s Sword Ray landed directly ten feet away in front of them, marking a long sword mark on the ground, separating them like a Chu River and Han Realm.

Many powerhouses saw this scene, and they were all taken aback for a while.

The old white-haired woman stared straight at Jiang Chen: “Boy, what do you mean?”

Jiang Chen stood with his hand in his hand and said lightly: “Those who cross this line, die!”

Many powerful people heard Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, and their expressions became extremely gloomy in an instant.

This kid, it seems that he hasn’t put them in his eyes.


“Boy, you don’t want to be arrogant here, this Emperor Yun fruit is not something you can swallow alone!”

“Even if I cross your sword mark, what can you do?”

At this moment, a tall, muscular, middle-aged man stepped out and walked directly over the sword mark made by Jiang Chen.

“Stone Golden Demon ranked 17th on the Supreme Emperor’s List!”

Seeing that Shi Jinmo stepped over the sword mark that Jiang Chen drew, the eyes of many powerful men couldn’t help but looked at Jiang Chen with a sad expression.

This stone golden demon is the 17th supreme emperor on the list of supreme emperors, and is also a peak physical emperor, with extremely strong defensive power.

Even among the twenty powerhouses present, few of them could help him.

They wanted to see what Jiang Chen would do next.

Jiang Chen stared at Shi Jinmo with a cold face, and then flipped his palm, and a black square seal instantly condensed in his palm.


With a cold word from his mouth, Jiang Chen rolled his palm and pressed it down, and a loud noise in the sky spread throughout the sky, as if the giant spirit god picked up the mountain and smashed it down. The invisible huge grinding disc is spinning in the void.


A mysterious black square seal with a huge size of hundreds of feet, instantly fell from the sky, covering the sky and the sun and suppressing it down towards the stone golden demon.

“Drive me!”

Shi Jinmo yelled, and his entire body exploded with magic light, and his figure was in vain. He hit the black square mark on the top of his head with a fist.


Shi Jinmo’s punch was enough to shake the earth, but it only caused the black square to be printed in the air for a while, and then continued to suppress him.

“A mere black square seal is like suppressing me, let me open it again!”

Shi Jinmo let out a low growl in his throat, kicking his feet on the ground, and his muscles burst like molten iron.

And his figure is once again three feet tall, looking like the same ancient demon god descending, exuding a powerful force that is looking at the world.


No matter how the Shi Jinmo roared furiously, activated the secret technique, and even burned Blood Essence, it was impossible to shake the black square seal on the top of his head.

It’s just a blink of an eye.

Shi Jinmo’s body that was ten feet tall was crushed into the ground by the black square.

With a burst of cracking bones resounding, when the black square seal disappeared, there was no longer a figure of the stone golden demon around, only a vague blood stain remained on the ground.

The 17th in the Supreme Emperor Ranking, and Shi Jinmo, the Emperor of the Body Dao, who is also known for his defense, was thus obliterated by Jiang Chen Yiyin!


There was a sound of cold breath in Kamiya.

The audience was silent.

“Who is this kid, how could Shenwu Continent exist so enchanting again?”

Countless powerhouses came back to their senses, and the gazes looking at Jiang Chen showed unconcealable horror!

“I know who he is. He… he is Jiang Chen from the Human Palace!”

At this moment, a strong man suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

The Palace of Human Emperor Jiang Chen!

Hearing this strong man’s exclamation, many people quickly recovered.


A young man in his twenties was able to kill the stone golden demon who was ranked 17th in the Supreme Emperor’s List.

Such a heaven-defying character, besides Jiang Chen, the first heavenly arrogant of the Shenwu Continent, who single-handedly suppressed the Blood Demon shop and beheaded the blood emperor of the Blood Demon Hall, who else?

Although many people present had heard of Jiang Chen’s name, they had never taken it too seriously.

Now it seems that the first genius of the Shenwu Continent seems to be far more terrifying than they thought.

When everyone was shocked, Jiang Chen’s indifferent voice resounded in their ears again.

“I’ll say it one last time, whoever crosses this line, die!”

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