Chapter 1389 Thunder God Stream, the supreme emperors gather!

All the way out of Silence City.

Jiang Chen soon discovered that the other Sacred Land goddess Ninth Stage’s Supreme Elder, all gathered at the gate of Nirvana City.

“They also want to go to the ancient world of Thunder God?”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly and couldn’t help but transmit the voice to Xia Yunqiong.

Jiang Chen always likes to go alone. This time he went to the Thunder God Ancient Realm and it was enough to have Xia Yunqiong. He didn’t want to bring these old guys from the Eight Great Hidden Sacred Land with him.

“Don’t worry, it’s just going to the ancient world of Thunder God together. After entering the ancient world of Thunder God, we don’t need to worry about them.”

Xia Yunqiong explained.

When Jiang Chen heard this, he didn’t say anything more.

As long as it doesn’t affect him after entering the Thunder God Ancient Realm, then there is no problem.

The Ancient Thunder God Realm, a wild mountain range located in the northwestern part of the Zhongzhou Continent, is very far away from the place where Jiang Chen and the others are in annihilation.


Even at the speed of Jiang Chen and the others, it took two or three days to reach the destination.

Along the way.

Jiang Chen and the others also saw a lot of figures rushing towards the wild mountains.

The aura radiating from these people are extremely powerful, almost at least those who are above the seventh stage of the divine womb.

There are even a lot of people’s breath, compared to the eight hidden world Sacred Land’s Tai Shang Elder, it will not be inferior in the slightest!

Obviously, the goal of these people is the ancient world of Thunder God.

Seeing the hidden old monsters appearing in the wild mountain range, Jiang Chen was also amazed.

The attraction of the Thunder God Ancient Realm was really terrifying, and all these supreme emperors who were rarely seen in the Shenwu Continent had all come here.


Although many powerhouses gathered, everyone had a tacit understanding and there was no conflict at this time.

after all.

These people came to the Wild Mountains for only one purpose, and that was to enter the ancient world of Thunder God!

Although the Barren Mountain Range is one of the oldest mountain ranges in Shenwu Continent, fierce beasts are rampant in it, and the environment is very harsh. But for Jiang Chen and the emperor of the Ninth Stage, they did not pose too much threat.

In the slightly gloomy ancient mountains and forests, Jiang Chen and the others went all the way without encountering too many obstacles.

Even if occasionally encountering some fierce beasts blocking the way, they were easily resolved by Jiang Chen and the others.

About half a day later.

Jiang Chen and the others came to the depths of the wild mountain range as soon as they arrived at the huge mountain stream shrouded by thunder lightning.

Before the mountain stream, there is a rather spacious open land.

Here, there are already a lot of people sitting or standing, all of them exuding an extremely powerful aura.

Most of them are scattered separately, watching each other vigilantly, and only a few people have just got together in twos and threes.

Jiang Chen scanned it roughly and found that there were hundreds of strong people gathered here.

Most of them have at least reached the level of the Eight Sacred Land Holy Lords, and the aura exuded from a few people is almost comparable to Xia Yunqiong, the thirteenth strongest in the Supreme Emperor’s List.

“Here, here is the Thunder God Stream, and the entrance to the ancient world of Thunder God.”

“Thunder God Stream is usually shrouded by this terrifying power of thunder. It is said that the power of thunder contains extremely terrifying laws of thunder.

“Only when the Thunder God Ancient Realm opens every thousand years and the Thunder Law of Thunder God Stream dissipates, we can enter it.”

Xia Yunqiong looked at the thunderous mountain stream ahead, and couldn’t help but whisper to Jiang Chen beside him.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Even without Xia Yunqiong’s explanation, he could feel the terrifying power of the thunder above Thunder God Jian. Even with his current strength, I am afraid that he will be instantly bombarded with the power of that terrible thunder into scum.

Jiang Chen and the others found a place outside the Thunder God Stream to sit down, ignored the gazes of everyone around them, and quietly waited for the opening of the ancient world of Thunder God.

With such waiting, more and more powerful players of Raytheon Jian’s foreign exchange are gathering.

“Unexpectedly, apart from your eight hidden worlds, Sacred Land, there are so many powerful people hidden in the Central State Continent.”

Seeing no fewer than a hundred super kings gathered outside Thunder God Stream, Jiang Chen couldn’t help passing a look of astonishment in his eyes.

There are so many super kings, compared to the eight hidden worlds, Sacred Land combined, they are even worse.

Back then, the Blood Demon Hall swept the mainland. If these guys were willing to take action and suppress the Blood Demon Hall in a small area, wouldn’t it be a matter of hand?

“Most of these old guys are old monsters who have lived for thousands of years. They don’t have much lifespan. How can they waste their energy to manage these messy things on the mainland?”

“If it hadn’t been for the opening of the Thunder God Ancient Realm this time, and there would be a chance for them to break the mirror, these guys wouldn’t be born easily.”

As if he understood what Jiang Chen was thinking, Xia Yunqiong couldn’t help but shook his head.

“Although there are many strong people here, it seems that there are no top ten figures in the Supreme Emperor’s List, right?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes swept over these powerful men, and a strange expression could not help appearing on his face.

In Jiang Chen’s perception, of all the strongest here, the strongest is almost at the same level as Xia Yunqiong.

Could it be that the stronger existences in Shenwu Continent are not interested in this Thunder God Ancient Realm?

To know.

The ancient world of Thunder God even possesses the great opportunity to break through the imperial realm.

“The existences of the top ten ranks of the Supreme Emperor’s List are powerful people an era earlier than us. They were almost the supreme emperors of the famous mainland a thousand years ago.”

“These people have entered the Ancient Thunder God Realm as early as a thousand years ago. Some have fallen into it, and some of them, in order to get the chance of breaking the mirror, would rather be sealed by the Ancient Thunder God for a thousand years before coming out.”

Xia Yunqiong said slowly: “In the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land, including our ancestors of the previous generation of Haotian Sacred Land, they all entered the ancient world of Thunder God thousands of years ago.”

When Jiang Chen heard the words, his eyes couldn’t help but shrink slightly: “So, in the ancient world of Thunder God, is it not the top powerhouse that gathers Shenwu Continent, maybe there are even quasi-emperor powerhouses?”

“Although the Thunder God Ancient Realm has the opportunity to break through the quasi-emperor and even the emperor realm, it is not easy to obtain the opportunity.”

“Every time there are many Emperors of the Divine Feather Realm who enter the ancient world of Thunder God, but there are only a handful of them who can really break through the realm.”

“Those who choose to stay in the Thunder God Ancient Realm are just because they don’t have many lifespans and want to give it a go. Most of them will fall into it in the end.”

“I am afraid that most of the old monsters gathered here came with this purpose.”

Xia Yunqiong glanced at the powerhouses around him, and smiled bitterly: “If it weren’t for Haotian Sacred Land not to pick up, I’m afraid I will enter the Thunder God Ancient Realm this time, and I won’t come out easily.”

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