Chapter 1388 Go to the Ancient World of Thunder God!

Following Xia Yunqiong’s words, Jiang Chen was startled slightly, and a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

Thor ancient world!

Isn’t this the place recorded on the stone wall of the Kunxu Emperor’s Palace?

Jiang Chen never thought that there would be such a coincidence in the world.

He was about to ask Xia Yunqiong about the ancient world of Thunder God, but Xia Yunqiong brought it up to him and invited him to go to the ancient world of Thunder God!

As the saying goes, no coincidence is not a book, it seems that even God wants him to go to the ancient world of Thunder God for a while.

“Xia Elder, tell me about the situation in the Thunder God Ancient Realm.”

After a moment of astonishment, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smiled at Xia Yunqiong.

He wanted to inquire about the ancient world of Thunder God, and then went to the ancient world of Thunder God.

Nowadays, there is Xia Yunqiong who knows better about the ancient realm of Thunder God, and actively invites him to the ancient realm of Thunder God. How can Jiang Chen refuse?

Xia Yunqiong nodded, and then introduced the information of the Thunder God Ancient Realm to Jiang Chen.

The Ancient Thunder God Realm is an independent space on the Shenwu Continent, which is said to have been opened up by an ancient power above the emperor.

This space has been in Shenwu Continent for a very long time. I don’t know how many years it has existed.

For the Practitioner of Shenwu Continent, the ancient world of Thunder God is definitely a coveted gem.

In this place, there are countless opportunities that make the emperor of the Divine Fetal Realm extremely eye-catching.

Especially after the battle ten thousand years ago, the world on the Shenwu Continent changed drastically, and countless emperors at the peak of the Divine Fetal Stage were completely stuck at this step, and they could no longer make any progress.

The Thunder God Ancient Realm, however, has many opportunities for the Emperor of the Divine Embryo to make breakthroughs, and it has almost become the only place for all the Peak Emperors of the Divine Embryo to breakthrough.

It can be said.

Over the past 10,000 years, the quasi-imperial realm powerhouses that have appeared on the mainland have almost always sought a breakthrough in the ancient world of Thunder God.

The Thunder God Ancient Realm opens once every thousand years.

Every time it is turned on, even the hidden old monsters on the Shenwu Continent will be born one after another, going to the ancient world of Thunder to seek a breakthrough opportunity.

By the time.

The Thunder God Ancient Realm has almost gathered more than 90% of the top emperors on the Shenwu Continent.

It is precisely because of this.

The ancient world of Thunder God is also a very cruel place, even the emperor at the peak of the divine fetus is at risk of falling in it. Even with Xia Yunqiong’s strength, he did not dare to get involved easily.


Only then will Xia Yunqiong invite Jiang Chen to go with him.

Jiang Chen is now unfathomable in strength, only strong or not weak compared to him.

As long as the two of them work together, unless they encounter a strong person in the Quasi-Emperor Realm, nothing can pose a threat to them.

“How long will the Thunder God Ancient Realm open?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed, since this ancient world of Thunder God is so magical, even if he doesn’t talk about the treasure obtained by Emperor Kun Xu, he has to go to see the ancient world of Thunder God.

“I’m not sure when, but it must be in the last few days.”

Xia Yunqiong shook his head, then looked at Jiang Chen and asked, “Dianzhu Jiang, just now you said you have something to tell me. I don’t know what it is?”

“The ten-thousand-year period is coming, and Shenwu Continent may once again face the disaster of that year.”

When Jiang Chen said this, he couldn’t help but look up at Xia Yunqiong, and said in a deep voice, “Xia Elder, as Haotian Sacred Land is too high Elder, I must know this very well, right?”

When Xia Yunqiong heard Jiang Chen mention this, his expression instantly changed color and became extremely solemn.

“According to the records of Vast Sky Sacred Land, our ancestor Vast Sky Great gathered the power of all emperors and suppressed the plane channel of Star Sky City and a powerful blood spirit race somewhere in the Shenwu Continent.”

“But… even if the Vast Sky Great Emperor gathers the power of the emperors, it can only suppress ten thousand years. Once ten thousand years have passed, the blood spirit race may make a comeback.”

Xia Yunqiong smiled bitterly: “For thousands of years, Sacred Land has been trying to find this place to remove hidden dangers for Shenwu Continent, but there has been no news.”

“In that battle, the world of Shenwu Continent changed drastically and fell apart.”

“The Great Emperor Vast Sky opened the Starry Sky City with a sword, and the other half of the Starry Sky City fell into the Northern Wilderness, smashing into an endless abyss called the Burying Abyss in the Northern Wilderness.”

“It is naturally impossible for you to find this place in the mainland of Central China.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

When Xia Yunqiong heard the words, an excited expression appeared on his face: “Hallmaster Jiang, you actually know where the other half of Star City is?”

“Not only do I know, but I’ve been there.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “Several years ago, there was a problem in suppressing the formation in that place. There were people from the blood spirit race who came across the border. I suppressed and repaired the formation.”

“My eight hidden worlds, Sacred Land, have been searching for the other half of Star City for nearly ten thousand years, and now there is finally news.”

Xia Yunqiong said with excitement: “When the trip to the ancient world of Thunder God is over, I will lead the eight hidden world Sacred Land with you to the Northern Wilderness, and this matter will be completely resolved.”

Jiang Chen nodded and did not speak.

After the matter of the Thunder God Ancient Realm was over, Jiang Chen’s next goal was naturally to solve the matter in the Burial Abyss.

Although he is not as optimistic as Xia Yunqiong, the eight hidden world Sacred Land is strong, and the pressure on Jiang Chen to act with them is undoubtedly much less.

Especially Haotian Sacred Land, they should have a better understanding of some of the methods that Haotian Great Emperor arranged back then than ordinary people.

Xia Yunqiong is so confident, maybe Haotian Sacred Land has a solution.


The most important thing for Jiang Chen is to go to the ancient world of Thunder God.

Since the Thunder God Ancient Realm is a strange place in the Shenwu Continent, there is a great opportunity to break through the imperial realm in it, so he must seize the opportunity to break through the emperor realm in one fell swoop!

Although Jiuyou King Li Jiuyou is a great emperor comparable to Emperor Haotian, he has been suppressed for thousands of years, and he must have been at his peak long ago.

As long as he can break through the imperial realm and rely on many methods, even if Li Jiuyou really broke his seal, he may not be without the power to fight.

All discussions have been finalized, and Jiang Chen has no plans to leave.

A large part of the reason why he rushed to leave was because he wanted to find the ancient world of Thunder God.

Now that he not only knew the news of the Thunder God Ancient Realm, but also that the Thunder God Ancient Realm could be opened at any time, Jiang Chen decided to stay with Xia Yunqiong and prepare to enter the Thunder God Ancient Realm.

The group returned to Nirvana City. While Jiang Chen punished the Immortal Seal in Nirvana City Insight, while waiting for the opening of the ancient world of Thunder God.

Unconsciously, three days passed in a flash.

Until the fourth day, Xia Yunqiong finally found Jiang Chen again: “Dianzhu Jiang, there has been a change in the entrance of the Thunder God Ancient Realm, and it must be opened soon. It is time for us to set off.”

When Jiang Chen heard the words, a sharp light flashed in his eyes: “If this is the case, let’s go.”

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