Chapter 1366 The Emperor is invincible!

Blood Ninth Stage, Blood Demon Hall’s top ten blood emperors ranked second in the terrifying existence!

It can be said.

Blood Ninth Stage was definitely the peak emperor standing at the top of the Pyramid of Shenwu Continent at the peak of the year.

Even if you look at the entire Shenwu Continent, few people can compare with it.

Even after he was reborn, he was far from the peak, but he was at least comparable to the top 20 strongest in the Supreme Emperor’s List!

How could the coercion of such a pinnacle powerhouse be able to withstand the ordinary emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm?

Just blink of an eye.

Almost all of the dozens of divine fetal emperors behind Jiang Chen were retreated by the pressure of the emperor of the blood Ninth Stage.

Except for Xiao Jingyun and the other two Fourth Stage emperors who had resisted this coercion with difficulty, the other divine womb emperors retreated to a hundred meters away in the void!

“This blood Ninth Stage is too strong.”

“He didn’t take any action at all, just with a shout, he shook back dozens of Divine Embryo Realm emperors like me.”

“The top ten blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall are indeed the existences who once stood at the peak of the Shenwu Continent!”


Everyone looked at the blood Ninth Stage, and there was an inconceivable shock in their eyes.

A blood Ninth Stage is already so perverted, if you add the other two blood emperors, how terrifying would it be?

Facing the blood Ninth Stage exuding monstrous power, Jiang Chen’s expression remained unmoved.

“Haha…Blood Ninth Stage, if you want to kill me, I am afraid that you are not enough!”

“Of the ten blood emperors in the Blood Demon Hall, seven of them have survived to this day, one of them was subdued by me, and the remaining three wanted to kill me, but I killed them all.”

“Today I will kill the three of you, and let the top ten blood emperors of the Blood Demon Hall disappear forever in Shenwu Continent!”

Jiang Chen glanced at the blood Ninth Stage faintly, and his proud voice instantly resounded through the world.

“The kid is arrogant, die for the emperor!”

As Jiang Chen’s proud voice fell, the Blood Cloud of the Huatian Blood Emperor was furious.

He saw his hands, a giant bloody palm wrapped in an endless cloud of blood, suddenly suppressed from the void.


Under the pressure of this palm, the sky fell apart.

The space of hundreds of meters in a radius was transformed into nothingness under the blood-colored giant palm, as if even the sky and the earth were shot into a huge hole by this palm.


Jiang Chen expressionless, raised his hand and pointed out with a Burning Heaven Sword!


The blood-colored giant palm collided with the burning sky sword fingers.

I saw that the blood-colored giant palm was pierced by the finger of the Burning Tianjian in an instant, and then shattered from the middle like a mirror hit.

Just blink of an eye.

A series of densely packed, like cracks in a spider web, spread and open on the blood-colored giant palm.

In the end, the entire Scarlet Palm burst apart in the void.

At the moment when the blood-colored giant palm shattered, Xue Yun also instinctively felt a crisis in his heart.

As soon as his face changed, he was about to retreat.

And at this time.

Jiang Chen, who was still a kilometer away, appeared directly in front of him spooky, and the fist of the golden fist fist blasted on Xue Yun’s chest in an instant.

In an instant…

The blood on the blood cloud’s chest was shining, and the golden glow was soaring.

He only heard a creaking sound, and countless bones and muscles broke on the chest of the blood cloud. The whole person was like a kite with a broken line.

“Hi…Is this the power of Palace Master Jiang? It’s really too strong.”

this moment.

Whether it is the dozens of Divine Emblems in mid-air, or the tens of thousands of Practitioners below, they are all excited!

“Bloodline supernatural power, destroy the world dragon flame!”

Facing the terrifying blow of the Heavenly Poison Blood Emperor, Jiang Chen’s bloodline and supernatural powers instantly condensed, burning Tianjinyan like a destructive divine light that penetrates the heavens and the earth, burning all the oncoming blood dragons to death.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen stepped on the soles of his feet in the void, and his whole person instantly rushed towards the Heavenly Poison Blood Emperor.

In an instant…

In the kilometer-square-meter space, except for Jiang Chen’s violent figure, everything seemed to be still.

Even the World’s Poisonous Blood Emperor and the Blood Crow felt that his body was restrained by an inexplicable force at this moment, and it was impossible to move at all.

The look of the blood crow changed drastically.

He was just about to break free from the shackles of this mysterious force, but a dazzling Sword Ray rapidly enlarged in his pupils, and then under his horrified gaze, it passed through the center of his brows!


The body of the blood crow burst open instantly, and even the soul was completely annihilated under this sword!


This scene immediately caused the world to fall into deathly silence.

All of them were staring at Jiang Chen with dull gazes, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

Defeat the Blood Cloud of the Huatian Blood Emperor with one move!

Destroy the Heavenly Poison Blood Emperor Blood Crow with a single sword!

What a powerful and domineering existence this is!

“Human Sovereign is invincible!”

“Human Sovereign is invincible!”


Tens of thousands of Practitioners are all excited at this moment, and many people can’t help but yell!

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